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Feel Great, Lose Weight: Simple Habits for Lasting and Sustainable Weight Loss – by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

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We all know that losing weight sustainably tends to be harder than simply losing weight. We know that weight loss needs to come with lifestyle change. But how to get there?

One of the biggest problems that we might face while trying to lose weight is that our “metabolic thermostat” has got stuck at the wrong place. Trying to move it just makes our bodies think we are starving, and everything gets even worse. We can’t even “mind over matter” our way through it with willpower, because our bodies will do impressive things on a cellular level in an attempt to save us… Things that are as extraordinary as they are extraordinarily unhelpful.

Dr. Rangan Chatterjee is here to help us cut through that.

In this book, he covers how our metabolic thermostat got stuck in the wrong place, and how to gently tease it back into a better position.

Some advices won’t be big surprises—go for a whole foods diet, avoiding processed food, for example. Probably not a shocker.

Others are counterintuitive, but he explains how they work—exercising less while moving more, for instance. Sounds crazy, but we assure you there’s a metabolic explanation for it that’s beyond the scope of this review. And there’s plenty more where that came from, too.

Bottom line: if your weight has been either slowly rising, or else very stable but at a higher point than you’d like, Dr. Chatterjee can help you move the bar back to where you want it—and keep it there.

Click here to check out “Feel Great, Lose Weight” and reset your metabolic thermostat to its healthiest point!

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