The Tiniest Seeds With The Most Value

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If You’re Not Taking Chia, You’re Missing Out

Last Tuesday, we wrote about nutritional psychiatry, and the benefits of eating for one’s mental health.

You can check out Dr. Uma Naidoo’s to-dos, here:

The 6 Pillars Of Nutritional Psychiatry

In response, one of our subscribers wrote to mention:

❝Really interesting….just put chia seeds in my diet love them……taking the Drs advice.❞

~ Cindy, 10almonds subscriber

And then! On Friday, our tip at the top of the newsletter was:

Not sure how to incorporate chia seeds into your diet? It’s easier to want the benefits of their many brain-healthy (and otherwise-healthy, too) nutrients, than it is to know what to do with them necessarily, and not everyone enjoys seeds as a snack. So…

When you cook rice, throw in a tablespoon of chia seeds too. The cooking process will soften them and they won’t be texturally any different than the rice, but the nutrients will be all there.

They can also be thrown in with lentils, in the same fashion! Or oatmeal, when cooking it or making overnight oats.

We’ll be honest, it was Cindy’s comment that prompted us to suggest it. But wait! There was more to come in response:

❝You had a teaser ..on Chia seed.would of liked a article on the benefits . I’ve just discovered Chia seeds…❞

~ Cindy, 10almonds subscriber

So, Cindy, this one’s for you:

Nutritional powerhouse

First things first, these tiny seeds have a lot of nutrients. There are not many more nutrient-dense foods than this (there’s a kind of seaweed that might be a contender; we’ll have to do some research and get back to you).

Check them out:

USDA Nutritional Factsheet: Chia Seeds

So much protein and healthy fat, so many vitamins and minerals, and so many miscellaneous other micronutrients that we’d be here all day to list them (which is why we linked the above factsheet instead).

Antioxidants in abundance

These deserve a special mention, because they include quercetin which we’ve written about previously:

Fight Inflammation & Protect Your Brain, With Quercetin

…as well as quite a collection of others (including chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid, which may sound alarming but are great for lowering your blood pressure and against inflammation, respectively):

There are others too, with cardioprotective effects, liver-healthy effects, and anticancer properties:

Nutritional and therapeutic perspectives of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.): a review

Good for the heart and blood

Check it out:

Oh, and about diabetes? There’s more, this time pertaining to reducing after-dinner blood sugars (or “postpranidial glycemia”, in sciencese):

Good for the brain

Regular 10almonds readers will know that “what’s good for the blood, is good for the brain” is a very good rule of thumb already, but their highomega-3 content makes them especially so:

What Omega-3 Fatty Acids Really Do For Us

Want some?

We don’t sell them, but you can probably find them in your local supermarket and/or health food store, and if you prefer getting things online, here for your convenience is an example product on Amazon


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  • The Medicinal Properties Of Bay Leaves
  • Fruit, Fiber, & Leafy Greens… On A Low-FODMAP Diet!
    Navigating a FODMAP-sensitive diet? Learn how to maintain fiber intake without the discomfort, from low-FODMAP fruits and veggies to grains that won’t trigger IBS.

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  • Food for Thought – by Lorraine Perretta

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    What are “brain foods”? If you think for a moment, you can probably list a few. What this book does is better.

    As well as providing the promised 50 recipes (which themselves are varied, good, and easy), Perretta explains the science of very many brain-healthy ingredients. Not just that, but also the science of a lot of brain-unhealthy ingredients. In the latter case, probably things you already knew to stay away from, but still, it’s a good reminder of one more reason why.

    Nor does she merely sort things into brain-healthy (or brain-unhealthy, or brain-neutral), but rather she gives lists of “this for memory” and “this against depression” and “this for cognition” and “this against stress” and so forth.

    Perhaps the greatest value of this book is in that; her clear explanations with science that’s simplified but not dumbed down. The recipes are definitely great too, though!

    Bottom line: if you’d like to eat more for brain health, this book will give you many ways of doing so

    Click here to check out Food for Thought, and upgrade your recipes!

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  • Night School – by Dr. Richard Wiseman

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Sleep is a largely neglected part of health for most people. Compared to factors like food and exercise, it’s something that experientially we’re mostly not present for! Little wonder then that we also often feel like it’s outside of our control.

    While Dr. Wiseman does cover the usual advices with regard to getting good sleep, this book has a lot more than that.

    Assuming that they go beyond the above, resources about sleep can usually be divided into one of two categories:

    • Hard science: lots about brainwaves, sleep phases, circadian rhythms, melatonin production, etc… But nothing very inspiring!
    • Fantastical whimsy: lots about dreams, spiritualism, and not a scientific source to be found… Nothing very concrete!

    This book does better.

    We get the science and the wonder. When it comes to lucid dreaming, sleep-learning, sleep hypnosis, or a miraculously reduced need for sleep, everything comes with copious scientific sources or not at all. Dr. Wiseman is well-known in his field for brining scientific skepticism to paranormal claims, by the way—so it’s nice to read how he can do this without losing his sense of wonder. Think of him as the Carl Sagan of sleep, perhaps.

