Walk Like You’re 20 Years Younger Again

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How fit, healthy, strong, and mobile were you 20 years ago? For most people, the answer is “better than now”. Physiotherapist Dr. Doug Weiss has advice on turning back the clock:

The exercises

If you already have no problems walking, this one is probably not for you. However, if you’re not so able to comfortably walk as you used to be, then Dr. Weiss recommends:

  • Pillow squat: putting pillow on a chair, crossing hands on chest, standing up and sitting down. Similar to the very important “getting up off the floor without using your hands” exercise, but easier.
  • Wall leaning: standing against a wall with heels 4″ away from it, crossing arms over chest again, and pulling the body off the wall using the muscles in the front of the shin. Note, this means not cheating by using other muscles, leveraging the upper body, pushing off with the buttocks, or anything else like that.
  • Stepping forward: well, this certainly is making good on the promise of walking like we did 20 years ago; there sure was a lot of stepping forward involved. More seriously, this is actually about stepping over some object, first with support, and then without.
  • Heel raise: is what it sounds like, raising up on toes and back down again; first with support, then without.
  • Side stepping: step sideways 2–3 steps in each direction. First with support, then without. Bonus: if your support is your partner, then congratulations, you are now dancing bachata.

For more details (and visual demonstration) of these exercises and more, enjoy:

Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

Want to learn more?

You might also like:

4 Tips To Stand Without Using Hands

Take care!

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  • Anise vs Diabetes & Menopause
    Anise, also known as aniseed, has a licorice taste and medicinal properties. It reduces menopause symptoms, blood sugar levels, and inflammation. It is safe when consumed in moderation.

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  • How To Avoid Slipping Into (Bad) Old Habits

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Treating Bad Habits Like Addictions

    How often have you started a healthy new habit (including if it’s a “quit this previous thing” new habit), only to find that you slip back into your old ways?

    We’ve written plenty on habit-forming before, so here’s a quick recap before we continue:

    How To Really Pick Up (And Keep!) Those Habits

    …and even how to give them a boost:

    How To Keep On Keeping On… Long Term!

    But how to avoid the relapses that are most likely to snowball?

    Borrowing from the psychology of addiction recovery

    It’s well known that someone recovering from substance addiction should not have even a small amount of the thing they were addicted to. Not one sip of champagne at a wedding, not one drag of a cigarette, and so forth.

    This can go for other bad habits too; make one exception, and suddenly you have a whole string of “exceptions”, and before you know it, it’s not the exception anymore; it’s the new rule—again.

    Three things that can help guard against this are:

    1. Absolutely refuse to romanticize the bad habit. Do not fall for its marketing! And yes, everything has marketing even if not advertising; for example, consider the Platonic ideal of a junk-food-eating couch-potato who is humble, unassuming, agreeable, the almost-holy idea of homely comfort, and why shouldn’t we be comfortable after all, haven’t we earned our chosen hedonism, and so on. It’s seductive, and we need to make the choice to not be seduced by it. In this case for example, yes pleasure is great, but being sick tired and destroying our bodies is not, in fact, pleasurable in the long run. Which brings us to…
    2. Absolutely refuse to forget why you dropped that behavior in the first place. Remember what it did to you, remember you at your worst. Remember what you feared might become of you if you continued like that. This is something where journaling helps, by the way; remembering our low points helps us to avoid finding ourselves in the same situation again.
    3. Absolutely refuse to let your guard down due to an overabundance of self-confidence in your future self. We all can easily feel that tomorrow is a mystical land in which all productivity is stored, and also where we are strong, energized, iron-willed, and totally able to avoid making the very mistakes that we are right now in the progress of making. Instead, be that strong person now, for the benefit of tomorrow’s you. Because after all, if it’s going to be easy tomorrow, it’s easy now, right?

    The above is a very simple, hopefully practical, set of rules to follow. If you like hard science more though, Yale’s Dr. Steven Melemis offers five rules (aimed more directly at addiction recovery, so this may be a big “heavy guns” for some milder habits):

    1. change your life
    2. be completely honest
    3. ask for help
    4. practice self-care
    5. don’t bend the rules

    You can read his full paper and the studies it’s based on, here:

    Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery

    “What if I already screwed up?”

