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Illustration of an 80-year-old man with glasses and grey hair on a light blue background, accompanied by the text "BIGGEST REGRETS TO AVOID." In the bottom right corner, there is a logo of 10 almonds with a graphic of almonds next to it.

80-Year-Olds Share Their Biggest Regrets

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Notwithstanding the title, some of these people are a little younger than 80, but this adds to the interest a little as we see the different regrets / learned wisdoms at different stages of later life!

If we could turn back the time…

There are dozens of life regrets / wishes / retroactive advices shared in this video; here are some highlights:

  • “My regret was I had a dysfunctional family and I wish I would have learned not to take responsibility.”
  • “In my 30s, when I started drinking very heavily, I wish I hadn’t done that because it escalated to drug abuse.”
  • “When my parents were old ages, I was working very hard… I didn’t have time to take care of them, not even spend the time with them. That’s my biggest regret.”
  • “Live life to the fullest because none of us have any assurance on how old we’re going to be when we’re going to die.”
  • “If I could do it over, I would have called home more and realized what my brother was going through.”
  • “Spent a lot of years being concerned about what other people thought of me.”
  • “You got to be careful what you say to your children because it means a lot.”

For the rest, enjoy:

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