Bold Beans – by Amelia Christie-Miller

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We all know beans are one of the most healthful foods around, but how to include more of them, without getting boring?

This book has the answer, giving 80 exciting recipes, divided into the following sections:

  • Speedy beans
  • Bean snacks & sharing plates
  • Brothy beans
  • Bean bowls
  • Hearty salads
  • Bean feasts

The recipes are obviously all bean-centric, though if you have a particular dietary restriction, watch out for the warning labels on some (e.g. meat, fish, dairy, gluten, etc), and make a substitution if appropriate.

The recipes themselves have a happily short introductory paragraph, followed by all you’d expect from a recipe book (ingredients, measurements, method, picture)

There’s also a reference section, to learn about different kinds of beans and bean-related culinary methods that can be applied per your preferences.

Bottom line: if you’d like to include more beans in your daily diet but are stuck for making them varied and interesting, this is the book for you!

Click here to check out Bold Beans, and get your pulse racing (in a good way!)

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  • Felt Time – by Dr. Marc Wittmann
  • Tofu vs Seitan – Which is Healthier?
    Tofu triumphs with a complete protein profile, fewer carbs, and abundant micronutrients compared to the more processed seitan, making it the healthier choice overall.

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  • Creamy Fortifying Cauliflower Soup

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    As delicious as it is super-easy to make, this one is full of protein, fiber, healthy fats, and some of the most health-giving spices around.

    You will need

    • 1 quart low-sodium vegetable stock
    • 1 large cauliflower, cut into florets
    • 1 large onion, finely chopped
    • 2 cans cannellini (or other white) beans, drained and rinsed
    • 1 cup raw cashews, soaked in hot water for at least 5 minutes, and drained (if allergic, substitute chickpeas)
    • 1 bulb (yes, a whole bulb) garlic, roughly chopped
    • 5 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 10 fresh sprigs of thyme (keep them whole!)
    • 1 large fresh sprig of rosemary (keep this whole too!)
    • zest of 1 lemon
    • 1 tbsp red chili flakes
    • 1 tbsp black pepper, coarse ground
    • 1 tsp MSG or 2 tsp low-sodium salt
    • ½ tsp ground turmeric
    • Extra virgin olive oil


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Tightly tie up the sprigs of rosemary and thyme with kitchen twine (shining a bright light on it and asking it invasive questions is optional)

    2) Heat some olive oil to a medium heat in your biggest sauté pan or similar. Add the onions, and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring as necessary. We are not trying to outright caramelize them here, but we do want them browned a little.

    3) Add the garlic and cook for another 2 minutes, stirring frequently.

    4) Add the vegetable stock, and stir, ensuring no onion is stuck to the base of the pan. Add the cauliflower, cashews, beans, nooch, pepper, turmeric, and MSG/salt, stirring to combine. Don’t worry if the cauliflower isn’t all submerged; it’ll be fine in a little while.

    5) Add the herbs, submerging them in the soup (still tied up bouquet garni style).

    6) Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for 15–20 minutes; the cauliflower will be soft when it’s ready.

    7) Remove the bouquet garni, and blend the soup until thick and creamy. You can do this with an immersion blender, but to get the smoothest soup, you’ll need to use a stand blender. Either ensure yours is safe for hot liquids, or else allow to cool, blend, and reheat later. This is important, as otherwise your blender could explode.

    8) Serve, using the lemon zest and chili for the garnish:


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • Heart Attack: His & Hers (Be Prepared!)

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The ECG Wearable That Could Cut Down Preventable Heart Attack Deaths

    Nearly half of people who have heart attacks don’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late. This device could greatly reduce those preventable deaths:

    New wearable ECG device could help prevent heart attacks

    At a glance:

    • Dry electrodes (no gel) are comfortable, durable, and unlikely to cause skin irritation
    • The electrodes, which are less than one tenth the width of a human hair, are highly sensitive to the cardiac signals of the user
    • The device can capture ECG signals even when it is fitted hidden out of the way behind a person’s neck
    • The electrodes are also hydrophobic, meaning they don’t get wet— even if worn in the shower, swimming pool, etc
    • It communicates with a smartphone app by Bluetooth (yes, it has a tiny Bluetooth chip in it)

    Read more about the study, the device, the various versions tested, and which version won out as optimal:

    Dry electrode geometry optimization for wearable ECG devices

    (you can also see pictures of it, if you’re curious!)

    In the meantime…

    That device isn’t available to the public yet (the study was published literally yesterday), so if you’d like to be ahead of the game with regard to recognizing heart attack signs, read on:

    Heart Attack: His & Hers (Be Prepared!)

    Heart attack symptoms vary by sex. This is governed by hormones, so if you are for example a postmenopausal woman and not on HRT, your symptoms might be nearer that of men.