    Style-wise, the book is pop-science and easy-reading. Unsurprising, for a professional public educator and science-popularizer.

    Structurally, the main part of the book is divided into lessons. Each of these come with background science and principles first, then a problem that we might want to solve, then exercises to do, to get the thing we want. It’s at once a textbook and an instruction manual.

    Bottom line: this is a very inspiring book with a lot of science. Whether you’re looking to measurably boost your working memory or heal trauma through dreams, this book has everything.

    Click here to check out Night School and learn what your brain can do!

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  • Missing Microbes – by Dr. Martin Blaser

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    You probably know that antibiotic resistance is a problem, but you might not realize just what a many-headed beast antibiotic overuse is.

    From growing antibiotic superbugs, to killing the friendly bacteria that normally keep pathogens down to harmless numbers (resulting in death of the host, as the pathogens multiply unopposed), to multiple levels of dangers in antibiotic overuse in the farming of animals, this book is scary enough that you might want to save it for Halloween.

    But, Dr. Blaser does not argue against antibiotic use when it’s necessary; many people are alive because of antibiotics—he himself recovered from typhoid because of such.

    The style of the book is narrative, but information-dense. It does not succumb to undue sensationalization, but it’s also far from being a dry textbook.

    Bottom line: if you’d like to understand the real problems caused by antibiotics, and how we can combat that beyond merely “try not to take them unnecessarily”, this book is very worthy reading.

    Click here to check out Missing Microbes, and learn more about yours!

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  • The Medicinal Chef – by Dale Pinnock

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The philosophy here is very much like our own—to borrow from Hippocrates: “let food be thy medicine”. Obviously please do also let medicine be thy medicine if you need it, but the point is that food is a very good starting place for combatting a lot of disease.

    To this end, instead of labelling the recipes with such things as “V”, “Ve”, “GF” and suchlike, it assumes we can tell those things from the ingredients lists, and instead labels things per what they are especially good for:

    • S: skin
    • J: joints & bones
    • R: respiratory system
    • I: immune system
    • M: metabolic health
    • N: nervous system and mental health
    • H: heart and circulation
    • D: digestive system
    • U: reproductive & urinary systems

    As for the recipes themselves… They’re a lot like the recipes we share here at 10almonds in their healthiness, skill level, and balance of easy-to-find ingredients with the occasional “order it online” items that punch above their weight. In fact, we’ll probably modify some of the recipes for sharing here.

    Bottom line: if you’re looking for genuinely healthy recipes that are neither too basic nor too arcane, this book has about 80 of them.

    Click here to check out The Medicinal Chef: Healthy Every Day, and be healthy every day!

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  • The Fascinating Truth About Aspartame, Cancer, & Neurotoxicity

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Is Aspartame’s Reputation Well-Deserved?

    A bar chart showing the number of people who are interested in social media and Aspartame.

    In Tuesday’s newsletter, we asked you for your health-related opinions on aspartame, and got the above-depicted, below-described, set of responses:

    • About 47% said “It is an evil carcinogenic neurotoxin”
    • 20% said “It is safe-ish, but has health risks that are worse than sugar”
    • About 19% said “It is not healthy, but better than sugar”
    • About 15% said “It’s a perfectly healthy replacement for sugar”

    But what does the science say?

    Aspartame is carcinogenic: True or False?

    False, assuming consuming it in moderation. In excess, almost anything can cause cancer (oxygen is a fine example). But for all meaningful purposes, aspartame does not appear to be carcinogenic. For example,

    ❝The results of these studies showed no evidence that these sweeteners cause cancer or other harms in people.❞

    ~ NIH | National Cancer Institute

    Source: Artificial Sweeteners and Cancer

    Plenty of studies and reviews have also confirmed this; here are some examples:

    Why then do so many people believe it causes cancer, despite all the evidence against it?

    Well, there was a small study involving giving megadoses to rats, which did increase their cancer risk. So of course, the popular press took that and ran with it.

    But those results have not been achieved outside of rats, and human studies great and small have all been overwhelmingly conclusive that moderate consumption of aspartame has no effect on cancer risk.

    Aspartame is a neurotoxin: True or False?

    False, again assuming moderate consumption. If you’re a rat being injected with a megadose, your experience may vary. But a human enjoying a diet soda, the aspartame isn’t the part that’s doing you harm, so far as we know.

    For example, the European Food Safety Agency’s scientific review panel concluded:

    ❝there is still no substantive evidence that aspartame can induce such effects❞

    ~ Dr. Atkin et al (it was a pan-European team of 21 experts in the field)

    Source: Report on the Meeting on Aspartame with National Experts

    See also,

    ❝The data from the extensive investigations into the possibility of neurotoxic effects of aspartame, in general, do not support the hypothesis that aspartame in the human diet will affect nervous system function, learning or behavior.

    The weight of existing evidence is that aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption as a nonnutritive sweetener.❞

    ~ Dr. Magnuson et al.

    Source: Aspartame: A Safety Evaluation Based on Current Use Levels, Regulations, and Toxicological and Epidemiological Studies


    ❝The safety testing of aspartame has gone well beyond that required to evaluate the safety of a food additive.

