Built from Broken – by Scott Hogan, CPT, COES

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So many exercise programs come with the caveat “consult your doctor before engaging in any new activity”, and the safe-but-simple “do not try to train through an injury”.

Which is all very well and good for someone in fabulous health who sprained an ankle while running and can just wait a bit, but what about those of us carrying…

  • long-term injuries
  • recurring injuries
  • or just plain unfixable physical disabilities?

That’s where physiotherapist Scott Hogan comes in. The subtitle line goes:

❝A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body❞

…but he does also recognize that there are some things that won’t bounce back.

On the other hand… There are a lot of things that get written off by doctors as “here’s some ibuprofen” that, with consistent mindful training, could actually be fixed.

Hogan delivers again and again in this latter category! You’ll see on Amazon that the book has thousands of 4- and 5-star ratings and many glowing reviews, and it’s for a reason or three:

  • The book first lays a foundational knowledge of the most common injuries likely to impede us from training
  • It goes on to give step-by-step corrective exercises to guide your body through healing itself. Your body is trying to heal itself anyway; you might as well help it accomplish that!
  • It finishes up with a comprehensive (and essential) guide to train for the strength and mobility that will help you avoid future problems.

In short: a potentially life-changing book if you have some (likely back- or joint-related) problem that needs overcoming!

And if you don’t? An excellent pre-emptive guide all the same. This is definitely one of those “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure” things.

Get your copy of Built from Broken from Amazon today!

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  • Quit Drinking – by Rebecca Dolton
  • Why Psyllium Is Healthy Through-And-Through
    Psyllium: A multifaceted fiber supplement for constipation, diarrhea, satiety, gut health, cholesterol control, and blood pressure management. Safety tips included.

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  • All About Olive Oil

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small 😎

    ❝Skip the video & tell more about olive oil please.❞

    We love requests!

    We can’t really do anti-requests (e.g. “skip the video”) because for every one person who doesn’t care for one particular element of the newsletter, there will be thousands who do—and indeed, the video segment is a popular one, so it will certainly remain.

    However! Let us reassure you that you personally are not obliged to watch the video if you don’t want to 🙂 In fact, our general hope with 10almonds is that there will be at least one feature that is of value to each reader, each day.

    Writer’s note: I’m a very bookish person, and in honesty do not love videos personally either. You know what I do love though? Olive oil. So let’s get onto that 😎

    Why olive oil?

    Let’s quickly address the taste/culinary side of things first, and then spend more time on the health aspects. Olive oil’s strong punchy flavor (as oils go, anyway) makes it a big winner with those of us who love strong punchy flavors. However, it does mean that it can overwhelm some more delicate dishes if one isn’t careful, meaning that it’s not perfect for everything all the time.

    Healthwise, olive oil is one of the healthiest oils around, along with avocado oil. In fact, we compared them previously:

    Avocado Oil vs Olive Oil – Which is Healthier?

    …and it’s worth noting that their (excellent) lipids profiles are very similar, meaning that the main factor between them is that olive oil usually retains vitamins that avocado oil doesn’t.

    Meanwhile, another popular contender for “healthy oil” is coconut oil, but this doesn’t have nearly as unambiguously good a lipids profile, because of coconut oil’s high saturated fat content—though lauric acid can have a cardioprotective effect, so the jury is out on that one:

    Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil – Which is Healthier?

    Interestingly, this article from The Conversation considered seed oils (canola, sunflower, sesame) to be next-best options:

    I can’t afford olive oil. What else can I use?

    …but it’s worth noting that the way those seed oils are made varies a lot from country to country, and can affect their health impact considerably.

    It’s not just about the fats

    Olives, especially green olives with their stronger more pungent flavor, are rich in assorted polyphenols that have many health-giving properties:

    Black Olives vs Green Olives – Which is Healthier

    …and olive oil is almost always made from green olives. Note that while we picked black olives in the above comparison, that’s mainly because green olives are “cured” for longer and thus are much higher in sodium… Which, guess what, isn’t in olive oil, so with olive oil we can enjoy all of the polyphenols with almost none of the sodium!

    Let’s talk virginity

    When it comes to olive oil, definitely not everything labelled as olive oil in the supermarket is of the same quality. Mostly, however, it’s not whether it’s “extra virgin” (i.e. the oil from the first mechanical pressing) or not that actually makes the biggest health difference, so much as that olive oils are often adulterated with other cheaper oils, so it’s important to check labels for that, even when they say “extra virgin”, in case it’s something like:

    a blend of
    and other oils

    We talk about this, and the various different levels of quality of olive oil and how you can tell them apart for yourself in the supermarket (and be wise to the ways they may try to trick you), here:

    Is “Extra Virgin” Worth It?

