Better Sex Through Mindfulness – by Dr. Lori Brotto

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Female sexuality is such a taboo topic that, if one searches for (ob/gyn professor, women’s health research director, and psychologist) Dr. Brotto’s book on Google or Amazon, it suggests only “lori brotto mindfulness book”. So, for those brave enough to read a book that would have shocked Victorians, what does this one contain?

The focus is on, as the title suggests, better sex, by and for women. That said, it’s mostly because typically women are more likely to experience the problems described in the book; it’s nothing actually intrinsic to womanhood. A man with the same problems could read this book and benefit just the same.

While the book covers many possible problems between the sheets, the overarching theme is problems of the mind, such as:

  • Not getting into the mood in the first place
  • Losing the mood quickly and easily, such as by becoming distracted
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm even when mechanically everything’s delightful
  • Physical discomfort creating a barrier to enjoyment

…and yes, that last one is in part mind-stuff too! Though Dr. Brotto isn’t arguing that mindfulness is a panacea, just an incredibly useful tool. And, it’s one she not only explains very well, but also explains from the position of a wealth of scientific evidence… Enough so, that we see a one-star Amazon reviewer from Canada complained that it was too well-referenced! For us, though, it’s what we like to see.

Good science, presented clearly and usefully, giving practical tips that improve people’s lives.

Bottom line: if you’ve ever lost the mood because you got distracted into thinking about taxes or that meeting on Tuesday, this is the book for you.

Click here to check out Better Sex Through Mindfulness—you can thank us later!

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  • Whole – by Dr. T. Colin Campbell
  • The Coffee-Cortisol Connection, And Two Ways To Tweak It For Health
    Dr. Mandell clarifies coffee’s health implications, suggesting optimal consumption times and healthier morning rituals.

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  • Love Sense – by Dr. Sue Johnson

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Let’s quickly fact-check the subtitle:

    • Is it revolutionary? It has a small element of controversy, but mostly no
    • Is it new? No, it is based on science from the 70s that was expanded in the 80s and 90s and has been, at most, tweaked a little since.
    • Is it science? Yes! It is so much science. This book comes with about a thousand references to scientific studies.

    What’s the controversy, you ask? Dr. Johnson asserts, based on our (as a species) oxytocin responsiveness, that we are biologically hardwired for monogamy. This is in contrast to the prevailing scientific consensus that we are not.

    Aside from that, though, the book is everything you could expect from an expert on attachment theory with more than 35 years of peer-reviewed clinical research, often specifically for Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), which is her thing.

    The writing style is similar to that of her famous “Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations For A Lifetime Of Love”, a very good book that we reviewed previously. It can be a little repetitive at times in its ideas, but this is largely because she revisits some of the same questions from many angles, with appropriate research to back up her advice.

    Bottom line: if you are the sort of person who cares to keep working to improve your romantic relationship (no matter whether it is bad or acceptable or great right now), this book will arm you with a lot of deep science that can be applied reliably with good effect.

    Click here to check out Love Sense, and level-up yours!

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  • The Problem With Sweeteners

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The WHO’s new view on sugar-free sweeteners

    The WHO has released a report offering guidance regards the use of sugar-free sweeteners as part of a weight-loss effort.

    In a nutshell, the guidance is: don’t

    They make for interesting reading, so if you don’t have time now, you might want to just quickly open and bookmark them for later!

    Some salient bits and pieces:

    Besides that some sweeteners can cause gastro-intestinal problems, a big problem is desensitization:

    Because many sugar substitutes are many times (in some cases, hundreds of times) sweeter than sugar, this leads to other sweet foods tasting more bland, causing people to crave sweeter and sweeter foods for the same satisfaction level.

    You can imagine how that’s not a spiral that’s good for the health!

    The WHO recommendation applies to artificial and naturally-occurring non-sugar sweeteners, including:

    • Acesulfame K
    • Advantame
    • Aspartame
    • Cyclamates
    • Neotame
    • Saccharin
    • Stevia

    Sucralose and erythritol, by the way, technically are sugars, just not “that kind of sugar” so they didn’t make the list of non-sugar sweeteners.

    That said, a recent study did find that erythritol was linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and early death, so it may not be an amazing sweetener either:

    Read: The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk

    Want to know a good way of staying healthy in the context of sweeteners?

    Just get used to using less. Your taste buds will adapt, and you’ll get just as much pleasure as before, from progressively less sweetening agent.

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  • Parsnips vs Potatoes – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing parsnips to potatoes, we picked the parsnips.


