Dr. Kim Foster’s Method For Balancing Hormones Naturally

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Not just sex hormones, but also hormones like cortisol (the stress hormone), and thyroid hormones (for metabolism regulation) too! The body is most of the time self-regulating when it comes to hormones, but there are things that we can do to help our body look after us correctly.

In short, if we give our body what it needs, it will (usually, barring serious illness!) give us what we need.

Dr. Foster recommends…


  • Healthy fats (especially avocados and nuts)
  • Lean proteins (especially poultry, fish, and legumes)
  • Fruits & vegetables (especially colorful ones)
  • Probiotics (especially fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, etc)
  • Magnesium-rich foods (especially dark leafy greens, nuts, and yes, dark chocolate)


  • Camomile tea (especially beneficial against cortisol overproduction)
  • Nettle tea (especially beneficial for estrogen production)
  • Peppermint tea (especially beneficial for gut health, thus indirect hormone benefits)

Stress reduction:

  • Breathing exercises (especially mindfulness exercises)
  • Yoga (especially combining exercise with stretches)
  • Spending time in nature (especially green spaces)

Dr. Foster explains more about all of these things, along with more illustrative examples, so if you can, do enjoy her video:

Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

Want to read more about this topic?

You might like our main feature: What Does “Balance Your Hormones” Even Mean?


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  • The Best Menopause Advice You Don’t Want To Hear About
  • Skin Care Down There (Incl. Butt Acne, Hyperpigmentation, & More)
    Dr. Sam Ellis tackles butt acne, keratosis pilaris, and proper skincare under your swimwear in a revealing new video.

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  • Why are people on TikTok talking about going for a ‘fart walk’? A gastroenterologist weighs in

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    “Fart walks” have become a cultural phenomenon, after a woman named Mairlyn Smith posted online a now-viral video about how she and her husband go on walks about 60 minutes after dinner and release their gas.

    Smith, known on TikTok as @mairlynthequeenoffibre and @mairlynsmith on Instagram, has since appeared on myriad TV and press interviews extolling the benefits of a fart walk. Countless TikTok and Instagram users and have now shared their own experiences of feeling better after taking up the #fartwalk habit.

    So what’s the evidence behind the fart walk? And what’s the best way to do it?

    CandyBox Images/Shutterstock

    Exercise can help get the gas out

    We know exercise can help relieve bloating by getting gas moving and out of our bodies.

    Researchers from Barcelona, Spain in 2006 asked eight patients complaining of bloating, seven of whom had irritable bowel syndrome, to avoid “gassy” foods such as beans for two days and to fast for eight hours before their study.

    Each patient was asked to sit in an armchair, in order to avoid any effects of body position on the movement of gas. Gas was pumped directly into their small bowel via a thin plastic tube that went down their mouth, and the gas expelled from the body was collected into a bag via a tube placed in the rectum. This way, the researchers could determine how much gas was retained in the gut.

    The patients were then asked to pedal on a modified exercise bike while remaining seated in their armchairs.

    The researchers found that much less gas was retained in the patients’ gut when they exercised. They determined exercise probably helped the movement and release of intestinal gas.

    Walking may have another bonus; it may trigger a nerve reflex that helps propel foods and gas contents through the gut.

    Walking can also increase internal abdominal pressure as you use your abdominal muscles to stay upright and balance as you walk. This pressure on the colon helps to push intestinal gas out.

    Proper fart walk technique

    One study from Iran studied the effects of walking in 94 individuals with bloating.

    They asked participants to carry out ten to 15 minutes of slow walking (about 1,000 steps) after eating lunch and dinner. They filled out gut symptom questionnaires before starting the program and again at the end of the four week program.

    The researchers found walking after meals resulted in improvements to gut symptoms such as belching, farting, bloating and abdominal discomfort.

    Now for the crucial part: in the Iranian study, there was a particular way in which participants were advised to walk. They were asked to clasp hands together behind their back and to flex their neck forward.

