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A plate with a piece of hot-bedded salmon seasoned with chili and garnished with herbs, surrounded by green beans and cherry tomatoes. The text next to the image says "CHILI HOT-BEDDED SALMON," and a small graphic of 10 almonds is shown in the bottom right corner.

Chili Hot-Bedded Salmon

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This one can be made in less time than it takes to order and receive a Chinese take-out! The principle is simple: it’s a bed of greens giving pride of place to a salmon fillet in a deliciously spicy marinade. So healthwise, we have greens-and-beans, healthy protein and fats, and tasty polyphenols. Experientially, we have food that tastes a lot more decadent than it is!

You will need

  • 4 salmon fillets (if vegan, substitute firm tofu; see also how to make this no-salmon salmon)
  • 2 bok choy, washed and stems trimmed
  • 7 oz green beans, trimmed
  • 4 oz sugar snap peas
  • 4 spring onions, sliced
  • 2 tbsp chili oil*
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp garlic paste
  • 1 tsp ginger paste
  • 1 tsp black pepper

*this can be purchased as-is, but if you want to make your own in advance, simply take extra virgin olive oil and infuse it with [finely chopped, red] chili. This is a really good thing to do for commonly-used flavored oils, by the way—chili oil and garlic oil are must-haves in this writer’s opinion; basil oil, sage oil, and rosemary oil, are all excellent things to make and have in, too. Just know, infusing is not quick, so it’s good to do these in batch and make plenty well before you need it. For now, if you don’t have any homemade already, then store-bought is fine 🙂


(we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

1) Preheat the oven to 360℉/180℃/gas mark 6

2) Lay out 4 large squares of foil, and put the bok choy, green beans, and sugar snap peas in a little pile in the middle of each one. Put a salmon fillet on top of each (if it has skin, score the skin first, so that juices will be able to penetrate, and put it skin-side down), and then top with the spring onions.

3) Mix the rest of the ingredients in a small bowl, and then spoon this marinade evenly over each of the fillets (alternatively, if you have occasion to marinade the fillets in advance and let them sit in the marinade in the fridge for some hours before, do so, in which case this step will already be done now, because past-you did it. Yay for past-you!)

4) Fold up the edges of the foil, making each one an enclosed parcel, gently sealed at the top by folding it over. Put them on a baking tray and bake for about 20 minutes.

5) Serve! If you’d like some carbs with it, we recommend our tasty versatile rice recipe.


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