Cherries vs Cranberries – Which is Healthier?

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Our Verdict

When comparing cherries to cranberries, we picked the cherries.


In terms of macros, cherries have a little more protein (but it’s not much) while cranberries have a little more fiber. Despite this, cherries have the lower glycemic index—about half that of cranberries.

In the category of vitamins, cherries have a lot more of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9, and a little more choline, while cranberries have more of vitamins B5, B6, C, E, and K. A modest win for cherries here.

When it comes to minerals, things are more divided: cherries have more calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, while cranberries have more manganese. An easy win for cherries here.

This all adds up to a total win for cherries, but both of these fruits are great and both have their own beneficial properties (see our main features below!)

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  • Before You Eat Breakfast: 3 Surprising Facts About Intermittent Fasting

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Dr. William Li is well-known for his advocacy of “eating to beat disease”, and/but today he has advice for us about not eating to beat disease. In moderation, of course, thus: intermittent fasting.

    The easy way

    Dr. Li explains the benefits of intermittent fasting; how it improves the metabolism and gives the body a chance to do much-needed maintainance, including burning off any excess fat we had hanging around.

    However, rather than calling for us to do anything unduly Spartan, he points out that it’s already very natural for us to fast while sleeping, so we only need to add a couple of hours before and after sleeping (assuming an 8 hour sleep), to make it to a 12-hour fast for close to zero effort and probably no discomfort.

    And yes, he argues that a 12-hour fast is beneficial, and even if 16 hours would be better, we do not need to beat ourselves up about getting to 16; what is more important is sustainability of the practice.

    Dr. Li advocates for flexibility in fasting, and that it should be done by what manner is easiest, rather than trying to stick to something religiously (of course, if you do fast for religious reasons, that is another matter, and/but beyond the scope of this today).

    For more information on each of these, as well as examples and tips, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

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    Take care!

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  • Becoming a Supple Leopard – by Dr. Kelly Starrett and Glen Cordoza

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We’ve previously reviewed Dr. Starrett’s other book, “Built To Move“, and now today we’ll review his more famous book!

    Why is this one so famous? It’s popularly considered “the Bible of Cross-Fit”, even though it’s not at all marketed as such, and nor does it talk about Cross Fit directly. But: people who are interested in being fit, fast, strong, mobile, stable, and so forth, tend to invest in this book at some point if they are serious.

    The book is big, heavy, and textbook-like. This isn’t a quick light read. This is a “study over the course of a year or more while doing your physiotherapy degree” book. And yet, it’s written for the widest audience, and as such, everything is explained from the ground up, so no prior knowledge is expected.

    It does have pictures, which are clear and helpful, though the print version is better for this than the Kindle edition.

    The subtitle of the book is no lie; it does indeed cover all those things, deeply and at length, for everything musculoskeletal.

    Bottom line: this book will seriously improve your knowledge and understanding of all things body mechanics and related body maintenance. If you care to get/remain fit/strong/mobile/etc, this book is a fine cornerstone for such endeavors.

    Click here to check out Becoming A Supple Leopard, and become a supple leopard!*

    *Metaphorically. Furry metamorphosis is not a side-effect. Suppleness, however, is on offer. Yes, even for you, dear reader!

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  • Move over, COVID and Flu! We Have “Hybrid Viruses” To Contend With Now

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Move over, COVID and Flu! We have “hybrid viruses” to contend with now

    COVID and influenza viruses can be serious, of course, so let’s be clear up front that we’re not being dismissive of those. But, most people are hearing a lot about them, whereas respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has flown under a lot of radars.

    Simply put, until recently it hasn’t been considered much of a threat except to the young, the old, or people with other respiratory illnesses. Only these days, the prevalence of “other respiratory illnesses” is a lot higher than it used to be!

    It’s not just a comorbidity

    It’s easy to think “well of course if you have more than one illness at once, especially similar ones, that’s going to suck” but it’s a bit more than that; it produces newer, more interesting, hybrid viruses. Here’s a research paper from last year’s “flu season”:

    Coinfection by influenza A virus and respiratory syncytial virus produces hybrid virus particles

    Best to be aware of this if you’re in the “older” age-range

    It’s not just that the older we are, the more likely we are to get it. Critically, the older we are, the more likely we are to be hospitalized by it.

    And..the older we are, the less likely we are to come back from hospital if hospitalized by it.