    The clasped hands posture leads to more internal abdominal pressure and therefore more gentle squeezing out of gas from the colon. The flexed neck posture decreases the swallowing of air during walking.

    This therefore is the proper fart walk technique, based on science.

    A woman walks with her hands clasped behind her back
    Could walking with your hands behind your back yield better or more farts? candy candy/Shutterstock

    What about constipation?

    A fart walk can help with constipation.

    One study involved middle aged inactive patients with chronic constipation, who did a 12 week program of brisk walking at least 30 minutes a day – combined with 11 minutes of strength and flexibility exercises.

    This program, the researchers found, improved constipation symptoms through reduced straining, less hard stools and more complete evacuation.

    It also appears that the more you walk the better the benefits for gut symptoms.

    In patients with irritable bowel syndrome, one study increasing the daily step count to 9,500 steps from 4,000 steps led to a 50% reduction in the severity of their symptoms.

    And just 30 minutes of a fart walk has been shown to improve blood sugar levels after eating.

    Two people go for a walk.
    Walking after eating can help keep your blood sugar levels under control. IndianFaces/Shutterstock

    What if I can’t get outside the house?

    If getting outside the house after dinner is impossible, could you try walking slowly on a treadmill or around the house for 1,000 steps?

    If not, perhaps you could borrow an idea from the Barcelona research: sit back in an armchair and pedal using a modified exercise bike. Any type of exercise is better than none.

    Whatever you do, don’t be a couch potato! Research has found more leisure screen time is linked to a greater risk of developing gut diseases.

    We also know physical inactivity during leisure time and eating irregular meals are linked to a higher risk of abdominal pain, bloating and altered bowel motions.

    Try the fart walk today

    It may not be for everyone but this simple physical activity does have good evidence behind it. A fart walk can improve common symptoms such as bloating, abdominal discomfort and constipation.

    It can even help lower blood sugar levels after eating.

    Will you be trying a fart walk today?

    Vincent Ho, Associate Professor and clinical academic gastroenterologist, Western Sydney University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Pine Bark’s Next-Level Antioxidant Properties

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    Pine Bark’s Next-Level Antioxidant Properties

    Pine bark extract has been used by the indigenous peoples of N. America for a very long time, to treat a variety of ailments.

    This one falls into the category of “things from traditional medicine that eventually got investigated and their scientific worth noticed by people from outside of those cultures”.

    Not all pine trees!

    If you happen to have pine trees near you, be aware that without sufficient botanical knowledge, you could find yourself bark-harvesting from the wrong tree—but many species of pine do have these qualities.

    Useful (for this purpose) pine trees include, but are not limited to:

    • Pinus banksiana
    • Pinus massoniana
    • Pinus pinaster
    • Pinus radiata
    • Pinus resinosa
    • Pinus strobus

    …which is already a fair list, but there are dozens more that have not been studied, and/or found lacking in medicinal qualities, and/or just didn’t make our list here today.

    What does it do & How does it work?

    We sneakily put those two questions together today because it’s easiest to explain in one:

    The Pinus family in general has powerful antioxidant qualities, and not just like blueberries or coffee (wonderful as those are).

    Rather, it has:

    • Phenolic acids: these are the polyphenols found in many plant foods rich in antioxidants. These are great, but they aren’t the exciting part here.
    • Catechins: these aren’t classified as antioxidants, but they are flavonoids that do the same job in a slightly different way
    • Procyanidins: another class of flavonoids, and this is where pine bark really comes into its own

    And yes, as ever, “those three things that always seem to come together”, it having these antioxidant properties means it is also anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer:

    Procyanidin fractions from pine (Pinus pinaster) bark: radical scavenging power in solution, antioxidant activity in emulsion, and antiproliferative effect in melanoma cells

    …and anti-aging:

    Pleiotropic Effects of French Maritime Pine Bark Extract to Promote Healthy Aging

    …which does of course mean that it almost certainly fights age-related cognitive decline, though studies for that have been animal studies so far, such as:

    Where to get it?

