A Statin-Free Life – by Dr. Aseem Malhotra

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Here at 10almonds, we’ve written before about the complexities of statins, and their different levels of risk/benefit for men and women, respectively. It’s a fascinating topic, and merits more than an article of the size we write here!

So, in the spirit of giving pointers of where to find a lot more information, this book is a fine choice.

Dr. Malhotra, a consultant cardiologist and professor of evidence-based medicine, talks genes and lifestyle, drugs and blood. He takes us on a tour of the very many risk factors for heart disease, and how cholesterol levels may be at best an indicator, but less likely a cause, of heart disease, especially for women. Further and even better, he discusses various more reliable indicators and potential causes, too.

Rather than be all doom and gloom, he does offer guidance on how to reduce each of one’s personal risk factors and—which is important—keep on top of the various relevant measures of heart health (including some less commonly tested ones, like the coronary calcium score).

The style is light reading andyet with a lot of reference to hard science, so it’s really the best of both worlds in that regard.

Bottom line: if you’re considering statins, or are on statins and are reconsidering that choice, then this book will (notwithstanding its own bias in its conclusion) help you make a more-informed decision.

Click here to check out A Statin-Free Life, and make the best choice for you!

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  • Total Fitness After 40 – by Nick Swettenham
  • The Case of the Armadillo: Is It Spreading Leprosy in Florida?
    In Florida’s leprosy mystery, researchers study armadillos for clues in the state’s unusual spike in the ancient disease.

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  • Complex PTSD – by Pete Walker

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We’ve written before about Complex PTSD, but there’s a lot more to be said than we can fit into an article or two.

    Pete Walker, a licensed marriage and family therapist, does an excellent job and pulls no punches, starting from the book’s dedication and carrying the hard-hitting seriousness all the way through to the Appendices.

    To this end, it absolutely may not be an easy book to read at times (emotionally speaking), especially if you have C-PTSD. On the other hand, you may also find it a very validating 300-odd pages of “Yes, he is telling my life story in words, now this makes sense!”

    That said, it’s mostly not an anecdotes-based book and nor is it just a feelsy ride; it’s also a textbook and a how-to manual. It’s a textbook of how and why things come about the way they do, and a manual of how to effectively manage C-PTSD, and find peace. There’s no silver bullet here, but there is a very comprehensive guide, and chapters full of tools to use (and no, not the same CBT things you’ve probably read a hundred times, this is C-PTSD-specific stuff).

    Bottom line: this is the C-PTSD book; if you buy only one book on the topic, make it this one.

    Click here to check out Complex PTSD: From Surviving To Thriving, and indeed thrive!

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  • Tofu vs Seitan – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing tofu to seitan, we picked the tofu.


    This one is not close!

    In terms of macros, seitan does have about 2x the protein, but it also has 6x the carbs and 6x the sodium of tofu, as well as less fiber than tofu.. So we’ll call it a tie on macros. But…

    Seitan is also much more processed than tofu, as tofu has usually just been fermented and possibly pressed (depending on kind). Seitan, in contrast, is processed gluten that has been extracted from wheat and usually had lots of things happen to it on the way (depending on kind).

    About that protein… Tofu is a complete protein, meaning it has all of the essential amino acids. Seitain, meanwhile, is lacking in lysine.

    When it comes to vitamins and minerals, again tofu easily comes out on top; tofu has 5x the calcium, similar iron, more magnesium, 2x the phosphorous, 150% of the potassium, and contains several other nutrients that seitan doesn’t, such as folate and choline.

    So, easy winning for tofu across the board on micronutrients.

    Tofu is also rich in isoflavones, antioxidant phytonutrients, while seitan has no such benefits.

    So, another win for tofu.

    There are two reasons you might choose seitan:

    • prioritizing bulk protein above all other health considerations
    • you are allergic to soy and not allergic to gluten

    If neither of those things are the case, then tofu is the healthier choice!

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    Take care!

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  • The “Love Drug”

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Get PEA-Brained!

    Today we’ll be looking at phenylethylamine, or PEA, to its friends.

    Not to be mistaken for the related amino acid phenylalanine! Both ultimately have effects on the dopaminergic system, but the process and benefits are mostly quite different.