    To be more specific, we’re looking at russet potatoes, and in both cases we’re looking at cooked without fat or salt, skin on. In other words, the basic nutritional values of these plants in edible form, without adding anything. With this in mind, once we get to the root of things, there’s a clear winner:

    Looking at the macros first, potatoes have more carbs while parsnips have more fiber. Potatoes do have more protein too, but given the small numbers involved when it comes to protein we don’t think this is enough of a plus to outweigh the extra fiber in the parsnips.

    In the category of vitamins, again a champion emerges: parsnips have more of vitamins B1, B2, B5, B9, C, E, and K, while potatoes have more of vitamins B3, B6, and choline. So, a 7:3 win for parsnips.

    When it comes to minerals, parsnips have more calcium copper, manganese, selenium, and zinc, while potatoes have more iron and potassium. Potatoes do also have more sodium, but for most people most of the time, this is not a plus, healthwise. Disregarding the sodium, this category sees a 5:2 win for parsnips.

    In short: as with most starchy vegetables, enjoy both in moderation if you feel so inclined, but if you’re picking one, then parsnips are the nutritionally best choice here.

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    Take care!

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  • Pine Nuts vs Peanuts – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing pine nuts to peanuts, we picked the pine nuts.


    An argument could be made for either, honestly, as it depends on what we prioritize the most. These are both very high-calorie foods, and/but are far from empty calories, as they both contain main nutrients. Obviously, if you are allergic to nuts, this one is just not a comparison for you, sorry.

    Looking at the macros first, peanuts are higher in protein, carbs, and fiber, while pine nuts are higher in fats—though the fats are healthy, being mostly polyunsaturated, with about a third of the total fats monounsaturated, and a low amount of saturated fat (peanuts have nearly 2x the saturated fat). On balance, we’ll call the macros category a moderate win for peanuts, though.

    In terms of vitamins, peanuts have more of vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, and B9, while pine nuts have more of vitamins A, B2, C, E, K, and choline. All in all, a marginal win for pine nuts.

    In the category of minerals, peanuts have more calcium and selenium, while pine nuts have more copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. An easy win for pine nuts, even before we take into account that peanuts have nearly 10x as much sodium. And yes, we are talking about the raw nuts, not nuts that have been roasted and salted.

    Adding up the categories gives a win for pine nuts—but if you have certain particular priorities, you might still prefer peanuts for the areas in which peanuts are stronger.

    Of course, the best solution is to enjoy both!

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    Why You Should Diversify Your Nuts!

    Take care!

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  • The Imperfect Nutritionist – by Jennifer Medhurst

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The idea of the “imperfect nutritionist” is to note that we’re all different with slightly different needs and sometimes very different preferences (or circumstances!) and having a truly perfect diet is probably a fool’s errand. Should we just give up, then? Not at all:

    What we can do, Medhust argues, is find what’s best for us, realistically.

    It’s better to have an 80% perfect diet 80% of the time, than to have a totally perfect diet for four and a half meals before running out of steam (and ingredients).

    As for the “seven principles” mentioned in the title… we’re not going to keep those a mystery; they are:

    1. Focusing on wholefood
    2. Being diverse
    3. Knowing your fats
    4. Including fermented, prebiotic and probiotic foods
    5. Reducing refined carbohydrates
    6. Being aware of liquids
    7. Eating mindfully

    The first part of the book is a treatise on how to implement those principles in your diet generally; the second part of the book is a recipe collection—70 recipes, with “these ingredients will almost certainly be available at your local supermarket” as a baseline. No instances of “the secret to being a good chef is knowing how to source fresh ingredients; ask your local greengrocer where to find spring-harvested perambulatory truffle-cones” here!

    Basically, it focusses on adding healthy foods per your personal preferences and circumstances, and building these up into a repertoire of meals that will keep you and your family happy and healthy.

    Pick Up Your Copy Of The Imperfect Nutritionist From Amazon Today!

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  • Boost Your Digestive Enzymes

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We’ll Try To Make This Easy To Digest

    Do you have a digestion-related problem?

    If so, you’re far from alone; around 40% of Americans have digestive problems serious enough to disrupt everyday life:

    New survey finds forty percent of Americans’ daily lives are disrupted by digestive troubles

    …which puts Americans just a little over the global average of 35%:

    Global Burden of Digestive Diseases: A Systematic Analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases Study, 1990 to 2019

    Mostly likely on account of the Standard American Diet, or “SAD” as it often gets abbreviated in scientific literature.

    There’s plenty we can do to improve gut health, for example:

    Today we’re going to be examining digestive enzyme supplements!

    What are digestive enzymes?