    As ever, we don’t sell it, but here’s an example product on Amazon for your convenience; we recommend shopping around though, as prices vary a lot!


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  • Weight Vests Against Osteoporosis: Do They Really Build Bone?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Dr. Doug Lucas is a dual board-certified physician specializing in optimizing healthspan and bone health for women experiencing osteoporosis, perimenopause, and menopause. Here, he talks weight vests:

    Worth the weight?

    Dr. Lucas cites “Wolf’s Law”—bones respond to stress. A weighted vest adds stress, to help build bone density. That said, they may not be suitable for everyone (for example, in cases of severe osteoporosis or a recent vertebral fracture).

    He also cites some studies:

    • Erlanger Fitness Study (2004): participants with a weighted vest maintained or improved bone density compared to a control group, but there was no group with exercise alone, making it unclear if the vest itself had the biggest impact.
    • Newer studies (2016, 2017): showed improved outcomes for groups wearing a weighted vest, but again lacked an exercise-only group for comparison.
    • 2012 study: included three groups (control, weighted vest, exercise only). Results showed no significant bone density difference between vest and exercise-only groups, though the vest group showed better balance and motor control.

    Dr. Lucas concludes that weighted vests are a useful tool while nevertheless not being a magic bullet for bone health. In other words, they can complement exercise but you will also be fine without. If you do choose to level-up your exercise by using a weight vest, then starting with 5–10% of body weight in a vest is often recommended, but it depends on individual circumstances. If in doubt, start low and build up. Wearing the vest for daily activities can be effective, but improper use (awkward positions or improper impact training) can increase injury risk, so do be careful with that.

    For more on all of this, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

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    Take care!

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  • Our blood-brain barrier stops bugs and toxins getting to our brain. Here’s how it works

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    Our brain is an extremely complex and delicate organ. Our body fiercely protects it by holding onto things that help it and keeping harmful things out, such as bugs that can cause infection and toxins.

    It does that though a protective layer called the blood-brain barrier. Here’s how it works, and what it means for drug design.

    The Conversation, Rattiya Thongdumhyu/Shutterstock, Petr Ganaj/Pexels

    First, let’s look at the circulatory system

    Adults have roughly 30 trillion cells in their body. Every cell needs a variety of nutrients and oxygen, and they produce waste, which needs to be taken away.

    Our circulatory system provides this service, delivering nutrients and removing waste.

    A fenestrated capillary
    Fenestrated capillaries let nutrients and waste pass through. Vectormine/Shutterstock

    Where the circulatory system meets your cells, it branches down to tiny tubes called capillaries. These tiny tubes, about one-tenth the width of a human hair, are also made of cells.

    But in most capillaries, there are some special features (known as fenestrations) that allow relatively free exchange of nutrients and waste between the blood and the cells of your tissues.

    It’s kind of like pizza delivery

    One way to think about the way the circulation works is like a pizza delivery person in a big city. On the really big roads (vessels) there are walls and you can’t walk up to the door of the house and pass someone the pizza.

    But once you get down to the little suburban streets (capillaries), the design of the streets means you can stop, get off your scooter and walk up to the door to deliver the pizza (nutrients).

    We often think of the brain as a spongy mass without much blood in it. In reality, the average brain has about 600 kilometres of blood vessels.

    The difference between the capillaries in most of the brain and those elsewhere is that these capillaries are made of specialised cells that are very tightly joined together and limit the free exchange of anything dissolved in your blood. These are sometimes called continuous capillaries.

    Continuous capillary
    Continuous capillaries limit the free exchange of anything dissolved in your blood. Vectormine/Shutterstock

    This is the blood brain barrier. It’s not so much a bag around your brain stopping things from getting in and out but more like walls on all the streets, even the very small ones.

    The only way pizza can get in is through special slots and these are just the right shape for the pizza box.

    The blood brain barrier is set up so there are specialised transporters (like pizza box slots) for all the required nutrients. So mostly, the only things that can get in are things that there are transporters for or things that look very similar (on a molecular scale).

