Younger – by Dr. Sara Gottfried

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Does this do the things it says in the subtitle? In honestly, not really, no, but what it does do (if implemented) is modify your gene expression, slow aging, and extend healthspan. Which is all good stuff, even if it’s not the snappy SEO-oriented keywords in the subtitle.

A lot of the book pertains to turning certain genes (e.g. SIRT1, mTOR, VDR, APOE4, etc) on or off per what is sensible in each case, noting that while genes are relatively fixed (technically they can be changed, but the science is young and we can’t do much yet), gene expression is something we can control quite a bit. And while it may be unsettling to have the loaded gun that is the APOE4 gene being held against your head, at the end of the day there are things we can do that influence whether the trigger gets pulled, and when. Same goes for other undesirable genes, and also for the desirable ones that are useless if they never actually get expressed.

She offers (contained within the book, not as an upsell) a 7-week program that aims to set the reader up with good healthy habits to do just that and thus help keep age-related maladies at bay, and if we slip up, perhaps later in the year or so, we can always recommence the program.

The advice is also just good health advice, even without taking gene expression into account, because there are a stack of benefits to each of the things in her protocol.

The style is personable without being padded with fluff, accessible without dumbing down, and information-dense without being a challenging read. The formatting helps a lot also; a clear instructional layout is a lot better than a wall of text.

Bottom line: if you’d like to tweak your genes for healthy longevity, this book can help you do just that!

Click here to check out Younger, and enjoy the difference!

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  • The Pegan Diet – by Dr. Mark Hyman
  • The Body Is Not an Apology – by Sonya Renee Taylor
    Love and celebrate your body while striving for better. This “radical” book challenges society’s rejection of our “imperfect” bodies. It’s for everyone, superhero or not.

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  • Widen the Window – by Dr. Elizabeth Stanley

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Firstly, about the title… That “window” that the author bids us “widen” is not a flowery metaphor, but rather, is referring to the window of exhibited resilience to stress/trauma; the “window” in question looks like an “inverted U” bell-curve on the graph.

    In other words: Dr. Stanley’s main premise here is that we respond best to moderate stress (i.e: in that window, the area under the curve!), but if there is too little or too much, we don’t do so well. The key, she argues, is widening that middle part (expanding the area under the curve) in which we perform optimally. That way, we can still function in a motivated fashion without extrinsic threats, and we also don’t collapse under the weight of overwhelm, either.

    The main strength of this book, however, lies in its practical exercises to accomplish that—and more.

    “And more”, because the subtitle also promised recovery from trauma, and the author delivers in that regard too. In this case, it’s about widening that same window, but this time to allow one’s parasympathetic nervous system to recognize that the traumatic event is behind us, and no longer a threat; we are safe now.

    Bottom line: if you would like to respond better to stress, and/or recover from trauma, this book is a very good tool.

    Click here to check out Widen the Window, and widen yours!

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  • How Likely Are You To Live To 100?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    How much hope can we reasonably have of reaching 100?

    Yesterday, we asked you: assuming a good Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), how much longer do you hope to live?

    We got the above-depicted, below-described, set of responses:

    • A little over 38% of respondents hope to live another 11–20 years
    • A little over 31% hope to live another 31–40 years
    • A little over 7% will be content to make it to the next decade
    • One (1) respondent hopes to live longer than an additional 100 years

    This is interesting when we put it against our graph of how old our subscribers are:

    …because it corresponds inversely, right down to the gap/dent in the 40s. And—we may hypothesize—that one person under 18 who hopes to live to 120, perhaps.

    This suggests that optimism remains more or less constant, with just a few wobbles that would probably be un-wobbled with a larger sample size.

    In other words: most of our education-minded, health-conscious subscriber-base hope to make it to the age of 90-something, while for the most part feeling that 100+ is overly optimistic.

    Writer’s anecdote: once upon a time, I was at a longevity conference in Brussels, and a speaker did a similar survey, but by show of hands. He started low by asking “put your hands up if you want to live at least a few more minutes”. I did so, with an urgency that made him laugh, and say “Don’t worry; I don’t have a gun hidden up here!”

    Conjecture aside… What does the science say about our optimism?

    First of all, a quick recap…

    To not give you the same information twice, let’s note we did an “aging mythbusting” piece already covering:

    • Aging is inevitable: True or False?
    • Aging is, and always will be, unstoppable: True or False?
    • We can slow aging: True or False?
    • It’s too early to worry about… / It’s too late to do anything about… True or False?
    • We can halt aging: True or False?
    • We can reverse aging: True or False?
    • But those aren’t really being younger, we’ll still die when our time is up: True or False?

    You can read the answers to all of those here:

    Age & Aging: What Can (And Can’t) We Do About It?

    Now, onwards…

    It is unreasonable to expect to live past 100: True or False?