    What to enjoy it with?

    Olive oil is the single largest source of fat in the Mediterranean diet, and by that we mean not just “food that is eaten in the Mediterranean”, but rather, the well-defined dietary approach that has for a long time now been considered “the gold standard” of what a healthy diet looks like, scientifically. You can read more about what is and isn’t included in the definition, here:

    Mediterranean Diet: What Is It Good For? ← what isn’t it good for!


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  • How Your Sleep Position Changes Dementia Risk

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    This is not just about sleep duration or even about sleep quality… It really is about which way your body is positioned.

    Goodnight, glymphatic system

    The association between sleeping position and dementia risk is about glymphatic drainage, which is largely powered by gravity (and thus dependent on which way around your head and neck are oriented), and very important for clearing toxins out of the brain—including beta-amyloid proteins.

    This becomes particularly important when the glymphatic system becomes less efficient in midlife, often 15–20 years before cognitive decline symptoms appear.

    The video’s thumbnail headline, “SCIENTISTS REVEAL: THE WAY YOUR SLEEP CAN CAUSE DEMENTIA” is overstated and inaccurate, but our adjusted headline “how your sleep position changes dementia risk” is actually representative of the paper on which this video was based; we’ll quote from the paper itself here:

    ❝This paper concludes that 1. glymphatic clearance plays a major role in Alzheimer’s pathology; 2. the vast majority of waste clearance occurs during sleep; 3. dementias are associated with sleep disruption, alongside an age-related decline in AQP4 polarization; and 4. lifestyle choices such as sleep position, alcohol intake, exercise, omega-3 consumption, intermittent fasting and chronic stress all modulate* glymphatic clearance. Lifestyle choices could therefore alter Alzheimer’s disease risk through improved glymphatic clearance, and could be used as a preventative lifestyle intervention for both healthy brain ageing and Alzheimer’s disease.❞

    …and specifically, they found:

    ❝Glymphatic transport is most efficient in the right lateral sleeping position, with more CSF clearance occurring compared to supine and prone. The average person changes sleeping position 11 times per night, but there was no difference in the number of position changes between neurodegenerative and control groups, making the percentage of time spent in supine position the risk factor, not the number of position changes❞

    Read the paper in full here: The Sleeping Brain: Harnessing the Power of the Glymphatic System through Lifestyle Choices

    *saying “modulate” here is not as useful as it could be, because they modulate it differently: side-sleeping improves clearance; back sleeping decreases it; front-sleeping isn’t great either. Alcohol intake reduces clearance, exercise (especially cardiovascular exercise) improves it; omega-3 consumption improves it up a degree and does depend on omega-3/6 ratios, intermittent fasting improves it, and chronic stress worsens it.

    And for a more pop-science presentation, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    How To Clean Your Brain (Glymphatic Health Primer)

    Take care!

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  • Supergreen Superfood Salad Slaw

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    When it comes to “eating the rainbow”, in principle green should be the easiest color to get in, unless we live in a serious food desert (or serious food poverty). In practice, however, a lot of meals could do with a dash more green. This “supergreen superfood salad slaw” is remarkably versatile, and can be enjoyed as a very worthy accompaniment to almost any main.

    You will need

    For the bits:

    • ½ small green cabbage, finely diced
    • 7 oz tenderstem broccoli, finely chopped
    • 2 stalks celery, finely chopped (if allergic, simply omit)
    • ½ cucumber, diced into small cubes
    • 2 oz kale, finely shredded
    • 4 green (spring) onions, thinly sliced

    For the dressing:

    • 1 cup cashews (if allergic, substitute 1 cup roasted chickpeas)
    • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
    • 2 oz baby spinach
    • 1 oz basil leaves
    • 1 oz chives
    • ¼ bulb garlic
    • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 1 tbsp chia seeds
    • Juice of two limes


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Combine the ingredients from the “bits” category in a bowl large enough to accommodate them comfortably

    2) Blend the ingredients from the “dressing” category in a blender until very smooth (the crux here is you do not want any stringy bits of spinach remaining)

    3) Pour the dressing onto the bits, and mix well to combine. Refrigerate, ideally covered, until ready to serve.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • Quit Drinking – by Rebecca Dolton
  • “You Just Need to Lose Weight” And 19 Other Myths About Fat People – by Aubrey Gordon

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We’ve previously reviewed another book by this author, “What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat”, and this time, she’s doing some important mythbusting.

    The titular “you just need to lose weight” is a commonly-taken easy-out for many doctors, to avoid having to dispense actual treatment for an actual condition. Whether or not weight loss would help in a given situation is often immaterial; “kicking the can down the road” is the goal.