    Some years back, the intensive care and mortality rates for people over the age of 65 were 8% and 7%, respectively:

    Respiratory syncytial virus infection in elderly and high-risk adults

    …but a new study this year has found the rates like to be 2.2x that, i.e. 15% intensive care rate and 18% mortality, respectively:

    Adjusting for Case Under-Ascertainment in Estimating RSV Hospitalisation Burden of Older Adults in High-Income Countries: a Systematic Review and Modelling Study

    Want to know more?

    Here are some hot-off-the-press news articles on the topic:

    And as for what to do…

    Same general advice as for COVID and Flu, just, ever-more important:

    • Try to keep to well-ventilated places as much as possible
    • Get any worrying symptoms checked out quickly
    • Mask up when appropriate
    • Get your shots as appropriate

    See also:

    Harvard Health Review | Fall shots: Who’s most vulnerable to RSV, COVID, and the flu, and which shots are the right choice for you to help protect against serious illness and hospitalization?

    Stay safe!

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  • Do we really need to burp babies? Here’s what the research says

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Parents are often advised to burp their babies after feeding them. Some people think burping after feeding is important to reduce or prevent discomfort crying, or to reduce how much a baby regurgitates milk after a feed.

    It is true babies, like adults, swallow air when they eat. Burping releases this air from the top part of our digestive tracts. So when a baby cries after a feed, many assume it’s because the child needs to “be burped”. However, this is not necessarily true.

    Why do babies cry or ‘spit up’ after a feed?

    Babies cry for a whole host of reasons that have nothing to do with “trapped air”.

    They cry when they are hungry, cold, hot, scared, tired, lonely, overwhelmed, needing adult help to calm, in discomfort or pain, or for no identifiable reason. In fact, we have a name for crying with no known cause; it’s called “colic”.

    “Spitting up” – where a baby gently regurgitates a bit of milk after a feed – is common because the muscle at the top of a newborn baby’s stomach is not fully mature. This means what goes down can all too easily go back up.

    Spitting up frequently happens when a baby’s stomach is very full, there is pressure on their tummy or they are picked up after lying down.

    Spitting up after feeding decreases as babies get older. Three-quarters of babies one month old spit up after feeding at least once a day. Only half of babies still spit up at five months and almost all (96%) stop by their first birthdays.

    A woman pats her baby while she or she rests on on her shoulder
    There’s not much research out there on ‘burping’ babies. antoniodiaz/Shutterstock

    Does burping help reduce crying or spitting up?

    Despite parents being advised to burp their babies, there’s not much research evidence on the topic.

    One study conducted in India encouraged caregivers of 35 newborns to burp their babies, while caregivers of 36 newborns were not given any information about burping.

    For the next three months, mothers and caregivers recorded whether their baby would spit up after feeding and whether they showed signs of intense crying.

    This study found burping did not reduce crying and actually increased spitting up.

    When should I be concerned about spitting up or crying?

    Most crying and spitting up is normal. However, these behaviours are not:

    • refusing to feed
    • vomiting so much milk weight gain is slow
    • coughing or wheezing distress while feeding
    • bloody vomit.

    If your baby has any of these symptoms, see a doctor or child health nurse.

    If your baby seems unbothered by vomiting and does not have any other symptoms it is a laundry problem rather than something that needs medical attention.

    It is also normal for babies to cry and fuss quite a lot; two hours a day, for about the first six weeks is the average.

    This has usually reduced to about one hour a day by the time they are three months of age.

    Crying more than this doesn’t necessarily mean there is something wrong. The intense, inconsolable crying of colic is experienced by up to one-quarter of young babies but goes away with time on its own .

    If your baby is crying more than average or if you are worried there might be something wrong, you should see your doctor or child health nurse.

    A man gently pats his newborn baby on the back.
    If your baby likes being ‘burped’, then it’s OK to do it. But don’t stress if you skip it. Miljan Zivkovic/Shutterstock

    Not everyone burps their baby

    Burping babies seems to be traditional practice in some parts of the world and not in others.

    For example, research in Indonesia found most breastfeeding mothers rarely or never burped their babies after feeding.

    One factor that may influence whether a culture encourages burping babies may be related to another aspect of infant care: how much babies are carried.

    Carrying a baby in a sling or baby carrier can reduce the amount of time babies cry.

    Babies who are carried upright on their mother or another caregiver’s front undoubtedly find comfort in that closeness and movement.

    Babies in slings are also being held firmly and upright, which would help any swallowed air to rise up and escape via a burp if needed.