    Draw a line under it, now, and move forwards in the direction you actually want to go.

    Here’s a good article, that saves us taking up more space here; it’s very well-written so we do recommend it:

    The Abstinence Violation Effect and Overcoming It

    this article gives specific, practical advices, including CBT tools to use

    Take care!

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  • Getting Your Messy Life In Order

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Getting Your Messy Life In Order

    We’ve touched on this before by recommending the book, but today we’re going to give an overview of the absolute most core essentials of the “Getting Things Done” method. If you’re unfamiliar, this will be enough to get you going. If you’re already familiar, this may be a handy reminder!

    First, you’ll need:

    • A big table
    • A block of small memo paper squares—post-it note sized, but no need to be sticky.
    • A block of A4 printer paper
    • A big trash bag

    Gathering everything

    Gather up not just all your to-dos, but: all sources of to-dos, too, and anything else that otherwise needs “sorting”.

    Put them all in one physical place—a dining room table may have enough room. You’ll need a lot of room because you’re going to empty our drawers of papers, unopened (or opened and set aside) mail. Little notes you made for yourself, things stuck on the fridge or memo boards. Think across all areas of your life, and anything you’re “supposed” to do, write it down on a piece of paper. No matter what area of your life, no matter how big or small.

    Whether it’s “learn Chinese” or “take the trash out”, write it down, one item per piece of paper (hence the block of little memo squares).

    Sorting everything

    Everything you’ve gathered needs one of three things to happen:

    • You need to take some action (put it in a “to do” pile)
    • You may need it later sometime (put it in a “to file” pile)
    • You don’t need it (put it in the big trash bag for disposal)

    What happens next will soothe you

    • Dispose of the things you put for disposal
    • File the things for filing in a single alphabetical filing system. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to get one, so write that down and add it to the “to do” pile.
    • You will now process your “to dos”

    Processing the “to dos”

    The pile you have left is now your “inbox”. It’s probably huge; later it’ll be smaller, maybe just a letter-tray on your desk.

    Many of your “to dos” are actually not single action items, they’re projects. If something requires more than one step, it’s a project.

    Take each item one-by-one. Do this in any order; you’re going to do this as quickly as possible! Now, ask yourself: is this a single-action item that I could do next, without having to do something else first?

    • If yes: put it in a pile marked “next action”
    • If no: put it in a pile marked “projects”.

    Take a sheet of A4 paper and fold it in half. Write “Next Action” on it, and put your pile of next actions inside it.

    Take a sheet of A4 paper per project and write the name of the project on it, for example “Learn Chinese”, or “Do taxes”. Put any actions relating to that project inside it.

    Likely you don’t know yet what the first action will be, or else it’d be in your “Next Action” pile, so add an item to each project that says “Brainstorm project”.

    Processing the “Next Action” pile

    Again you want to do this as quickly as possible, in any order.

    For each item, ask yourself “Do I care about this?” If the answer is no, ditch that item, and throw it out. That’s ok. Things change and maybe we no longer want or need to do something. No point in hanging onto it.

    For each remaining item, ask yourself “can this be done in under 2 minutes?”.

    • If yes, do it, now. Throw away the piece of paper for it when you’re done.
    • If no, ask yourself:”could I usefully delegate this to someone else?” If the answer is yes, do so.

    If you can’t delegate it, ask yourself: “When will be a good time to do this?” and schedule time for it. A specific, written-down, clock time on a specific calendar date. Input that into whatever you use for scheduling things. If you don’t already use something, just use the calendar app on whatever device you use most.

    The mnemonic for the above process is “Do/Defer/Delegate/Ditch”

    Processing projects:

    If you don’t know where to start with a project, then figuring out where to start is your “Next Action” for that project. Brainstorm it, write down everything you’ll need to do, and anything that needs doing first.

    The end result of this is:

    • You will always, at any given time, have a complete (and accessible) view of everything you are “supposed” to do.
    • You will always, at any given time, know what action you need to take next for a given project.
    • You will always, when you designate “work time”, be able to get straight into a very efficient process of getting through your to-dos.