    Digestive enzymes are enzymes that break down food into stuff we can use. Important amongst them are:

    • Protease: breaks down proteins (into amino acids)
    • Amylase: breaks down starches (into sugars)
    • Lipase: breaks down fats (into fatty acids)

    All three are available as popular supplements to aid digestion. How does the science stack up for them?


    For this, we only found animal studies like this one, but the results have been promising:

    Exogenous protease supplementation to the diet enhances growth performance, improves nitrogen utilization, and reduces stress


    Again, the studies for this alone (not combined with other enzymes) have been solely from animal agriculture; here’s an example:

    The Effect of Exogenous Amylase Supplementation on the Nutritional Value of Peas


    Unlike for protease and amylase, now we have human studies as well, and here’s what they had to say:

    ❝Lipase supplementation significantly reduced stomach fullness without change of EGG.

    Furthermore, lipase supplementation may be helpful in control of FD symptom such as postprandial symptoms❞

    ~ Dr. Seon-Young Park & Dr. Jong-Sun Rew

    Read more: Is Lipase Supplementation before a High Fat Meal Helpful to Patients with Functional Dyspepsia?

    (short answer: yes, it is)

    More studies found the same, such as:

    Lipase Supplementation before a High-Fat Meal Reduces Perceptions of Fullness in Healthy Subjects

    All together now!

    When we look at studies for combination supplementation of digestive enzymes, more has been done, and/but it’s (as you might expect) less specific.

    The following paper gives a good rundown:

    Pancrelipase Therapy: A Combination Of Protease, Amylase, & Lipase

    Is it safe?

    For most people it is quite safe, but if taking high doses for a long time it can cause problems, and also there may be complications if you have diabetes, are otherwise immunocompromised, or have some other conditions (listed towards the end of the above-linked paper, along with further information that we can’t fit in here).

    As ever, check with your doctor/pharmacist if you’re not completely sure!

    Want some?

    We don’t sell them, but for your convenience, here’s an example product on Amazon that contains all three


    We’ll Try To Make This Easy To Digest

    Do you have a digestion-related problem?

    If so, you’re far from alone; around 40% of Americans have digestive problems serious enough to disrupt everyday life:

    New survey finds forty percent of Americans’ daily lives are disrupted by digestive troubles

    …which puts Americans just a little over the global average of 35%:

    Global Burden of Digestive Diseases: A Systematic Analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases Study, 1990 to 2019

    Mostly likely on account of the Standard American Diet, or “SAD” as it often gets abbreviated in scientific literature.

    There’s plenty we can do to improve gut health, for example:

    Today we’re going to be examining digestive enzyme supplements!

    What are digestive enzymes?

    Digestive enzymes are enzymes that break down food into stuff we can use. Important amongst them are:

    • Protease: breaks down proteins (into amino acids)
    • Amylase: breaks down starches (into sugars)
    • Lipase: breaks down fats (into fatty acids)

    All three are available as popular supplements to aid digestion. How does the science stack up for them?


    For this, we only found animal studies like this one, but the results have been promising:

    Exogenous protease supplementation to the diet enhances growth performance, improves nitrogen utilization, and reduces stress


    Again, the studies for this alone (not combined with other enzymes) have been solely from animal agriculture; here’s an example:

    The Effect of Exogenous Amylase Supplementation on the Nutritional Value of Peas


    Unlike for protease and amylase, now we have human studies as well, and here’s what they had to say:

    ❝Lipase supplementation significantly reduced stomach fullness without change of EGG.

    Furthermore, lipase supplementation may be helpful in control of FD symptom such as postprandial symptoms❞

    ~ Dr. Seon-Young Park & Dr. Jong-Sun Rew

    Read more: Is Lipase Supplementation before a High Fat Meal Helpful to Patients with Functional Dyspepsia?

    (short answer: yes, it is)

    More studies found the same, such as:

    Lipase Supplementation before a High-Fat Meal Reduces Perceptions of Fullness in Healthy Subjects

    All together now!

    When we look at studies for combination supplementation of digestive enzymes, more has been done, and/but it’s (as you might expect) less specific.

    The following paper gives a good rundown:

    Pancrelipase Therapy: A Combination Of Protease, Amylase, & Lipase

    Is it safe?

    For most people it is quite safe, but if taking high doses for a long time it can cause problems, and also there may be complications if you have diabetes, are otherwise immunocompromised, or have some other conditions (listed towards the end of the above-linked paper, along with further information that we can’t fit in here).

    As ever, check with your doctor/pharmacist if you’re not completely sure!

    Want some?

    We don’t sell them, but for your convenience, here’s an example product on Amazon that contains all three


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