The FIRST Program: Fighting Insulin Resistance with Strength Training – by Dr. William Shang

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A lot of advice about fighting insulin resistance focuses on diet. And, that’s worthwhile! How we eat does make a huge difference to our insulin responses (as does fasting). But, we expect our regular 10almonds readers either know these things now, or can read one of several very good books we’ve already reviewed about such.

This one’s different: it focuses, as the title promises, on fighting insulin resistance with strength training. And why?

It’s because of the difference that our body composition makes to our metabolism. Now, our body fat percentage is often talked about (or, less usefully but more prevalently, even if woefully misleadingly, our BMI), but Dr. Shang makes the case for it being our musculature that has the biggest impact; because of how it hastens our metabolism, and because of how it is much healthier for the body to store glycogen in muscle tissue, than just cramming whatever it can into the liver and visceral fat. It becomes relevant, then, that there’s a limit to how much glycogen can be stored in muscle tissue, and that limit is how much muscle you have.

This is not, however, 243 pages to say “lift some weights, lazybones”. Rather, he explains the relevant pathophysiology (we will be more likely to adhere to things we understand, than things we do not), and gives practical advice on exercising the different kinds of muscle fibers, arguing that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, as well as outlining an exercise program for the gym, plus a chapter on no-gym exercises too.

The style is quite dense, which may be offputting for some, but it suffices to take one’s time and read thoughtfully; the end result is worth it.

Bottom line: if you’d like to keep insulin resistance at bay, this book is an excellent extra tool for that.

Click here to check out First Program: Fighting Insulin Resistance With Strength Training, and fight insulin resistance with strength training!

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  • The Medicinal Chef – by Dale Pinnock
  • The Dopamine Myth
    The Dopamine Myth: Don’t believe the misconception that dopamine is the cause of addictions. It plays a role in pleasure, motivation, learning, and more. Find healthier ways to boost dopamine levels.

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  • Red Lentils vs Oats – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing red lentils to oats, we picked the oats.


    In terms of macros, oats have more protein, carbs, fiber, and even a little fat—mostly healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, thus making them the more nutritionally dense. That said, red lentils have the lower glycemic index, (low GI compared to oats’ medium GI) which offsets that, so we’ll call this category a tie.

    In the category of vitamins, red lentils have more of vitamins B6, B9, and choline, while oats have more of vitamins B1, B2, and B5. Another tie!

    When it comes to minerals, however, we have a tiebreaker category: red lentils have more selenium, while oats have more calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. An easy win for oats this time!

    So, thanks to the minerals, oats are the clear winner in total. But by all means, enjoy either or both; diversity is good!

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    The Best Kind Of Fiber For Overall Health? ← it’s β-glucan, the kind find in oats!


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  • Carrot vs Sweet Potato – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing carrot to sweet potato, we picked the sweet potato.


    Both are great! But there’s a winner in the end:

    Looking at the macros first, sweet potato has more protein carbs, and fiber, and is thus the “more food per food” item. If they are both cooked the same, then the glycemic index is comparable, despite the carrot’s carbs having more sucrose and the sweet potato’s carbs having more starch. We’ll call this category a tie.

    In terms of vitamins, carrots have more of vitamins B9 and K, while sweet potatoes have more of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. B7, C, E, and choline. Both are equally high in vitamin A. Thus, the vitamins category is an overwhelming win for sweet potato.

    When it comes to minerals, carrots are not higher in any minerals (unless we count that they are slightly higher in sodium, but that is not generally considered a plus for most people in most places most of the time), while sweet potato is higher in calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Another easy win for sweet potato.

    Adding up the sections makes for a clear win for the sweet potato as the more nutritionally dense option, but as ever, enjoy either or both!

    Want to learn more?

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    What’s Your Plant Diversity Score?

    Take care!

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  • The Brain Health Book – by Dr. John Randolph

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The author, a clinical neuropsychologist and brain health consultant, brings his professional knowledge and understanding to bear on the questions of what works, what doesn’t, and why?

    In practical terms, the focus is mostly on maintaining/improving attention, memory, and executive functions. To that end, he covers what kinds of exercises to do (physical and mental!), and examines what strategies make the most difference—including the usual lifestyle considerations of course, but also more specifically than that, what to prioritize over what when it comes to daily choices.

    The style is easy pop-science, with an emphasis on being directly useful to the reader, rather than giving an overabundance of citations for everything as we go along. He does, however, explain the necessary science as we go, making the book educational without being academic.

