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Book Review: A Quick 1-Minute Exercise Solution for Type 1 Diabetics

Exercise with Type 1 Diabetes: How to exercise without scary lows or frustrating highs – by Ginger Vieira

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If you or a loved one has Type 1 Diabetes, you’ll know that exercise can be especially frustrating…

  • If you don’t do it, you risk weight gain and eventual insulin resistance.
  • If you do it, you risk dangerous hypos, or perhaps hypers if you took off your pump or skipped a bolus.

Unfortunately, the popular medical advice is “well, just do your best”.

Ginger Vieira is Type 1 Diabetic, and writes with 20+ experience of managing her diabetes while being a keen exerciser. As T1D folks out there will also know, comorbidities are very common; in her case, fibromyalgia was the biggest additional blow to her ability to exercise, along with an underactive thyroid. So when it comes to dealing with the practical nuts and bolts of things, she (while herself observing she’s not a doctor, let alone your doctor) has a lot more practical knowledge than an endocrinologist (without diabetes) behind a desk.

Speaking of nuts and bolts, this book isn’t a pep talk.

It has a bit of that in, but most of it is really practical information, e.g: using fasted exercise (4 hours from last meal+bolus) to prevent hypos, counterintuitive as that may seemthe key is that timing a workout for when you have the least amount of fast-acting insulin in your body means your body can’t easily use your blood sugars for energy, and draws from your fat reserves instead… Win/Win!

That’s just one quick tip because this is a 1-minute review, but Vieira gives:

  • whole chapters, with example datasets (real numbers)
  • tech-specific advice, e.g. pump, injection, etc
  • insulin-specific advice, e.g. fast vs slow, and adjustments to each in the context of exercise
  • timing advice re meal/bolus/exercise for different insulins and techs
  • blood-sugar management advice for different exercise types (aerobic/anaerobic, sprint/endurance, etc)

…and lots more that we don’t have room to mention here

Basically… If you or a loved one has T1D, we really recommend this book!

Order a copy of “Exercise with Type 1 Diabetes” from Amazon today!

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