    True or False, depending on your own circumstances.

    First, external circumstances: the modal average person in Hong Kong is currently in their 50s and can expect to live into their late 80s, while the modal average person in Gaza is 14 and may not expect to make it to 15 right now.

    To avoid extremes, let’s look at the US, where the modal average person is currently in their 30s and can expect to live into their 70s:

    United States Mortality Database

    Now, before that unduly worries our many readers already in their 70s…

    Next, personal circumstances: not just your health, but your socioeconomic standing. And in the US, one of the biggest factors is the kind of health insurance one has:

    SOA Research Institute | Life Expectancy Calculator 2021

    You may note that the above source puts all groups into a life expectancy in the 80s—whereas the previous source gave 70s.

    Why is this? It’s because the SOA, whose primary job is calculating life insurance risks, is working from a sample of people who have, or are applying for, life insurance. So it misses out many people who die younger without such.

    New advances in medical technology are helping people to live longer: True or False?

    True, assuming access to those. Our subscribers are mostly in North America, and have an economic position that affords good access to healthcare. But beware…

    On the one hand:

    The number of people who live past the age of 100 has been on the rise for decades

    On the other hand:

    The average life expectancy in the U.S. has been on the decline for three consecutive years

    COVID is, of course, largely to blame for that, though:

    ❝The decline of 1.8 years in life expectancy was primarily due to increases in mortality from COVID-19 (61.2% of the negative contribution).

    The decline in life expectancy would have been even greater if not for the offsetting effects of decreases in mortality due to cancer (43.1%)❞

    Source: National Vital Statistics Reports

    The US stats are applicable to Canada, the UK, and Australia: True or False?

    False: it’s not quite so universal. Differences in healthcare systems will account for a lot, but there are other factors too:

    Here’s an interesting (UK-based) tool that calculates not just your life expectancy, but also gives the odds of living to various ages (e.g. this writer was given odds of living to 87, 96, 100).

    Check yours here:

    Office of National Statistics | Life Expectancy Calculator

    To finish on a cheery note…

    Data from Italian centenarians suggests a “mortality plateau”:

    ❝The risk of dying leveled off in people 105 and older, the team reports online today in Science.

    That means a 106-year-old has the same probability of living to 107 as a 111-year-old does of living to 112.

    Furthermore, when the researchers broke down the data by the subjects’ year of birth, they noticed that over time, more people appear to be reaching age 105.❞

    Pop-sci source: Once you hit this age, aging appears to stop

    Actual paper: The plateau of human mortality: demography of longevity pioneers

    Take care!

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  • Garlic vs Ginger – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing garlic to ginger, we picked the ginger.


    Both are great, and it is close!

    Notwithstanding that (almost?) nobody eats garlic or ginger for the macros, let’s do a moment’s due diligence on that first: garlic has more than 3x the protein and about 2x the fiber (and slightly higher carbs). But, given the small quantities in which people usually consume these foods, these numbers aren’t too meaningful.

    In the category of micronutrients, garlic has a lot more vitamins and minerals. We’ll not do a full breakdown for this though, because again, unless you’re eating it by the cupful, this won’t make a huge difference.

    Which means that so far, we have two nominal wins for garlic.

    Both plants have many medicinal properties. They are both cardioprotective and anticancer, and both full of antioxidants. The benefits of both are comparable in these regards.

    Both have antidiabetic action also, but ginger’s effects are stronger when compared head-to head.

    So that’s an actual practical win for ginger.

    Each plant’s respective effects on the gastrointestinal tract sets them further apart—ginger has antiemetic effects and can be used for treating nausea and vomiting from a variety of causes. Garlic, meanwhile, can cause adverse gastrointestinal effects in some people—but it’s usually neutral for most people in this regard.

    Another win for ginger in practical terms.

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    Take care!

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  • Constipation increases your risk of a heart attack, new study finds – and not just on the toilet

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    If you Google the terms “constipation” and “heart attack” it’s not long before the name Elvis Presley crops up. Elvis had a longstanding history of chronic constipation and it’s believed he was straining very hard to poo, which then led to a fatal heart attack.

    We don’t know what really happened to the so-called King of Rock “n” Roll back in 1977. There were likely several contributing factors to his death, and this theory is one of many.

    But after this famous case researchers took a strong interest in the link between constipation and the risk of a heart attack.

    This includes a recent study led by Australian researchers involving data from thousands of people.

    Elvis Presley was said to have died of a heart attack while straining on the toilet. But is that true? Kraft74/Shutterstock

    Are constipation and heart attacks linked?

    Large population studies show constipation is linked to an increased risk of heart attacks.

    For example, an Australian study involved more than 540,000 people over 60 in hospital for a range of conditions. It found constipated patients had a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes compared to non-constipated patients of the same age.

