Oh, Honey

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The Bee’s Knees?

If you’d like to pre-empt that runny nose, some say that local honey is the answer. The rationale is that bees visiting the local sources of pollen and making honey will introduce the same allergens to you in a non allergy-inducing fashion (the honey). The result? Inoculation against the allergens in question.

But does it work?

Researching this, we found a lot of articles saying there was no science to back it up.

And then! We found one solitary study from 2013, and the title was promising:

Ingestion of honey improves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis: evidence from a randomized placebo-controlled trial

But we don’t stop at titles; that’s not the kind of newsletter we are. We pride ourselves on giving good information!

And it turned out, upon reading the method and the results, that:

  • Both the control and test groups also took loratadine for the first 4 weeks of the study
  • The test group additionally took 1g/kg bodyweight of honey, daily—so for example if you’re 165lb (75kg), that’s about 4 tablespoons per day
  • The control group took the equivalent amount of honey-flavored syrup
  • Both groups showed equal improvements by week 4
  • The test group only showed continued improvements (over the control group) by week 8

The researchers concluded from this:

❝Honey ingestion at a high dose improves the overall and individual symptoms of AR, and it could serve as a complementary therapy for AR.❞

We at 10almonds concluded from this:

❝That’s a lot of honey to eat every day for months!❞

We couldn’t base an article on one study from a decade ago, though! Fortunately, we found a veritable honeypot of more recent research, in the form of this systematic review:

Read: The Potential Use Of Honey As A Remedy For Allergic Diseases

…which examines 13 key studies and 43 scientific papers over the course of 21 years. That’s more like it! This was the jumping-off point we needed into more useful knowledge.

We’re not going to cite all those here—we’re a health and productivity newsletter, not an academic journal of pharmacology, but we did sift through them so that you don’t have to, and:

The researchers (of that review) concluded:

❝Although there is limited evidence, some studies showed remarkable improvements against certain types of allergic illnesses and support that honey is an effective anti-allergic agent.

Our (10almonds team) further observations included:

  • The research review notes that a lot of studies did not confirm which phytochemical compounds specifically are responsible for causing allergic reactions and/or alleviating such (so: didn’t always control for what we’d like to know, i.e. the mechanism of action)
  • Some studies showed results radically different from the rest. The reviewers put this down to differences that were not controlled-for between studies, for example:
    • Some studies used very different methods to others. There may be an important difference between a human eating a tablespoon of honey, and a rat having aerosolized honey shot up its nose, for instance. We put more weight to human studies than rat studies!
    • Some kinds of honey (such as manuka) contain higher quantities of gallic acid which itself can relieve allergies by chemically inhibiting the release of histamine. In other words, never mind pollen-based inoculations… it’s literally an antihistamine.
    • Certain honeys (such as tualang, manuka and gelam) contain higher quantities of quercetin. What’s quercetin? It’s a plant flavonoid that a recent study has shown significantly relieves symptoms of seasonal allergies. So again, it works, just not for the reason people say!

In summary:

The “inoculation by local honey” thing specifically may indeed remain “based on traditional use only” for now.

But! Honey as a remedy for allergies, especially manuka honey, has a growing body of scientific evidence behind it.

Bottom line:

If you like honey, go for it (manuka seems best)! It may well relieve your symptoms.

If you don’t, off-the-shelf antihistamines remain a perfectly respectable option.

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  • How does the drug abemaciclib treat breast cancer?
  • Knit for Health & Wellness – by Betsan Corkhill
    Physiotherapist Betsan Corkhill reveals knitting’s mental health benefits, from boosting focus to problem-solving – all while connecting crafts to computer programming’s origins!

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  • A Surprisingly Powerful Tool: Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

    What skeletons are in your closet? As life goes on, most of accumulate bad experiences as well as good ones, to a greater or lesser degree. From clear cases of classic PTSD, to the widely underexamined many-headed beast that is C-PTSD*, our past does affect our present. Is there, then, any chance for our future being different?

    *PTSD is typically associated with military veterans, for example, or sexual assault survivors. There was a clear, indisputable, Bad Thing™ that was experienced, and it left a psychological scar. When something happens to remind us of that—say, there are fireworks, or somebody touches us a certain way—it’ll trigger an immediate strong response of some kind.

