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Brave is a 1-minute book review that examines Everyday Acts of Courage.

Brave: 50 Everyday Acts of Courage to Thrive in Work, Love, and Life – by Dr. Margie Warrell

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Whether it’s the courage to jump out of a plane or the courage to have a difficult conversation, bravery is an important quality that we often don’t go far out of our way to grow. At least, not as adults.

Rather than viewing bravery as a static attribute—you either have it or you don’t—psychologist Dr. Margie Warrell makes the case for its potential for lifelong development.

The book is divided into five sections:

  1. Live purposefully
  2. Speak bravely
  3. Work passionately
  4. Dig deep
  5. Dare boldly

…and each has approximately 10 chapters, each a few pages long, the kind that can easily make this a “chapter-a-day” daily reader.

As a quick clarification: that “speak bravely” section isn’t about public speaking, but is rather about speaking up when it counts. Life is too short for regrets, and our interactions with others tend to be what matters most in the long-run. It makes a huge difference to our life!

Dr. Warrell gives us tools to reframe our challenges and tackle them. Rather than just saying “Feel the fear and do it anyway”, she also delivers the how, in all aspects. This is one of the main values the book brings, as well as a sometimes-needed reminder of how and why being brave is something to which we should always aspire… and hold.

Bottom line: if you’d like to be more brave—in any context—this book can help. We only get one life; might as well live it.

Click here to check out Brave and give your life a boost!

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