Fast Exercise – by Dr. Michael Mosley & Peta Bee

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We’ve written before about the benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), but there’s more to say than we can fit in a short article!

Dr. Michael Mosley, who hates exercise but knows his stuff when it comes to the benefits, teamed up with Peta Bee, who loves exercise and is a science journalist with degrees in sports science and nutrition, to bring us this book.

In it, we learn a lot about:

  • the science of HIIT
  • what makes it so different from most kinds of exercise
  • exactly what benefits one can expect

…in a very detailed clinical fashion (while still remaining very readable).

By “very detailed clinical fashion”, here we mean “one minute of this kind of exercise this many times per week over this period of time will give this many extra healthy life-years”, for example, along with lots of research to back numbers, and explanations of the mechanisms of action (e.g. reducing inflammatory biomarkers of aging, increasing cellular apoptosis, improving cardiometabolic stats for reduced CVD risk, and many things)

There’s also time/space given over to exactly what to do and how to do it, giving enough options to suit personal tastes/circumstances.

Bottom line: if you’d like to make your exercise work a lot harder for you while you spend a lot less time working out, then this book will help you do just that!

Click here to check out Fast Exercise, and enjoy the benefits!

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  • Self-Compassion – by Dr. Kristin Neff
  • Blue Cheese vs Brunost – Which is Healthier?
    In the dairy duel of brunost vs blue cheese, brunost triumphs with superior vitamins and minerals while both remain healthy in moderation.

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  • Sea Salt vs MSG – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing sea salt to MSG, we picked the MSG.


    Surprise! Or maybe not? The results of the poll for this one should be interesting, and will help us know whether we need to keep mentioning in every second recipe that MSG is a healthier alternative to salt.

    First of all, two things:

    • Don’t be fooled by their respective names, and/or with such, an appeal to naturalism. For example, hydroxybenzoic acids are a major group of beneficial phenolic compounds, whereas hemlock is a wildflower that grows in this writer’s garden and will kill you if you eat it. Actually hydroxybenzoic acids also grow here (on the apple tree), but that’s not the point. The point is: worry less about names, and more about evidence!
    • Don’t be fooled by the packaging. A lot of products go for “greenwashing” of one kind or another. You’re not eating the packaging (hopefully), so don’t be swayed by a graphic designer’s implementation of a marketing team’s aesthetic choices.

    If naturalism is for some reason very important to you though, do bear in mind that glutamates occur generously in many common foodstuffs (tomatoes are a fine, healthy example) and eating tomato in the presence of salt will have the same biochemical effect as eating MSG, because it’s the same chemicals.

    Since there are bad rumors about MSG’s safety, especially in the US where there is often a strong distrust of anything associated with China (actually MSG was first isolated in Japan, more than 100 years ago, by Japanese biochemist Dr. Kikunae Ikeda, but that gets drowned out by the “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” fear in the US), know that this has resulted in MSG being one of the most-studied food additives in the last 40 years or so, with many teams of scientists trying to determine its risks and not finding any (aside from the same that could be said of any substance; anything in sufficient excess will kill you, including water or oxygen).

    Well, that’s all been about safety, but what makes it healthier than sea salt?

    Simply, it has about ⅓ of the sodium content, that’s all. So, if you are laboring all day in a field under the hot summer sun, then probably the sea salt will be healthier, to replenish more of the sodium you lost through sweat. But for most people most of the time, having less sodium rather than more is the healthier option.

    Want to learn more?

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    Take care!

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  • We looked at 700 plant-based foods to see how healthy they really are. Here’s what we found

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    If you’re thinking about buying plant-based foods, a trip to the supermarket can leave you bewildered.

    There are plant-based burgers, sausages and mince. The fridges are loaded with non-dairy milk, cheese and yoghurt. Then there are the tins of beans and packets of tofu.

    But how much is actually healthy?

    Our nutritional audit of more than 700 plant-based foods for sale in Australian supermarkets has just been published. We found some products are so high in salt or saturated fat, we’d struggle to call them “healthy”.

    We took (several) trips to the supermarket

    In 2022, we visited two of each of four major supermarket retailers across Melbourne to collect information on the available range of plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products.

    We took pictures of the products and their nutrition labels.

    We then analysed the nutrition information on the packaging of more than 700 of these products. This included 236 meat substitutes, 169 legumes and pulses, 50 baked beans, 157 dairy milk substitutes, 52 cheese substitutes and 40 non-dairy yoghurts.

    Plant-based meats were surprisingly salty

    We found a wide range of plant-based meats for sale. So, it’s not surprising we found large variations in their nutrition content.

    Sodium, found in added salt and which contributes to high blood pressure, was our greatest concern.

    The sodium content varied from 1 milligram per 100 grams in products such as tofu, to 2,000mg per 100g in items such as plant-based mince products.

    This means we could eat our entire daily recommended sodium intake in just one bowl of plant-based mince.