    When all the research on aspartame, including evaluations in both the premarketing and postmarketing periods, is examined as a whole, it is clear that aspartame is safe, and there are no unresolved questions regarding its safety under conditions of intended use.❞

    ~ Dr. Stegink et al.

    Source: Regulatory Toxicology & Pharmacology | Aspartame: Review of Safety

    Why then do many people believe it is a neurotoxin? This one can be traced back to a chain letter hoax from about 26 years ago; you can read it here, but please be aware it is an entirely debunked hoax:

    Urban Legends | Aspartame Hoax

    Take care!

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  • Ginkgo Biloba, For Memory And, Uh, What Else Again?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Ginkgo biloba, for memory and, uh, what else again?

    Ginkgo biloba extract has enjoyed use for thousands of years for an assortment of uses, and has made its way from Traditional Chinese Medicine, to the world supplement market at large. See:

    Ginkgo biloba: A Treasure of Functional Phytochemicals with Multimedicinal Applications

    But what does the science say about the specific claims?

    Antioxidant & anti-inflammatory

    We’re going to lump these two qualities together for examination, since one invariably leads to the other.

    A quick note: things that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, often also help guard against cancer and aging. However, in this case, there are few good studies pertaining to anti-aging, and none that we could find pertaining to anti-cancer potential.

    So, does it have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, first?

    Yes, it has potent antioxidants that do fight inflammation; this is clear, from an abundance of in vitro and in vivo studies, including with human patients:

    In short: it helps, and there’s plenty of science for it.

    What about anti-aging effects?

    For this, there is science, but a lot of the science is not great. As one team of researchers concluded while doing a research review of their own:

    ❝Based on the reviewed information regarding EGb’s effects in vitro and in vivo, most have reported very positive outcomes with strong statistical analyses, indicating that EGb must have some sort of beneficial effect.

    However, information from the reported clinical trials involving EGb are hardly conclusive since many do not include information such as the participant’s age and physical condition, drug doses administered, duration of drug administered as well as suitable control groups for comparison.

    We therefore call on clinicians and clinician-scientists to establish a set of standard and reliable standard operating procedure for future clinical studies to properly evaluate EGb’s effects in the healthy and diseased person since it is highly possible it possesses beneficial effects.❞

    Translation from sciencese: “These results are great, but come on, please, we are begging you to use more robust methodology”

    ~ Zuo et al

    If you’d like to read the review in question, here it is:

    Advances in the Studies of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Extract on Aging-Related Diseases

    Does it have cognitive enhancement effects?

    The claims here are generally that it helps:

    • improve memory
    • improve focus
    • reduce cognitive decline
    • reduce anxiety and depression

    Let’s break these down:

    Does it improve memory and cognition?

    Ginkgo biloba was quite popular for memory 20+ years ago, and perhaps had an uptick in popularity in the wake of the 1999 movie “Analyze This” in which the protagonist psychiatrist mentions taking ginkgo biloba, because “it helps my memory, and I forget what else”.

    Here are a couple of studies from not long after that:

    In short:

    • in the first study, it helped in standardized tests of memory and cognition (quite convincing)
    • In the second study, it helped in subjective self-reports of mental wellness (also placebo-controlled)

    On the other hand, here’s a more recent research review ten years later, that provides measures of memory, executive function and attention in 1132, 534 and 910 participants, respectively. That’s quite a few times more than the individual studies we cited above, by the way. They concluded:

    ❝We report that G. biloba had no ascertainable positive effects on a range of targeted cognitive functions in healthy individuals❞

    ~ Laws et al

    Read: Is Ginkgo biloba a cognitive enhancer in healthy individuals? A meta-analysis

    Our (10almonds) conclusion: we can’t say either way, on this one.

    Does it have neuroprotective effects (i.e., against cognitive decline)?

    Yes—probably by the same mechanism will discuss shortly.

    Can it help against depression and anxiety?

    Yes—but probably indirectly by the mechanism we’ll get to in a moment:

    Likely this helps by improving blood flow, as illustrated better per:

    Efficacy of ginkgo biloba extract as augmentation of venlafaxine in treating post-stroke depression

    Which means…

    Bonus: improved blood flow

    This mechanism may support the other beneficial effects.

    See: Ginkgo biloba extract improves coronary blood flow in healthy elderly adults

    Is it safe?

    Ginkgo biloba extract* is generally recognized as safe.

    • However, as it improves blood flow, please don’t take it if you have a bleeding disorder.
    • Additionally, it may interact badly with SSRIs, so you might want to avoid it if you’re taking such (despite it having been tested and found beneficial as an adjuvant to citalopram, an SSRI, in one of the studies above).
    • No list of possible contraindications can be exhaustive, so please consult your own doctor/pharmacist before taking something new.

    *Extract, specifically. The seeds and leaves of this plant are poisonous. Sometimes “all natural” is not better.

    Where can I get it?

    As ever, we don’t sell it (or anything else), but here’s an example product on Amazon


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