    The following symptom list is intended as a rough “most likely” guide. You may not get all of the symptoms you “should”. You could get symptoms from the “wrong” category. So don’t sweat the minutiae, but do be aware of…

    Symptoms for everyone:

    • Jaw, neck, and/or back pain
    • Nausea and/or vomiting
    • Shortness of breath

    Additional symptoms (mostly) just for men:

    • Pressure and/or pain in the upper chest
    • Discomfort and/or tingling in the arms
    • Sudden cold sweat

    Additional symptoms (mostly) just for women:

    • Pressure and/or pain in the lower chest and/or abdomen
    • Feeling of fullness and/or indigestion
    • Fatigue, dizziness, possibly fainting

    In the event of experiencing symptoms…

    Call 911 or your local equivalent.This is not the time to wait to see if it goes away by itself. If unsure, call. Better safe than sorry/dead.

    If you are not alone, or if it is someone with you who is having the suspected heart attack, it may be quicker to go to the Emergency Room by car, than wait for an ambulance.

    Even if you choose to do that, you should still call 911 anyway, as the responder will be able to instruct you in real-time, not something we can do in a newsletter.

    Note that if available, this means three people in the car is ideal:

    Driver, patient, and third person on the phone giving information and following instructions.

    Emergency situations rarely go entirely by-the-book, but with a little foreknowledge and at least one person with a calm head, preventable deaths can be avoided.

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  • Migraine Mythbusting

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Migraine: When Headaches Are The Tip Of The Neurological Iceberg

    Yesterday, we asked you “What is a migraine?” and got the above-depicted, below-described spread of responses:

    • Just under 46% said “a headache, but above a certain level of severity”
    • Just under 23% said “a headache, but caused by a neurological disorder”
    • Just over 21% said “a neurological disorder that can cause headaches”
    • Just under 10% said “a headache, but with an attention-grabbing name”

    So… What does the science say?

    A migraine is a headache, but above a certain level of severity: True or False?

    While that’s usually a very noticeable part of it… That’s only one part of it, and not a required diagnostic criterion. So, in terms of defining what a migraine is, False.

    Indeed, migraine may occur without any headache, let alone a severe one, for example: Abdominal Migraine—though this is much less well-researched than the more common with-headache varieties.

    Here are the defining characteristics of a migraine, with the handy mnemonic 5-4-3-2-1:

    • 5 or more attacks
    • 4 hours to 3 days in duration
    • 2 or more of the following:
      • Unilateral (affects only one side of the head)
      • Pulsating
      • Moderate or severe pain intensity
      • Worsened by or causing avoidance of routine physical activity
    • 1 or more of the following:
      • Nausea and/or vomiting
      • Sensitivity to both light and sound

    Source: Cephalalgia | ICHD-II Classification: Parts 1–3: Primary, Secondary and Other

    As one of our subscribers wrote:

    ❝I have chronic migraine, and it is NOT fun. It takes away from my enjoyment of family activities, time with friends, and even enjoying alone time. Anyone who says a migraine is just a bad headache has not had to deal with vertigo, nausea, loss of balance, photophobia, light sensitivity, or a host of other symptoms.❞

    Migraine is a neurological disorder: True or False?

    True! While the underlying causes aren’t known, what is known is that there are genetic and neurological factors at play.

    ❝Migraine is a recurrent, disabling neurological disorder. The World Health Organization ranks migraine as the most prevalent, disabling, long-term neurological condition when taking into account years lost due to disability.

    Considerable progress has been made in elucidating the pathophysiological mechanisms of migraine, associated genetic factors that may influence susceptibility to the disease❞

    Source: JHP | Mechanisms of migraine as a chronic evolutive condition

    Migraine is just a headache with a more attention-grabbing name: True or False?

    Clearly, False.

    As we’ve already covered why above, we’ll just close today with a nod to an old joke amongst people with chronic illnesses in general:

    “Are you just saying that because you want attention?”

    “Yes… Medical attention!”

    Want to learn more?

    You can find a lot of resources at…

    NIH | National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke | Migraine


    The Migraine Trust ← helpfully, this one has a “Calm mode” to tone down the colorscheme of the website!

    Particularly useful from the above site are its pages:

    Take care!

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  • Felt Time – by Dr. Marc Wittmann
  • Nonverbal Epiphany – by Dr. Stephen Furlich

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The subtitle of this book, “Steps To Improve Your Nonverbal Communication” suggests that this is principally an instructional book—it’s not. Rather, it’s mostly informational, and it is left to the reader to interpret what to do with that information.

    But, what a lot of information!

    And well-sourced, too: this book has scientific paper citations at a rate of one or two per page, with many diagrams and infographics too. It is, in effect, a treasure trove of physiological, psychological, and sociological data when it comes to nonverbal communication and the various factors that influence it.