    The analogy does fall down a little bit because the pizza box slot applies to nutrients that dissolve in water. Things that are highly soluble in fat can often bypass the slots in the wall.

    Why do we have a blood-brain barrier?

    The blood brain barrier is thought to exist for a few reasons.

    First, it protects the brain from toxins you might eat (think chemicals that plants make) and viruses that often can infect the rest of your body but usually don’t make it to your brain.

    It also provides protection by tightly regulating the movement of nutrients and waste in and out, providing a more stable environment than in the rest of the body.

    Lastly, it serves to regulate passage of immune cells, preventing unnecessary inflammation which could damage cells in the brain.

    What it means for medicines

    One consequence of this tight regulation across the blood brain barrier is that if you want a medicine that gets to the brain, you need to consider how it will get in.

    There are a few approaches. Highly fat-soluble molecules can often pass into the brain, so you might design your drug so it is a bit greasy.

    Person holds tablet and glass
    The blood-brain barrier stops many medicines getting into the brain. Ron Lach/Pexels

    Another option is to link your medicine to another molecule that is normally taken up into the brain so it can hitch a ride, or a “pro-drug”, which looks like a molecule that is normally transported.

    Using it to our advantage

    You can also take advantage of the blood brain barrier.

    Opioids used for pain relief often cause constipation. They do this because their target (opioid receptors) are also present in the nervous system of the intestines, where they act to slow movement of the intestinal contents.

    Imodium (Loperamide), which is used to treat diarrhoea, is actually an opioid, but it has been specifically designed so it can’t cross the blood brain barrier.

    This design means it can act on opioid receptors in the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down the movement of contents, but does not act on brain opioid receptors.

    In contrast to Imodium, Ozempic and Victoza (originally designed for type 2 diabetes, but now popular for weight-loss) both have a long fat attached, to improve the length of time they stay in the body.

    A consequence of having this long fat attached is that they can cross the blood-brain barrier, where they act to suppress appetite. This is part of the reason they are so effective as weight-loss drugs.

    So while the blood brain barrier is important for protecting the brain it presents both a challenge and an opportunity for development of new medicines.

    Sebastian Furness, ARC Future Fellow, School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queensland

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Spreading Mental Health Awareness

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    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? You can always hit “reply” to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    Request: more people need to be aware of suicidal tendencies and what they can do to ward them off

    That’s certainly a very important topic! We’ll cover that properly in one of our Psychology Sunday editions. In the meantime, we’ll mention a previous special that we did, that was mostly about handling depression (in oneself or a loved one), and obviously there’s a degree of crossover:

    The Mental Health First-Aid That You’ll Hopefully Never Need

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  • Love Sense – by Dr. Sue Johnson

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Let’s quickly fact-check the subtitle:

    • Is it revolutionary? It has a small element of controversy, but mostly no
    • Is it new? No, it is based on science from the 70s that was expanded in the 80s and 90s and has been, at most, tweaked a little since.
    • Is it science? Yes! It is so much science. This book comes with about a thousand references to scientific studies.

    What’s the controversy, you ask? Dr. Johnson asserts, based on our (as a species) oxytocin responsiveness, that we are biologically hardwired for monogamy. This is in contrast to the prevailing scientific consensus that we are not.

    Aside from that, though, the book is everything you could expect from an expert on attachment theory with more than 35 years of peer-reviewed clinical research, often specifically for Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), which is her thing.

    The writing style is similar to that of her famous “Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations For A Lifetime Of Love”, a very good book that we reviewed previously. It can be a little repetitive at times in its ideas, but this is largely because she revisits some of the same questions from many angles, with appropriate research to back up her advice.

    Bottom line: if you are the sort of person who cares to keep working to improve your romantic relationship (no matter whether it is bad or acceptable or great right now), this book will arm you with a lot of deep science that can be applied reliably with good effect.

    Click here to check out Love Sense, and level-up yours!

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