    These days the word “triggered” has been popularly misappropriated to mean any adverse emotional reaction, often to something trivial.

    But, not all trauma is so clear. If PTSD refers to the result of that one time you were smashed with a sledgehammer, C-PTSD (Complex PTSD) refers to the result of having been hit with a rolled-up newspaper every few days for fifteen years, say.

    This might have been…

    • childhood emotional neglect
    • a parent with a hair-trigger temper
    • bullying at school
    • extended financial hardship as a young adult
    • “just” being told or shown all too often that your best was never good enough
    • the persistent threat (real or imagined) of doom of some kind
    • the often-reinforced idea that you might lose everything at any moment

    If you’re reading this list and thinking “that’s just life though”, you might be in the estimated 1 in 5 people with (often undiagnosed) C-PTSD.

    For more on C-PTSD, see our previous main feature:

    PTSD, But, Well…. Complex

    So, what does eye movement have to do with this?

    Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic technique whereby a traumatic experience (however small or large; it could be the memory of that one time you said something very regrettable, or it could be some horror we couldn’t describe here) is recalled, and then “detoothed” by doing a bit of neurological jiggery-pokery.

    How the neurological jiggery-pokery works:

    By engaging the brain in what’s called bilateral stimulation (which can be achieved in various ways, but a common one is moving the eyes rapidly from side to side, hence the name), the event can be re-processed, in much the same way that we do when dreaming, and relegated safely to the past.

    This doesn’t mean you’ll forget the event; you’d need to do different exercises for that.

    See also our previous main feature:

    The Dark Side Of Memory (And How To Make Your Life Better)

    That’s not the only aspect of EMDR, though…

    EMDR is not just about recalling traumatic events while moving your eyes from side-to-side. What an easy fix that would be! There’s a little more to it.

    The process also involves (ideally with the help of a trained professional) examining what other memories, thoughts, feelings, come to mind while doing that. Sometimes, a response we have today associated with, for example, a feeling of helplessness, or rage in conflict, or shame, or anything really, can be connected to previous instances of feeling the same thing. And, each of those events will reinforce—and be reinforced by—the others.

    An example of this could be an adult who struggles with substance abuse (perhaps alcohol, say), using it as a crutch to avoid feelings of [insert static here; we don’t know what the feelings are because they’re being avoided], that were first created by, and gradually snowballed from, some adverse reaction to something they did long ago as a child, then reinforced at various times later in life, until finally this adult doesn’t know what to do, but they do know they must hide it at all costs, or suffer the adverse reaction again. Which obviously isn’t a way to actually overcome anything.

    EMDR, therefore, seeks to not just “detooth” a singular traumatic memory, but rather, render harmless the whole thread of memories.

    Needless to say, this kind of therapy can be quite an emotionally taxing experience, so again, we recommend trying it only under the guidance of a professional.

    Is this an evidence-based approach?

    Yes! It’s not without its controversy, but that’s how it is in the dog-eat-dog world of academia in general and perhaps psychotherapy in particular. To give a note to some of why it has some controversy, here’s a great freely-available paper that presents “both sides” (it’s more than two sides, really); the premises and claims, the criticisms, and explanations for why the criticisms aren’t necessarily actually problems—all by a wide variety of independent research teams:

    Research on Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) as a Treatment for PTSD

    To give an idea of the breadth of applications for EMDR, and the evidence of the effectiveness of same, here are a few additional studies/reviews (there are many):

    As for what the American Psychiatric Association says about it:

    ❝After assessing the 120 outcome studies pertaining to the focus areas, we conclude that for two of the areas (i.e., PTSD in children and adolescents and EMDR early interventions research) the strength of the evidence is rated at the highest level, whereas the other areas obtain the second highest level.❞

    Source: The current status of EMDR therapy, specific target areas, and goals for the future

    Want to learn more?

    To learn a lot more than we could include here, check out the APA’s treatment guidelines (they are written in a fashion that is very accessible to a layperson):

    APA | Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

    Take care!

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  • This Is Your Brain on Music – by Dr. Daniel Levitin

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Music has sometimes been touted as having cognitive benefits, by its practice and even by the passive experience of it. But what’s the actual science of it?

