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Science Reveals Successful Treatments in "Rethinking Diabetes: 1 Minute Book Review

Rethinking Diabetes: What Science Reveals about Diet, Insulin and Successful Treatments – by Gary Taubes

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We’ve previously reviewed this author’s “The Case Against Sugar” and “Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It“. There’s an obvious theme, and this book caps it off nicely:

By looking at the history of diabetes treatment (types 1 and 2) in the past hundred years, and analysing the patterns over time, we can see how:

  • diabetics have been misled a lot over time by healthcare providers
  • we can learn from those mistakes going forwards

Happily, he does this without crystal-balling the future or expecting diet to fix, for example, a pancreas that can’t produce insulin. But what he does do is focus on the “can” items rather than the “can’t” items.

In the category of criticism, one of the strategies he argues for is basically the keto diet, which is indeed just fine for diabetes but often not great for the heart in the long-term (it depends on various factors, including genes). However, even if you choose not to implement that, there is plenty more to try out in this book.

Bottom line: whether you have diabetes, love someone who does, or just plain like to be on top of your glycemic health, this book is full of important insights and opportunities to improve things progressively along the way.

Click here to check out Rethinking Diabetes, and rethink diabetes!

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