    A Danish study of more than 900,000 people from hospitals and hospital outpatient clinics also found that people who were constipated had an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

    It was unclear, however, if this relationship between constipation and an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes would hold true for healthy people outside hospital.

    These Australian and Danish studies also did not factor in the effects of drugs used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), which can make you constipated.

    Man sitting on toilet, clutching tummy with one hand, holding toilet roll in other
    Researchers have studied thousands of people to see if there’s a link between constipation and heart attacks. fongbeerredhot/Shutterstock

    How about this new study?

    The recent international study led by Monash University researchers found a connection between constipation and an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and heart failure in a general population.

    The researchers analysed data from the UK Biobank, a database of health-related information from about half a million people in the United Kingdom.

    The researchers identified more than 23,000 cases of constipation and accounted for the effect of drugs to treat high blood pressure, which can lead to constipation.

    People with constipation (identified through medical records or via a questionnaire) were twice as likely to have a heart attack, stroke or heart failure as those without constipation.

    The researchers found a strong link between high blood pressure and constipation. Individuals with hypertension who were also constipated had a 34% increased risk of a major heart event compared to those with just hypertension.

    The study only looked at the data from people of European ancestry. However, there is good reason to believe the link between constipation and heart attacks applies to other populations.

    A Japanese study looked at more than 45,000 men and women in the general population. It found people passing a bowel motion once every two to three days had a higher risk of dying from heart disease compared with ones who passed at least one bowel motion a day.

    How might constipation cause a heart attack?

    Chronic constipation can lead to straining when passing a stool. This can result in laboured breathing and can lead to a rise in blood pressure.

    In one Japanese study including ten elderly people, blood pressure was high just before passing a bowel motion and continued to rise during the bowel motion. This increase in blood pressure lasted for an hour afterwards, a pattern not seen in younger Japanese people.

    One theory is that older people have stiffer blood vessels due to atherosclerosis (thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by a build-up of plaque) and other age-related changes. So their high blood pressure can persist for some time after straining. But the blood pressure of younger people returns quickly to normal as they have more elastic blood vessels.

    As blood pressure rises, the risk of heart disease increases. The risk of developing heart disease doubles when systolic blood pressure (the top number in your blood pressure reading) rises permanently by 20 mmHg (millimetres of mercury, a standard measure of blood pressure).

    The systolic blood pressure rise with straining in passing a stool has been reported to be as high as 70 mmHg. This rise is only temporary but with persistent straining in chronic constipation this could lead to an increased risk of heart attacks.

    Doctor wearing white coat checking patient's blood pressure
    High blood pressure from straining on the toilet can last after pooing, especially in older people. Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

    Some people with chronic constipation may have an impaired function of their vagus nerve, which controls various bodily functions, including digestion, heart rate and breathing.

    This impaired function can result in abnormalities of heart rate and over-activation of the flight-fight response. This can, in turn, lead to elevated blood pressure.

    Another intriguing avenue of research examines the imbalance in gut bacteria in people with constipation.

    This imbalance, known as dysbiosis, can result in microbes and other substances leaking through the gut barrier into the bloodstream and triggering an immune response. This, in turn, can lead to low-grade inflammation in the blood circulation and arteries becoming stiffer, increasing the risk of a heart attack.

    This latest study also explored genetic links between constipation and heart disease. The researchers found shared genetic factors that underlie both constipation and heart disease.

    What can we do about this?

    Constipation affects around 19% of the global population aged 60 and older. So there is a substantial portion of the population at an increased risk of heart disease due to their bowel health.

    Managing chronic constipation through dietary changes (particularly increased dietary fibre), increased physical activity, ensuring adequate hydration and using medications, if necessary, are all important ways to help improve bowel function and reduce the risk of heart disease.

    Vincent Ho, Associate Professor and clinical academic gastroenterologist, Western Sydney University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Avoiding Anemia (More Than Just “Get More Iron”)

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The Iron Dilemma: Factors To Consider

    Anemia affects around 10% of American seniors, and that number jumps to 34–39% if there’s a comorbidity such as diabetes, hypertension, or hypercholesterolemia, which in turn climbs with increasing age or with other chronic conditions:

    The Prevalence of Anemia and Its Associated Factors among Older Persons: Findings from the National Health and Morbidity Survey

    So, what can we do about it?

    Get iron yes, but how?

    We’d be remiss not to say: yes, do of course make sure you get plenty of iron.

    Most people know that red meats, which are terrible for the heart and for cancer risk, are good sources of iron.

    Well, good insofar as they provide plenty of it! They’re bad for other reasons.

    ❝Studies consistently show that consumption of red meat has been contributory to a multitude of chronic conditions such as diabetes, CVD, and malignancies.

