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Becoming a 1 minute Supple Leopard book review.

Becoming a Supple Leopard – by Dr. Kelly Starrett and Glen Cordoza

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We’ve previously reviewed Dr. Starrett’s other book, “Built To Move“, and now today we’ll review his more famous book!

Why is this one so famous? It’s popularly considered “the Bible of Cross-Fit”, even though it’s not at all marketed as such, and nor does it talk about Cross Fit directly. But: people who are interested in being fit, fast, strong, mobile, stable, and so forth, tend to invest in this book at some point if they are serious.

The book is big, heavy, and textbook-like. This isn’t a quick light read. This is a “study over the course of a year or more while doing your physiotherapy degree” book. And yet, it’s written for the widest audience, and as such, everything is explained from the ground up, so no prior knowledge is expected.

It does have pictures, which are clear and helpful, though the print version is better for this than the Kindle edition.

The subtitle of the book is no lie; it does indeed cover all those things, deeply and at length, for everything musculoskeletal.

Bottom line: this book will seriously improve your knowledge and understanding of all things body mechanics and related body maintenance. If you care to get/remain fit/strong/mobile/etc, this book is a fine cornerstone for such endeavors.

Click here to check out Becoming A Supple Leopard, and become a supple leopard!*

*Metaphorically. Furry metamorphosis is not a side-effect. Suppleness, however, is on offer. Yes, even for you, dear reader!

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