    Keeping on top of things

    • Whenever stuff “to do something with/about” comes to you, put it in your physical “inbox” place—as mentioned, a letter-tray on a desk should suffice.
    • At the start of each working day, quickly process things as described above. This should be a small daily task.
    • Once a week, do a weekly review to make sure you didn’t lose sight of something.
    • Monthly, quarterly, and annual reviews can be a good practice too.

    How to do those reviews? Topic for another day, perhaps.


    Check out the website / Check out GTD apps / Check out the book

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  • When You “Can’t Complain”

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    A Bone To Pick… Up And Then Put Back Where We Found It

    In today’s Psychology Sunday feature, we’re going to be flipping the narrative on gratitude, by tackling it from the other end.

    We have, by the way, written previously about gratitude, and what mistakes to avoid, in one of our pieces on positive psychology:

    How To Get Your Brain On A More Positive Track (Without Toxic Positivity)

    “Can’t complain”

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and come on, who doesn’t like a challenge?) is to go 21 days without complaining (to anyone, including yourself, about anything). If you break your streak, that’s ok, just start again!


    Complaining is (unsurprisingly) inversely correlated with happiness, in a self-perpetuating cycle:

    Pet Peeves and Happiness: How Do Happy People Complain?

    And if a stronger motivation is required, there’s a considerable inverse correlation between all-cause happiness and all-cause mortality, even when potential confounding factors (e.g., chronic health conditions, socioeconomic status, etc) are controlled for, and especially as we get older:

    Investing in Happiness: The Gerontological Perspective


    You have already formulated some objections by this point, for example:

    • Am I supposed to tell my doctor/therapist “I’m fine thanks; how are you?”
    • Some things are worthy of complaint; should I be silent?

    But both of these issues (communication, and righteousness) have answers:

    On communication:

    There is a difference between complaining, and giving the necessary information in answer to a question—or even volunteering such information.

    For example, when our site went down yesterday, some of you wrote to us to let us know the links weren’t working. There is a substantive difference (semantic, ontological, and teleological) between:

    • The content was great but the links in “you may have missed” did not work.❞ ← a genuine piece of feedback we received (thank you!)
    • Wasted my time, couldn’t read your articles! Unsubscribing, and I hope your socks get wet tomorrow! ← nobody said this; our subscribers are lovely (thank you)
    • Note that the former wasn’t a complaint, it was genuinely helpful feedback, without which we might not have noticed the problem and fixed it.
    • The latter was a complaint, and also (like many complaints) didn’t even address the actual problem usefully.

    What makes it a complaint or not is not the information conveyed, but the tone and intention. So for example:

    “You’ve only done half the job I asked you to!” → “Thank you for doing the first half of this job, could you please do the other half now?”

    Writer’s anecdote: my washing machine needs a part replaced; the part was ordered two weeks ago and I was told it would take a week to arrive. It’s been two weeks, so tomorrow I will not complain, but I will politely ask whether they have any information about the delay, and a new estimated time of arrival. Because you know what? Whatever the delay is, complaining won’t make it arrive last week!

    On righteousness:

    Indeed, some things are very worthy of complaint. But are you able to effect a solution by complaining? If not, then it’s just hot air. And venting isn’t without its own merits (we touched on the benefits of emotional catharsis recently), but that should be a mindful choice when you choose to do that, not a matter of reactivity.

    Complaining is a subset of criticizing, and criticizing can be done without the feeling and intent of complaining. However, it too should definitely be measured and considered, responsive, not reactive. This itself could be the topic for another main feature, but for now, here’s a Psychology Today article that at least explains the distinction in more words than we have room for here:

    React vs Respond: What’s the difference?

    This, by the way, also goes the same for engaging in social and political discourse. It’s easy to get angry and reactive, but it’s good to take a moment to pick your battles, and by all means fight for what you believe in, and/but also do so responsively rather than reactively.

    Not only will your health thank you, but you’re also more likely to “win friends and influence people” and all that!

