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Gut Health 2.0

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Gene Expression & Gut Health

Dr. Tim Spector, a renowned expert in Gut Health 2.0, offers valuable insights and expertise on the latest advancements in improving gut health and overall well-being. With years of research and

This is Dr. Tim Spector. After training in medicine and becoming a consultant rheumatologist, he’s turned his attention to medical research, and is these days a specialist in twin studies, genetics, epigenetics, microbiome, and diet.

What does he want us to know?

For one thing: epigenetics are for more than just getting your grandparents’ trauma.

More usefully: there are things we can do to improve epigenetic factors in our body

DNA is often seen as the script by which our body does whatever it’s going to do, but it’s only part of the story. Thinking of DNA as some kind of “magical immutable law of reality” overlooks (to labor the metaphor) script revisions, notes made in the margins, directorial choices, and ad-lib improvizations, as well as the quality of the audience’s hearing and comprehension.

Hence the premise of one of Dr. Spector’s older books, “Identically Different: Why We Can Change Our Genes

(*in fact, it was his first, from all the way back in 2013, when he’d only been a doctor for 34 years)

Gene expression will trump genes every time, and gene expression is something that can often be changed without getting in there with CRISPR / a big pair of scissors and some craft glue.

How this happens on the micro level is beyond the scope of today’s article; part of it has to do with enzymes that get involved in the DNA transcription process, and those enzymes in turn are despatched or not depending on hormonal messaging—in the broadest sense of “hormonal”; all the body’s hormonal chemical messengers, not just the ones people think of as hormones.

However, hormonal messaging (of many kinds) is strongly influenced by something we can control relatively easily with a little good (science-based) knowledge: the gut.

The gut, the SAD, and the easy

In broad strokes: we know what is good for the gut. We’ve written about it before at 10almonds:

Making Friends With Your Gut (You Can Thank Us Later)

This is very much in contrast with what in scientific literature is often abbreviated “SAD”, the Standard American Diet, which is very bad for the gut.

However, Dr. Spector (while fully encouraging everyone to enjoy an evidence-based gut-healthy diet) wanted to do one better than just a sweeping one-size-fits-all advice, so he set up a big study with 15,000 identical twins; you can read about it here: TwinsUK

The information that came out of that was about a lot more than just gene expression and gut health, but it did provide the foundation for Dr. Spector’s next project, ZOE.

ZOE crowdsources huge amounts of data including individual metabolic responses to standardized meals in order to predict personalized food responses based on individual biology and unique microbiome profile.

In other words, it takes the guesswork out of a) knowing what your genes mean for your food responses b) tailoring your food choices with your genetic expression in mind, and c) ultimately creating a positive feedback loop to much better health on all levels.

Now, this is not an ad for ZOE, but if you so wish, you can…

Want to know more?

Dr. Spector has a bunch of books out, including some that we’ve reviewed previously:

You can also check out our own previous main feature, which wasn’t about Dr. Spector’s work but was very adjacent:

The Brain-Gut Highway: A Two-Way Street


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