    We thought we’d do this one in the week of Valentine’s Day, because of its popular association with love:

    ❝Phenylethylamine (PEA), an amphetamine-like substance that has been alluringly labeled the “chemical of love,” makes the best case for the love-chocolate connection since it has been shown that people in love may actually have higher levels of PEA in their brain, as surmised from the fact that their urine is richer in a metabolite of this compound. In other words, people thrashing around in the throes of love pee differently from others.❞

    Source: Office for Science and Society | The Chemical of Love

    What is it?

    It’s an amino acid. Because we are mammals, we can synthesize it inside our bodies, so it’s not considered an “essential amino acid”, i.e. one that we need to get from our diet. It is found in some foods, though, including:

    • Other animals, especially other mammals
    • Various beans, legumes, nuts, seeds. In particular almonds, soybeans, lentils, and chickpeas score highly
    • Fermented foods
    • Chocolate (popular lore holds this to be a good source of PEA; science finds it to be a fair option, but not in the same ballpark as the other items)

    Fun fact: the reason Marvel’s Venom has a penchant for eating humans and chocolate is (according to the comics) because phenylethylamine is an essential amino acid for it.

    What does it do for us?

    It’s a Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulant, and also helps us synthesize critical neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine (adrenaline) and serotonin:

    β-Phenylethylamine Alters Monoamine Transporter Function via Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1: Implication for Modulatory Roles of Trace Amines in Brain

    It works similarly, but not identically, to amphetamines:

    Amphetamine potentiates the effects of β-phenylethylamine through activation of an amine-gated chloride channel

    Is it safe?

    We normally do this after the benefits, but “it works similarly to amphetamines” may raise an eyebrow or two, so let’s do it here:

    • It is recommended to take no more than 500mg/day, with 100mg–500mg being typical doses
    • It is not recommended to take it at all if you have, or have a predisposition to, any kind of psychotic disorder (especially schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder wherein you sometimes experience mania)
      • This isn’t a risk for most people, but if you fall into the above category, the elevated dopamine levels could nudge you into a psychotic/manic episode that you probably don’t want.

    See for example: Does phenylethylamine cause schizophrenia?

    There are other contraindications too, so speak with your doctor/pharmacist before trying it.

    On the other hand, if you are considering ADHD medication, then phenylethylamine could be a safer thing to try first, to see if it helps, before going to the heavy guns of actual amphetamines (as are commonly prescribed for ADHD). Same goes for depression and antidepressants.

    What can I expect from PEA?

    More dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Mostly the former two. Which means, you can expect stimulation.

    For focus and attention, it’s so effective that it has been suggested (as we mentioned above) as a safer alternative to ADHD meds:

    β-phenylethylamine, a small molecule with a large impact

    …and may give similar benefits to people without ADHD, namely improved focus, attention, and mental stamina:

    Integrative Psychiatry | The Many Health Benefits of Phenylethylamine (PEA) – The Brain’s Natural Stimulant

    It also improves mood:

    ❝Phenylethylamine (PEA), an endogenous neuroamine, increases attention and activity in animals and has been shown to relieve depression in 60% of depressed patients. It has been proposed that PEA deficit may be the cause of a common form of depressive illness.

    Effective dosage did not change with time. There were no apparent side effects. PEA produces sustained relief of depression in a significant number of patients, including some unresponsive to the standard treatments. PEA improves mood as rapidly as amphetamine but does not produce tolerance.

    ~ Dr. Sabelli et al.

    Source: Sustained antidepressant effect of PEA replacement

    Where can I get it?

    We don’t sell it, but here is an example product on Amazon for your convenience


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  • Your Brain on Art – by Susan Magsamen & Ivy Ross

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The notion of art therapy is popularly considered a little wishy-washy. As it turns out, however, there are thousands of studies showing its effectiveness.

    Nor is this just a matter of self-expression. As authors Magsamen and Ross explore, different kinds of engagement with art can convey different benefits.

    That’s one of the greatest strengths of this book: “this form of engagement with art will give these benefits, according to these studies”

    With benefits ranging from reducing stress and anxiety, to overcoming psychological trauma or physical pain, there’s a lot to be said for art!

    And because the book covers many kinds of art, if you can’t imagine yourself taking paintbrush to canvas, that’s fine too. We learn of the very specific cognitive benefits of coloring in mandalas (yes, really), of sculpting something terrible in clay, or even just of repainting the kitchen, and more. Each thing has its set of benefits.