    What gets measured, gets done

    Find a way of tracking your streak. There are apps for that, like this one, or you could find a low-tech method you prefer.

    Bonus tip: if you do mess up and complain, and you realize as you’re doing it, take a moment to take a breath and correct yourself in the moment.

    Take care!

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  • How to Find Happiness In Yourself – by Michelle Mann

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    A lot of books about happiness tell you what to pursue, generally. What things to focus on, and that’s good, but incomplete. This book does cover those things too (complete with academic sources to back up what really works), but also goes further:

    Michelle Mann gives 25 key habits that will cumulatively build happiness, which is what it’s really about. After all:

    • If you watch your favourite movie, you’ll be happy for 90 minutes (or 9 hours if it’s The Lord of the Rings).
    • If you build daily habits that add happiness to you, your surroundings, and those around you, you’ll be happy for life.

    They do also cover happiness while going through difficult times, such as divorce, job loss, illness, or bereavement.

    Sometimes, knowing what we “should” do in theory is the easy part. Where Mann excels here is in providing explanations of each habit. This means that rather than it being some platitude, the principles underlying it are truly understood… and thus motivate us to actually apply the advice and build the habits into our life.

    While the explanations are therefore the greatest value of the book, we do recommend copying out the 25 habits (which are effectively subchapter headings) and putting them somewhere to read often.

    Bottom line: we recommend getting yourself (and/or your loved ones!) a copy of this book. You (and/or they) will be happy you did!

    Order “How to Find Happiness In Yourself: 25 Habits Guaranteed to Help You Live a Happier Life” on Amazon today!

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  • Learning to Love Midlife – by Chip Conley

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    While the book is titled about midlife, it could have said: midlife and beyond.

    Some of the benefits discussed in this book really only kick in during one’s 50s, 60s, or 70s, usually. Which, for all but the most optimistic, is generally considered to be stretching beyond what is usually called “midlife”.

    However! Chip Conley makes the argument for midlife being anywhere from one’s early 30s to mid-70s, depending on what (and how) we’re doing in life.

    He talks about (as the subtitle promises) 12 reasons life gets better with age, and those reasons are grouped into 5 categories, thus:

    1. Physical life
    2. Emotional life
    3. Mental life
    4. Vocational life
    5. Spiritual life

    It may surprise some readers that there are physical benefits that come with aging, but we do get two chapters in that category.

    The writing style is very casual, yet with references to science throughout, and a bibliography for such.

    Bottom line: if you’d like to make sure you’re making the most of your midlife and beyond, this a book that offers a lot of guidance on doing so!

    Click here to check out Learning to Love Midlife, and age in style!

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  • Sunflower Corn Burger

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Burgers are rarely a health food, but in this case, everything in the patty is healthy, and it’s packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

    You will need

    • 1 can chickpeas
    • ¾ cup frozen corn
    • ½ cup chopped fresh parsley
    • ⅓ cup sunflower seeds
    • ⅓ cup cornichon pickles
    • ⅓ cup wholegrain bread crumbs (gluten-free, if desired/required)
    • ¼ bulb garlic (or more if you want a stronger flavor)
    • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus more for frying
    • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (or 1 tsp yeast extract)
    • 2 tsp ground cumin
    • 2 tsp red pepper flakes
    • 2 tsp black pepper, coarse ground
    • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
    • To serve: 4 burger buns; these are not usually healthy, so making your own is best, but if you don’t have the means/time, then getting similarly shaped wholegrain bread buns works just fine.
    • Optional: your preferred burger toppings, e.g. greenery, red onion, tomato slices, avocado, jalapeños, whatever does it for you

    Note: there is no need to add salt; there is enough already in the pickles.


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Combine all the ingredients except the buns (and any optional toppings) in a food processor, pulsing a few times for a coarse texture (not a purée).

    2) Shape the mixture into 4 burger patties, and let them chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

    3) Heat a skillet over a medium-high heat with some olive oil, and fry the burgers on both sides until they develop a nice golden crust; this will probably take about 4 minutes per side.

    4) Assemble in the buns with any toppings you want, and serve:


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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