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How to Eat (And Still Lose Weight): A Science-backed Guide to Nutrition and Health – by Dr. Andrew Jenkinson

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You may be wondering: what diet is he recommending?

The answer is: some guiding principles aside…. He’s not recommending a diet, per se.

What this book does instead is outline why we eat too muchlink is to where we previously had this author as a spotlight featured expert on this topic! Check it out!

He goes into a lot more detail than we ever could have in our little article, though, and this book is one of those where the reader may feel as though we have had a few classes at medical school. The style, however, is very comprehensible and accessible; there’s no obfuscating jargon here.

Once we understand the signalling that goes on in terms of hunger/satiety, and the signalling that goes on in terms of fat storage/metabolism, we can simply choose to not give our bodies the wrong signals. Yes, it’s really that simple. It feels quite like a cheat code!

Bottom line: if you’d like a better understanding of what regulates our body’s “set point” in weight/adiposity, and what can change it (for better or for worse), then this is the book for you.

Click here to check out How To Eat (And Still Lose Weight), and enjoy eating (while still losing weight)!

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