    An audit of 66 plant-based meat products in Australian supermarkets conducted in 2014 found sodium ranged from 316mg in legume-based products to 640mg in tofu products, per 100g. In a 2019 audit of 137 products, the range was up to 1,200mg per 100g.

    In other words, the results of our audit seems to show a consistent trend of plant-based meats getting saltier.

    Plant-based meat on supermarket shelves
    Looking for plant-based meat? Check the label for the sodium content.
    Michael Vi/Shutterstock

    What about plant-based milks?

    Some 70% of the plant-based milks we audited were fortified with calcium, a nutrient important for bone health.

    This is good news as a 2019-2020 audit of 115 plant-based milks from Melbourne and Sydney found only 43% of plant-based milks were fortified with calcium.

    Of the fortified milks in our audit, almost three-quarters (73%) contained the recommended amount of calcium – at least 100mg per 100mL.

    We also looked at the saturated fat content of plant-based milks.

    Coconut-based milks had on average up to six times higher saturated fat content than almond, oat or soy milks.

    Previous audits also found coconut-based milks were much higher in saturated fat than all other categories of milks.

    Supermarket shelves of plant-based milks
    Some plant-based milks were healthier than others.
    TY Lim/Shutterstock

    A first look at cheese and yoghurt alternatives

    Our audit is the first study to identify the range of cheese and yoghurt alternatives available in Australian supermarkets.

    Calcium was only labelled on a third of plant-based yoghurts, and only 20% of supermarket options met the recommended 100mg of calcium per 100g.

    For plant-based cheeses, most (92%) were not fortified with calcium. Their sodium content varied from 390mg to 1,400mg per 100g, and saturated fat ranged from 0g to 28g per 100g.

    So, what should we consider when shopping?

    As a general principle, try to choose whole plant foods, such as unprocessed legumes, beans or tofu. These foods are packed with vitamins and minerals. They’re also high in dietary fibre, which is good for your gut health and keeps you fuller for longer.

    If opting for a processed plant-based food, here are five tips for choosing a healthier option.

    1. Watch the sodium

    Plant-based meat alternatives can be high in sodium, so look for products that have around 150-250mg sodium per 100g.

    2. Pick canned beans and legumes

    Canned chickpeas, lentils and beans can be healthy and low-cost additions to many meals. Where you can, choose canned varieties with no added salt, especially when buying baked beans.

    3. Add herbs and spices to your tofu

    Tofu can be a great alternative to meat. Check the label and pick the option with the highest calcium content. We found flavoured tofu was higher in salt and sugar content than minimally processed tofu. So it’s best to pick an unflavoured option and add your own flavours with spices and herbs.

    4. Check the calcium

    When choosing a non-dairy alternative to milk, such as those made from soy, oat, or rice, check it is fortified with calcium. A good alternative to traditional dairy will have at least 100mg of calcium per 100g.

    5. Watch for saturated fat

    If looking for a lower saturated fat option, almond, soy, rice and oat varieties of milk and yoghurt alternatives have much lower saturated fat content than coconut options. Pick those with less than 3g per 100g.The Conversation

    Laura Marchese, PhD Student at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University and Katherine Livingstone, NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Why Curcumin (Turmeric) Is Worth Its Weight In Gold

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Curcumin (Turmeric) is worth its weight in gold

    Not financially! But, this inexpensive golden spice has an impressive list of well-studied health benefits, for something so freely available in any supermarket, and there’s a reason it gets a place in “Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen”, right up there with things like “leafy greens” and “berries” when it comes to superfoods.

    Let’s do a quick run-down:

    In short, it’s—like we said—worth its weight in gold.

    Quick advice though before we move on…

    If you take curcumin with black pepper, it allows your body to use the curcumin around 2,000% better. This goes whether you’re cooking with both, or take them as a supplement (they’re commonly sold as a combo-capsule for this reason).

    Want to get some?

    Click Here To Check It Out On Amazon

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  • Superfood Soba Noodle Salad

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    This Japanese dish is packed with nutrients and takes very little preparation time, involving only one cooked ingredient, and a healthy one at that!

    You will need

    • 8 oz dried soba noodles
    • ½ bulb garlic, finely chopped
    • 2 tbsp avocado oil
    • 2 tsp soy sauce
    • ¼ cucumber, cut into thin batons (don’t peel it first)
    • ½ carrot, grated (don’t peel it first)
    • 6 cherry tomatoes, halved (you wouldn’t peel these, right? Please don’t)
    • ½ red onion, finely sliced (ok, this one you can peel first! Please do)
    • 1 tbsp chia seeds
    • 1 tsp crushed red chili flakes
    • Garnish: fresh parsley, chopped


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Cook the soba noodles (boil in water for 10 mins or until soft). Rinse with cold water (which lowers the glycemic index further, and also we want them cold anyway) and set aside.

    2) Make the dressing by blending the garlic, avocado oil, and soy cauce. Set it aside.

