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A digital image shows a pink and blue balance scale icon on the left. The text "Balance Your Hormones Naturally" is on the right. In the bottom right corner, an image of 10 almonds with the number "10" above them is displayed. Dr. Kim Foster's tips are perfect for balancing hormones effortlessly.

Dr. Kim Foster’s Method For Balancing Hormones Naturally

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Not just sex hormones, but also hormones like cortisol (the stress hormone), and thyroid hormones (for metabolism regulation) too! The body is most of the time self-regulating when it comes to hormones, but there are things that we can do to help our body look after us correctly.

In short, if we give our body what it needs, it will (usually, barring serious illness!) give us what we need.

Dr. Foster recommends…


  • Healthy fats (especially avocados and nuts)
  • Lean proteins (especially poultry, fish, and legumes)
  • Fruits & vegetables (especially colorful ones)
  • Probiotics (especially fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, etc)
  • Magnesium-rich foods (especially dark leafy greens, nuts, and yes, dark chocolate)


  • Camomile tea (especially beneficial against cortisol overproduction)
  • Nettle tea (especially beneficial for estrogen production)
  • Peppermint tea (especially beneficial for gut health, thus indirect hormone benefits)

Stress reduction:

  • Breathing exercises (especially mindfulness exercises)
  • Yoga (especially combining exercise with stretches)
  • Spending time in nature (especially green spaces)

Dr. Foster explains more about all of these things, along with more illustrative examples, so if you can, do enjoy her video:

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