    Most of the book is divided into 20 chapters, each of them devoted to debunking one myth. Think of it like 10almonds’ “Mythbusting Friday” edition (indeed, we did one about obesity), but with an entire book, and as much room as she needs to provide much more detail than we can ever get into in a single article.

    And far from being a mere polemic, she does indeed provide that detail—this is clearly a very well-researched book, above and beyond the author’s own personal experience. Further, all the key points are illustrated and articulated clearly, making the book’s ideas very comprehensible.

    The style is pop-science, but with frequent bibliographical references for relevant sources.

    Bottom line: for some readers, this book will come as a great validation; for others, it may be eye-opening. Either way, it’s a very worthwhile read.

    Click here to check out “You Just Need to Lose Weight” And 19 Other Myths About Fat People, and get those myths cleared out!

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  • Coffee & Your Gut

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Coffee, in moderation, is generally considered a healthful drink—speaking for the drink itself, at least! Because the same cannot be said for added sugar, various sorts of creamers, or iced caramelatte mocha frappucino dessert-style drinks:

    The Bitter Truth About Coffee (or is it?)

    Caffeine, too, broadly has more pros than cons (again, in moderation):

    Caffeine: Cognitive Enhancer Or Brain-Wrecker?

    Some people will be concerned about coffee and the heart. Assuming you don’t have a caffeine sensitivity (or you do but you drink decaf), it is heart-neutral in moderation, though there are some ways of preparing it that are better than others:

    Make Your Coffee Heart-Healthier!

    So, what about coffee and the gut?

    The bacteria who enjoy a good coffee

    Amongst our trillions of tiny friends, allies, associates, and enemies-on-the-inside, which ones like coffee, and what kind of coffee do they prefer?

    A big (n=35,214) international multicohort analysis examined the associations between coffee consumption and very many different gut microbial species, and found:

    115 species were positively associated with coffee consumption, mostly of the kind considered “friendly”, including ones often included in probiotic supplements, such as various Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species.

    The kind that was most strongly associated with coffee consumption, however, was Lawsonibacter asaccharolyticus, a helpful little beast who converts chlorogenic acid (one of the main polyphenols in coffee) into caffeic acid, quinic acid, and various other metabolites that we can use.

    More specifically: moderate coffee-drinkers, defined as drinking 1–3 cups per day, enjoyed a 300–400% increase in L. asaccharolyticus, while high coffee-drinkers (no, not that kind of high), defined as drinking 4 or more cups of coffee per day, enjoyed a 400–800% increase, compared to “never/rarely” coffee-drinkers (defined as drinking 2 or fewer cups per month).

    Click here to see more data from the study, in a helpful infographic

    Things that did not affect the outcome:

    • The coffee-making method—it seems the bacteria are not fussy in this regard, as espresso or brewed, and even instant, yielded the same gut microbiome benefits
    • The caffeine content—as both caffeinated and decaffeinated yielded the same gut microbiome benefits

    You can read the paper itself in full for here:

    Coffee consumption is associated with intestinal Lawsonibacter asaccharolyticus abundance and prevalence across multiple cohorts

    Want to enjoy coffee, but not keen on the effects of caffeine or the taste of decaffeinated?

    Taking l-theanine alongside coffee flattens the curve of caffeine metabolism, and means one can get the benefits without unwanted jitteriness:

    The Magic Of L-Theanine


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    Learn to Age Gracefully

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  • Feel Great, Lose Weight – by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We all know that losing weight sustainably tends to be harder than simply losing weight. We know that weight loss needs to come with lifestyle change. But how to get there?

    One of the biggest problems that we might face while trying to lose weight is that our “metabolic thermostat” has got stuck at the wrong place. Trying to move it just makes our bodies think we are starving, and everything gets even worse. We can’t even “mind over matter” our way through it with willpower, because our bodies will do impressive things on a cellular level in an attempt to save us… Things that are as extraordinary as they are extraordinarily unhelpful.

    Dr. Rangan Chatterjee is here to help us cut through that.

    In this book, he covers how our metabolic thermostat got stuck in the wrong place, and how to gently tease it back into a better position.

    Some advices won’t be big surprises—go for a whole foods diet, avoiding processed food, for example. Probably not a shocker.

    Others are counterintuitive, but he explains how they work—exercising less while moving more, for instance. Sounds crazy, but we assure you there’s a metabolic explanation for it that’s beyond the scope of this review. And there’s plenty more where that came from, too.

    Bottom line: if your weight has been either slowly rising, or else very stable but at a higher point than you’d like, Dr. Chatterjee can help you move the bar back to where you want it—and keep it there.

    Click here to check out “Feel Great, Lose Weight” and reset your metabolic thermostat to its healthiest point!

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