    There are various emerging reasons that strengthen this link-from the basic constituents of red meat like the heme iron component, the metabolic reactions that take place after consumption, and finally to the methods used to cook it.

    The causative links show that even occasional use raises the risk of T2DM.

    ~ Dr. Ranjita Misra et al.

    Source: Red Meat Consumption (Heme Iron Intake) and Risk for Diabetes and Comorbidities?

    To heme or not to heme

    Did you catch that in the middle there, about the heme iron component?

    Dietary iron is broadly divided into two kinds: heme, and non-heme.

    • Heme iron comes from animals
    • Non-heme iron comes from plants

    Bad news for vegans: non-heme iron is not so easily absorbed as heme iron.

    This means that if you’re just eating plants, the RDA may be significantly lowballing the amount actually required. As a rule, about 1.8x more iron may be needed for vegans, to compensate for it being less easily absorbed.

    Why this happens: it’s because of the phytic acid / phytate in the plants that contain the iron, blocking its absorption.

    Good news for vegans: however, taking iron with vitamin C increases its absorption rate by about 5x better absorption, and several other side-along nutrients do similarly, including allium (from garlic), carotenoids (from many colorful plants), and fermented foods.

    Why this happens: it’s because they bind with similar sites as phytic acid, without causing the same effect. To make a metaphor: these foods steal phytic acid’s parking space, so phytic acid can’t do its iron-blocking thing.

    By happy coincidence, today’s featured recipe has all of these things in, by the way (vitamin C, allium, carotenoids, and fermented foods), and the star ingredient (fava beans) is a rich source of iron.

    What are good sources of iron, then?

    In the category of plants:

    • Beans (pick your favorites / eat a variety)
    • Lentils (pick your favorites / eat a variety)
    • Greens (especially dark leafy greens)
    • Apricots (you can get these dried, for convenience!)
    • Dark chocolate (5mg per 1oz square!)*

    *Ok, technically dark chocolate is not a plant; cacao is a plant; dark chocolate is usually plant-based, though, as there is no reason to add milk.

    In the category of dairy products:

    That’s not a publication error; dairy products are just not great for iron. Cheeses are more nutrient-dense than milk, and have less than 0.5mg per oz, in other words, the top dairy product has around 10x less iron than dark chocolate, which came in 5th place and let’s face it, we were doing broad categories there. If we listed all the beans, lentils, greens, etc it’d be a much longer list.

    Eggs, which are sometimes considered under the category of dairy by virtue of not being an animal (yet!) but an animal product, have around 1mg per egg, by the way, so considering eggs are nearer 2oz, that’s not much better than the cheese.

    “But what about if…”

    The above is good science and general good advice for most people. That said, some people may have conditions that preclude the foods we recommended, or have other considerations, and so things may be different. Anemia can sometimes be caused by things that can’t be fixed by diet (beyond the scope of today’s article; another time, perhaps), but for example, if you have leukemia then definitely discuss things with your doctors first. Other illnesses, and some medications, can also have troublesome effects that can contribute to anemia. Again, we can offer very good general information here, but we don’t know your medical history, and our standard legal/medical disclaimer applies as always.

    See also: Do We Need Animal Products To Be Healthy?

    Take care!

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  • Samosa Spiced Surprise

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    You know what’s best about samosas? It’s not actually the fried pastry; that’s just what holds it together. If you were to try eating sheets of pastry alone, it would not be much fun. But, the spiced vegetable filling? Now we’re talking! So, this recipe takes what’s best about samosas, and makes them into healthy snack-sized patties.

    You will need

    • Extra virgin olive oil, or coconut oil (per your preference) for cooking
    • 4 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
    • 1 medium onion, diced
    • 1 cup peas
    • 1 carrot, finely chopped
    • ½ cup garbanzo bean flour (chickpea flour, gram flour, whatever your supermarket calls it)
    • ¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped (substitute parsley if you have the soap gene)
    • ¼ bulb garlic, minced
    • 1 jalapeño pepper, chopped
    • 1 tbsp ground cumin
    • 2 tsp garam masala
    • 1 tsp ground coriander
    • 1 tsp ground turmeric
    • 1 tsp ground black pepper


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Fry the onion until it is becoming soft and translucent (3–5 minutes).

    2) Add the spices (the garlic, both kinds of pepper, cumin, coriander, turmeric, and the garam masala), stirring in well

    3) Add the carrot and peas, stirring and cooking until just becoming soft (probably another 3–5 minutes, depending on the heat, how small you chopped the carrot, and whether the peas were frozen or fresh). Take it off the heat.

    4) Mix the potato, chickpea flour, and cilantro in a bowl, and carefully add everything from the pan, mixing that in thoroughly too.

    5) Shape into patties, and fry them on each side until browned and crispy.

    6) Serve as part of a buffet, or perhaps as an appetizer—raita is a fine accompaniment option.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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