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Elizabeth Stacy's review of "The One-Minute Window" showcases how the training provided in this program can help individuals thrive and widen their window of opportunity.

Widen the Window: Training your brain and body to thrive during stress and recover from trauma – by Dr. Elizabeth Stanley

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Firstly, about the title… That “window” that the author bids us “widen” is not a flowery metaphor, but rather, is referring to the window of exhibited resilience to stress/trauma; the “window” in question looks like an “inverted U” bell-curve on the graph.

In other words: Dr. Stanley’s main premise here is that we respond best to moderate stress (i.e: in that window, the area under the curve!), but if there is too little or too much, we don’t do so well. The key, she argues, is widening that middle part (expanding the area under the curve) in which we perform optimally. That way, we can still function in a motivated fashion without extrinsic threats, and we also don’t collapse under the weight of overwhelm, either.

The main strength of this book, however, lies in its practical exercises to accomplish that—and more.

“And more”, because the subtitle also promised recovery from trauma, and the author delivers in that regard too. In this case, it’s about widening that same window, but this time to allow one’s parasympathetic nervous system to recognize that the traumatic event is behind us, and no longer a threat; we are safe now.

Bottom line: if you would like to respond better to stress, and/or recover from trauma, this book is a very good tool.

Click here to check out Widen the Window, and widen yours!

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