    Dr. Levitin, an accomplished musician and neuroscientist, explores and explains.

    We learn about how music in all likelihood allowed our ancestors to develop speech, something that set us apart (and ahead!) as a species. How music was naturally-selected-for in accordance with its relationship with health. How processing music involves almost every part of the brain. How music pertains specifically to memory. And more.

    As a bonus, as well as explaining a lot about our brain, this book offers those of us with limited knowledge of music theory a valuable overview of the seven main dimensions of music, too.

    Bottom line: if you’d like to know more about the many-faceted relationship between music and cognitive function, this is a top-tier book about such.

    Click here to check out “This Is Your Brain On Music”, and learn more about yours!

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  • The Body Is Not an Apology – by Sonya Renee Taylor

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    First, a couple of things that this book is not about:

    1. Self-confidence (it’s about more than merely thinking highly of oneself)
    2. Self-acceptance (it’s about more than merely settling for “good enough”)

    In contrast, it’s about loving and celebrating what is, while striving for better, for oneself and for others.

    You may be wondering: whence this “radical” in the title?

    The author argues that often, the problem with our bodies is not actually our bodies. If we have cancer, or diabetes, then sure, that’s a problem with the body. But most of the time, the “problem with our bodies” is simply society’s rejection of our “imperfect” bodies as somehow “less than”, and something we must invest time and money to correct. Hence, the need for a radical uprooting of ideas, to fix the real problem.

    Bottom line: if, like most of us, you have a body that would not entirely pass for that of a Marvel Comics superhero, this is a book for you. And if you do have a MCU body? This is also a book for you, because we have bad news for you about what happens with age.

    Click here to check out The Body Is Not An Apology, and appreciate more about yours!

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    The subtitle here, “a journey into the science of mind over body”, prompts an immediate question: is this book actually about science?

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    The writing style here is very accessible without skimping on science. This is to be expected; Dr. Marchant also has an MSc in science communication, and spent a time as senior editor of New Scientist magazine.

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    Click here to check out “Cure” and get the most out of whatever you take (or do) for your health!

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  • Ice Cream vs Fruit Sorbet – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing ice cream to fruit sorbet, we picked the ice cream.


    Well, neither are great!

    But the deciding factor is simple: ice cream has more nutrients to go with its sugar.

    While “fruit is good” is a very reliable truism in and of itself, sorbet tends to be made with fruit juice (or at best, purée, which for these purposes is more or less the same) and sugar. The small vitamin content is nowhere near enough to make up for this. The fiber having been removed by juicing or puréeing, the fruit juice with added sugar is basically shooting glucose and fructose into your veins while doing little else.

    Fruit juice (even freshly-pressed) is nowhere near in the same league of healthiness as actual fruit!

    See also: Which Sugars Are Healthier, And Which Are Just The Same?

    Ice cream, meanwhile, is also not exactly a health food. But it has at least some minerals worth speaking of (mostly: calcium, potassium, phosphorus), and some fat that a) can be used b) helps slightly slow the absorption of the sugars.

    In short: please do not consider either of these things to be a health food. But if you’re going to choose one or the other (and are not lactose-intolerant), then ice cream has some small positives to go with its negatives.

    Take care!

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  • Putting a Halt to Feeling Lost, Anxious, Stressed & Unhappy

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Starting From the Middle

    Today’s video (below) dives straight into the heart of the issue, examining the victim mindset, with Dr. Gabor Maté immediately, and quite vulnerably, sharing his personal experiences conquering feelings of despair and anxiety.

    As one of the comments on the video says, Dr. Maté is a “person who teaches about something because they experience it themselves”. And it shows through his approach.

    With raw honesty, Dr. Maté empathizes with those grappling with inner turmoil, offering hope by emphasizing the power of healing in the present moment.

    What is His Method?

    Explained simply, Dr. Maté urges individuals to seek trauma-informed care and therapies that address underlying wounds; he emphasizes the pitfalls of relying solely on medication, and instead highlights the idea that triggers can be seen as opportunities for self-reflection and growth. He urges individuals to approach their triggers with compassionate curiosity rather than self-judgment.

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    How was the video? If you’ve discovered any great videos yourself that you’d like to share with fellow 10almonds readers, then please do email them to us!

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