    Using slings can make caring for a baby easier. Studies (including randomised controlled trials) have also shown women have lower rates of post-natal depression and breastfeed for longer when they use a baby sling.

    It is important baby carriers and slings are used safely, so make sure you’re up to date on the latest advice on how to do it.

    So, should I burp my baby?

    The bottom line is: it’s up to you.

    Gently burping a baby is not harmful. If you feel burping is helpful to your baby, then keep doing what you’re doing.

    If trying to burp your baby after every feed is stressing you or your baby out, then you don’t have to keep doing it.

    Karleen Gribble, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University and Nina Jane Chad, Research Fellow, University of Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Exercised – by Dr. Daniel Lieberman

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Surely the title is taking liberties? We must have evolved to exercise, right? Not exactly.

    We evolved to conserve energy. Our strength-to-weight ratio is generally unimpressive, we cannot casually hang in trees, and we spend a third of our lives asleep.

    Strengths that we do have, however, include a large brain and a versatile gut perfect for opportunism. Again, not the indicators of being evolved for exercise.

    So, Dr. Lieberman tells us, if we’re not inclined to get up and go, that’s quite natural. So, why does it feel good when we do get up and go?

    This book covers a lot of the “this not that” aspects of exercise. By this we mean: ways that we can work with or against our bodies, for both physical and psychological fulfilment.

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    Bottom line: this book is for all those who have felt “exercise is not for me” but would also like the benefits of exercise. It turns out that there’s a best-of-both-worlds sweet spot!

    Click here to check out Exercised and get working with your body rather than against it!

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  • Beating Sleep Apnea

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Healthier, Natural Sleep Without Obstruction!

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea, the sleep disorder in which one periodically stops breathing (and thus wakes up) repeatedly through the night, affects about 25% of men and 10% of women:

    Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Single-Center Retrospective Study

    Why the gender split?

    There are clues that suggest it is at least partially hormonal: once women have passed menopause, the gender split becomes equal.

    Are there other risk factors?

    There are few risk other factors; some we can’t control, and some we can:

    • Being older is riskier than being younger
    • Being overweight is riskier than not being overweight
    • Smoking is (what a shock) riskier than not smoking
    • Chronic respiratory diseases increase risk, for example:
      • Asthma
      • COPD
      • Long COVID*—probably. The science is young for this one so far, so we can’t say for sure until more research has been done.
    • Some hormonal conditions increase risk, for example:

    *However, patients already undergoing Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) treatment for obstructive sleep apnea may have an advantage when fighting a COVID infection:

    Prolonged Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sleep Medicine Services—Longitudinal Data from the Swedish Sleep Apnea Registry

    What can we do about it?

    Avoiding the above risk factors, where possible, is great!

    If you are already suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, then you probably already know about the possibility of a CPAP device; it’s a mask that one wears to sleep, and it does what its name says (i.e. it applies continuous positive airway pressure), which keeps the airway open.

    We haven’t tested these, but other people have, so here are some that the Sleep Foundation found to be worthy of note:

    Sleep Foundation | Best CPAP Machines of 2024

    What can we do about it that’s not CPAP?

    Wearing a mask to sleep is not everyone’s preferred way to do things. There are also a plethora of surgeries available, but we’ll not review those, as those are best discussed with your doctor if necessary.

    However, some lifestyle changes can help, including:

    • Lose weight, if overweight. In particular, having a collar size under 16” for women or under 17” for men, is sufficient to significantly reduce the risk of obstructive sleep apnea.
    • Stop smoking, if you smoke. This one, we hope, is self-explanatory.
    • Stop drinking alcohol, or at least reduce intake, if you drink. People who consume alcohol tend to have more frequent, and longer, incidents of obstructive sleep apnea. See also: How To Reduce Or Quit Drinking
    • Avoid sedatives and muscle relaxants, if it is safe for you to do so. Obviously, if you need them to treat some other condition you have, talk this through with your doctor. But basically, they can contribute to the “airway collapses on itself” by reducing the muscular tension that keeps your airway the shape it’s supposed to be.
    • Sleep on your side, not your back. This is just plain physics, and a matter of wear the obstruction falls.
    • Breathe through your nose, not through your mouth. Initially tricky to do while sleeping, but the more you practice it while awake, the more it becomes possible while asleep.
    • Consider a nasal decongestant before sleep, if congestion is a problem for you, as that can help too.

    For more of the science of these, see:

    Cultivating Lifestyle Transformations in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

    There are more medical options available not discussed here, too:

    American Sleep Apnea Association | Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

    Take care!

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