    Bottom line: if you’d like to maintain/improve your brain, this book can certainly help with that, and as a bonus (unless you are already an expert) you’ll learn plenty about the brain as you go.

    Click here to check out The Brain Health Book, and use the power of neuroscience to improve your life!

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  • Lemon vs Lime – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing lemons to limes, we picked the lemons.


    This one’s simple today. They’re both comparable fruits in most ways, and their macro profiles are almost identical. When it comes to vitamins, however, they stand apart a little.

    Both are most well-known for their vitamin C content, but lemons contain about 2x the vitamin C of limes.

    In other vitamins, they’re not too far apart. Technically limes have 2x the vitamin A, but this doesn’t count for much because it’s a case of “two times almost nothing is still almost nothing”.

    In the category of minerals, neither fruit is a very good source of most minerals, and the minerals they do have, are mostly more or less the same.

    Both are acidic, and this can have blood sugar benefits in both cases (and, if not careful, damage tooth enamel in both cases). Nothing to set either apart from the other here.

    So, it comes down to the vitamin C! In which category, lemons take the prize with their higher content.

    Want to learn more?

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    10 Ways To Balance Blood Sugars ← where it talks about the use of vinegar here, it’s about the acidity, so lemon juice or lime juice is an option too!

    Take care!

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  • Pistachios vs Almonds – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing pistachios to almonds, we picked the almonds.


    It was very close! And those who’ve been following our “This or That” comparisons might be aware that pistachios and almonds have both been winning their respective comparisons with other nuts so far, so today we put them head-to-head.

    In terms of macros, almonds have a little more protein and a little more fiber—as well as slightly more fat, though the fats are healthy. Pistachios, meanwhile, are higher in carbs. A moderate win for almonds on the macro front.

    When it comes to vitamins, pistachios have more of vitamins A, B1, and B6, while almonds have more of vitamins B2, B3, and E. We could claim a slight victory for pistachios, based on the larger margins, or else a slight victory for almonds, based on vitamin E being a more common nutritional deficiency than vitamin A, and therefore the more useful vitamin to have more of. We’re going to call this category a tie.

    In the category of minerals, almonds lead with more calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, while pistachios boast more copper, potassium, and selenium, though the margins are more modest for pistachios. A moderate win for almonds on minerals, therefore.

    Adding up the sections gives a win for almonds, but of course, do enjoy both, because both are excellent in their own right.

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  • Biohack Your Way to Healthy Skin – by Jennifer Sun

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The author, an aesthetician with a biotech background, explains about the overlap of skin health and skin beauty, making it better from the inside first (diet and other lifestyle factors), and then tweaking things as desired from the outside.

    We previous reviewed another book of hers, “Unleashing Your Best Skin”, and this time the focus is on things you can do at home—not requiring expensive salon treatments (the other book covers both approaches; this one simply skips the clinic work and instead has a lot more detail in the at-home category).

    As for what she covers, it comes in categories:

    • Gadgets to consider investing in, how to pick good ones, and what gadgets to avoid
    • Basic skincare knowledge and practice; here we’re talking cleaners, tonics, moisturizers, and so forth
    • Best topical and oral ingredients for the skin (and in contrast, ingredients to be wary of)
    • Nutrition for skincare; not just “your skin needs these ingredients”, but also…
    • Gut health for skincare, which gets a whole chapter just for that
    • Biohacking hormones for skincare, including in the cases of various common hormone imbalances (e.g. menopause, PCOS, etc) and other complications not generally thought of in terms of skincare, such as diabetes and hypo-/hyperthyroidism.
    • Circulatory health for skincare (blood and lymph)
    • Mental health techniques for skincare (including improving sleep, managing stress, supplements to consider, etc).

    As with her other book that we reviewed, the book is broadly aimed at women, and the section on sex-hormonal considerations is completely aimed at women, but as for the rest of the book, there’s no pressing reason why this book couldn’t benefit men too. It also addresses considerations when it comes to darker skintones, something that a lot of similar books overlook.

    The style is directly instructional, albeit light and conversational in tone, and still with 20+ pages of scientific references to show that she does indeed know her stuff.

    Bottom line: if you’d like to improve your skin health, and/but aren’t a fan of going to the salon, then this book will be an invaluable resource.

    Click here to check out Biohack Your Way To Healthy Skin, and biohack your way to healthy skin!

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