    So, what can you hope to gain from this book? A lot of sorting out of science vs suppositions, mostly.

    From digit ratios to crossed arms, from eye-contact to attire, do things really mean what we’ve been told they mean?

    And if they don’t, will people perceive them that way anyway, or will textbook rules go out the window in a real conversation? How about in real nonverbal interactions?

    (What’s a nonverbal interaction? It’s the behavior exhibited between strangers in the street, it’s the impression given and received by your profile picture, things like that).

    Bottom line is that this book is data, data, and more data. If ever you wanted to sort the psychology from the pseudoscience, this is the book for you.

    Pick Up Nonverbal Epiphany on Amazon today!

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  • Power Plates – by Gena Hamshaw

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Superfoods are all well and good, but there are only so many ways one can reasonably include watercress before it starts becoming a chore.

    Happily, Gena Hamshaw is here with a hundred single-dish vegan meals, that are not only nutritionally balanced as the subtitle promises, but also, as the title suggests, are nutritional powerhouses too.

    In the category of criticism, some ingredients are not so universally available as others. For example, depending on where you live, your local supermarket might not have freekeh, gochujang, or pomegranate molasses.

    However, most of the recipes have ingredients that are easy enough to source in any medium-sized supermarket, and for the ones that aren’t, we do recommend ordering the ingredient online and trying something you might not otherwise have experienced—that’s an important thing in life, after all!

    Bottom line: if you’d like plant-based meals that are packed full of nutrients and are delicious too, this is a top-tier recipe book.

    Click here to check out Power Plates, and enjoy a wide variety of plant-based cuisine!

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  • Ear Candling: Is It Safe & Does It Work?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Does This Practice Really Hold A Candle To Evidence-Based Medicine?

    In Tuesday’s newsletter, we asked you your opinion of ear candling, and got the above-depicted, below-described set of responses:

    • Exactly 50% said “Under no circumstances should you put things in your ear and set fire to them”
    • About 38% said “It is a safe, drug-free way to keep the ears free from earwax and pathogens”
    • About 13% said “Done correctly, thermal-auricular therapy is harmless and potentially beneficial”

    This means that if we add the two positive-to-candling answers together, it’s a perfect 50:50 split between “do it” and “don’t do it”.

    (Yes, 38%+13%=51%, but that’s because we round to the nearest integer in these reports, and more precisely it was 37.5% and 12.5%)

    So, with the vote split, what does the science say?

    First, a quick bit of background: nobody seems keen to admit to having invented this. One of the major manufacturers of ear candles refers to them as “Hopi” candles, which the actual Hopi tribe has spent a long time asking them not to do, as it is not and never has been used by the Hopi people. Other proposed origins offered by advocates of ear candling include Traditional Chinese Medicine (not used), Ancient Egypt (no evidence of such whatsoever), and Atlantis:

    Quackwatch | Why Ear Candling Is Not A Good Idea

    It is a safe, drug-free way to keep the ears free from earwax and pathogens: True or False?

    False! In a lot of cases of alternative therapy claims, there’s an absence of evidence that doesn’t necessarily disprove the treatment. In this case, however, it’s not even an open matter; its claims have been actively disproven by experimentation:

    In a medium-sized survey (n=122), the following injuries were reported:

    • 13 x burns
    • 7 x occlusion of the ear canal
    • 6 x temporary hearing loss
    • 3 x otitis externa (this also called “swimmer’s ear”, and is an inflammation of the ear, accompanied by pain and swelling)
    • 1 x tympanic membrane perforation

    Indeed, authors of one paper concluded:

    ❝Ear candling appears to be popular and is heavily advertised with claims that could seem scientific to lay people. However, its claimed mechanism of action has not been verified, no positive clinical effect has been reliably recorded, and it is associated with considerable risk.

    No evidence suggests that ear candling is an effective treatment for any condition. On this basis, we believe it can do more harm than good and we recommend that GPs discourage its use

    ~ Dr. Joy Rafferty et al.

    Source: Canadian Family Physician | Ear Candling

    Under no circumstances should you put things in your ear and set fire to them: True or False?

    True! It’s generally considered good advice to not put objects in general in your ears.

    Inserting flaming objects is a definite no-no. Please leave that for the Cirque du Soleil.

    You may be thinking, “but I have done this and suffered no ill effects”, which seems reasonable, but is an example of survivorship bias in action—it doesn’t make the thing in question any safer, it just means you were one of the one of the ones who got away unscathed.

    If you’re wondering what to do instead… Ear oils can help with the removal of earwax (if you don’t want to go get it sucked out at a clinic—the industry standard is to use a suction device, which actually does what ear candles claim to do). For information on safely getting rid of earwax, see our previous article:

    Ear Today, Gone Tomorrow

    Take care!

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