    The book’s main goal is to encourage the reader to cultivate what the authors call an aesthetic mindset, which involves four key attributes:

    • a high level of curiosity
    • a love of playful, open-ended exploration
    • a keen sensory awareness
    • a drive to engage in creative activities

    And, that latter? It’s as a maker and/or a beholder. We learn about what we can gain just by engaging with art that someone else made, too.

    Bottom line: come for the evidence-based cognitive benefits; stay for the childlike wonder of the universe. If you already love art, or have thought it’s just “not for you”, then this book is for you.

    Click here to check out Your Brain On Art, and open up whole new worlds of experience!

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  • The Dopamine Precursor And More

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    What Is This Supplement “NALT”?

    N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT) is a form of tyrosine, an amino acid that the body uses to build other things. What other things, you ask?

    Well, like most amino acids, it can be used to make proteins. But most importantly and excitingly, the body uses it to make a collection of neurotransmitters—including dopamine and norepinephrine!

    • Dopamine you’ll probably remember as “the reward chemical” or perhaps “the motivation molecule”
    • Norepinephrine, also called noradrenaline, is what powers us up when we need a burst of energy.

    Both of these things tend to get depleted under stressful conditions, and sometimes the body can need a bit of help replenishing them.

    What does the science say?

    This is Research Review Monday, after all, so let’s review some research! We’re going to dive into what we think is a very illustrative study:

    A 2015 team of researchers wanted to know whether tyrosine (in the form of NALT) could be used as a cognitive enhancer to give a boost in adverse situations (times of stress, for example).

    They noted:

    ❝The potential of using tyrosine supplementation to treat clinical disorders seems limited and its benefits are likely determined by the presence and extent of impaired neurotransmitter function and synthesis.❞

    More on this later, but first, the positive that they also found:

    ❝In contrast, tyrosine does seem to effectively enhance cognitive performance, particularly in short-term stressful and/or cognitively demanding situations. We conclude that tyrosine is an effective enhancer of cognition, but only when neurotransmitter function is intact and dopamine and/or norepinephrine is temporarily depleted❞

    That “but only”, is actually good too, by the way!

    You do not want too much dopamine (that could cause addiction and/or psychosis) or too much norepinephrine (that could cause hypertension and/or heart attacks). You want just the right amount!

    So it’s good that NALT says “hey, if you need some more, it’s here, if not, no worries, I’m not going to overload you with this”.

    Read the study: Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands

    About that limitation…

    Remember they said that it seemed unlikely to help in treating clinical disorders with impaired neurotransmitter function and/or synthesis?

    Imagine that you employ a chef in a restaurant, and they can’t keep up with the demand, and consequently some of the diners aren’t getting fed. Can you fix this by supplying the chef with more ingredients?

    Well, yes, if and only if the problem is “the chef wasn’t given enough ingredients”. If the problem is that the oven (or the chef’s wrist) is broken, more ingredients aren’t going to help at all—something different is needed in those cases.

    So it is with, for example, many cases of depression.

    See for example: Tyrosine for depression: a double-blind trial

    About blood pressure…

    You may be wondering, “if NALT is a precursor of norepinephrine, a vasoconstrictor, will this increase my blood pressure adversely?”

    Well, check with your doctor as your own situation may vary, but under normal circumstances, no. The effect of NALT is adaptogenic, meaning that it can help keep its relevant neurotransmitters at healthy levels—not too low or high.

    See what we mean, for example in this study where it actually helped keep blood pressure down while improving cognitive performance under stress:

    Effect of tyrosine on cognitive function and blood pressure under stress

    Bottom line:

    For most people, NALT is a safe and helpful way to help keep healthy levels of dopamine and norepinephrine during times of stress, giving cognitive benefits along the way.

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  • Rice vs Buckwheat – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing rice to buckwheat, we picked the buckwheat.


    It’s a simple one today:

    • The vitamin and mineral profiles are very similar, so neither of these are a swaying factor
    • In terms of macros, rice is higher in carbohydrates while buckwheat is higher in fiber
    • Buckwheat also has more protein, but not by much
    • Buckwheat has the lower glycemic index, and a lower insulin index, too

    While buckwheat cannot always be reasonably used as a substitute for rice (often because the texture would not work the same), in many cases it can be.

    And if you love rice, well, so do we, but variety is also the spice of life indeed, not to mention important for good health. You know that whole “eat 30 different plants per week” thing? Grains count in that tally! So substituting buckwheat in place of rice sometimes seems like a very good bet.

    Not sure where to buy it?

    Here for your convenience is an example product on Amazon

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