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Myth Busting

Here we reveal the truth behind common health tips and tricks

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Brain computer interfaces, also known as brain chips, are safe and innovative technologies that allow for direct communication between the human brain and computer systems. These interfaces enable individuals to control devices or navigate virtual

Are Brain Chips Safe?

BCIs have potential, but safety concerns remain. Animal trials for Neuralink went poorly, while the Utah Array has a better safety record. Privacy and safety are valid worries.

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A cartoon of a woman debunking migraine myths.

Migraine Mythbusting

Migraine: When Headaches Are More Than Just a Headache. Learn about the defining characteristics of a migraine and the neurological factors at play. Find resources for treatment options.

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Decongestants are commonly used cold medicines that can have an impact on heart health.

Cold Medicines & Heart Health

Cold Medicines & Heart Health: Consider alternative decongestants after ineffective decongestants were removed from shelves. Pseudoephedrine works but raises blood pressure. Antihistamines and drug-free options are safer alternatives. Take care!

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