    3) Assemble the salad by thoroughly but gently mixing the noodles with the cucumber, carrot, tomatoes, and onion. Add the dressing, the chia seeds, and the chili flakes, and toss gently to combine.

    4) Serve, adding the parsley garnish.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • What Weston Price Got Right (And Wrong)

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Weston Price: What Stood The Test of Time?

    This is Dr. Weston Price, a dentist. You may guess from the photo, or perhaps already knew, his work is not new in 2023. We usually feature current health experts here, but we’re taking a day to do a blast from the past, because his ideas endure today, and inform a lot of people’s health views. So, he’s a good one to at least know about.

    What was his deal?

    Dr. Price (1870–1948) wanted to study focal infection theory—the idea that repairing root canals allowed bacterial infections that caused everything from heart disease to arthritis. His solution was that the teeth should be extracted instead.

    This theory was popular in the 1920s, was challenged in the 1930s, ignored in the 1940s (the world was a bit busy), and by broad medical consensus anyway, rejected in the 1950s. But, while it was being challenged in the 1930s, Dr. Price decided to find more evidence for its support.

    The result was his famous world tour of peoples living traditional lifestyles without the influence of “modern” diet. His findings, and the conclusions he drew from them, extended to far more than just dental health.

    What did he find?

    Dr. Price found that people living traditional lifestyles, with their traditional diets based on locally-sourced foods, had much better overall health. Of course, he was a dentist and not a general practitioner, so aside from examining their teeth, he largely relied on self-reported diagnoses of illness, or lack thereof.

    In short: he found that people in places without modern medical institutions had fewer diagnoses of disease. From this, he concluded that incidence of disease was much lower.

    There was also an unexamined element of survivorship bias—an undiagnosed disease is more likely to be fatal, and he questioned only living people, which skewed the stats rather. Nor did he examine infant mortality rate nor adult life expectancy, both of which were not great.

    Was it all useless, then?

    Actually no! He did hit upon some observations that have stood the test of time:

    • He correctly concluded that modern diets with sugar and white flour were ruinous to the health.
    • He correctly concluded that locally-sourced food, and grass-fed in the case of pastoral farming, tended to have much more nutritional value than the mass-produced results of intensive farming.
    • He correctly concluded that many modern preservation methods robbed foods of their nutrients.
    • He correctly concluded that many grains and seeds are more nutritions when fermented/soaked/sprouted.

    About that “locally-sourced food”: the reason locally-sourced food tends to be more nutritious is that it has required less in the way of preservation for a long trip around the world, and will also tend to be fresher.

    On the other hand, this does mean a lot of the foods that Dr. Price recommends are very much subject to availability. It may well be true that the Inuit people do not eat a lot of fruit and veg (which mostly do not grow there), but if you live in Nevada, maybe locally-sourced whale fat is just as difficult to find.

    One person’s “this fatty organ meat contains the vitamin C we need” may be another person’s “that’s great; I have an apple tree in my garden though”.

    Want to learn more?

    Dr. Price’s most influential work is his magnum opus, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”. It’s a fascinating book, but do be warned, it was written by a rich white man in 1939 and the writing is as racist as you might expect. Even when making favourable comparisons, the tone is very much “and here is what these savages are doing well”.

    If you don’t fancy reading all that, here are two other sources about Weston Price’s work and conclusions, presented for balance:


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  • Slow-Cooker Moroccan Tagine

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Tagine (طاجين) (tā-jīn) is a traditional dish named after, well, the traditional dish that it’s cooked in. Here’s an example tagine pot on Amazon. It’s a very nifty bit of kit, and while it’s often used for cooking over charcoal, one of its features is that if you have a hot sunny day, you can just leave it out in the sun and it will cook the contents nicely. Today though, we’re going to assume you don’t have one of these, and are going to give instructions for cooking a tagine-style dish with a slow cooker, which we’re going to assume you do have.

    You will need

    • 2 large red onions, finely chopped
    • 2 large red peppers, cut into 1″ chunks
    • 2 large zucchini, cut into ½” chunks
    • 1 large eggplant, cut into ½” chunks
    • 3 cups tomato passata
    • 2 cups cooked chickpeas
    • 16 pitted Medjool dates, chopped
    • ½ bulb garlic, finely chopped
    • 1 tbsp ras el-hanout
    • A little extra virgin olive oil


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Let your slow cooker heat up while you chop the things that need chopping

    2) Add a splash of olive oil to the slow cooker; ensure the base is coated and there’s a little oil spare in there too; a thin coat to the base plus a couple of tbsp should do it nicely.

    3) Add the onions and garlic, and leave for an hour.

    4) Add the passata, dates, ras el-hanout, stir it and leave for an hour.

    5) Add the chickpeas, peppers, and eggplant; stir it and leave for an hour.

    6) Add the zucchini, stir it and leave for an hour.

    7) Serve—it goes great with its traditional pairing of wholegrain couscous, but if you prefer, you can use our tasty versatile rice. In broader culinary terms, serving it with any carb is fine.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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