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A Statin-Free Life: A revolutionary life plan for tackling heart disease—without the use of statins – by Dr. Aseem Malhotra

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Here at 10almonds, we’ve written before about the complexities of statins, and their different levels of risk/benefit for men and women, respectively. It’s a fascinating topic, and merits more than an article of the size we write here!

So, in the spirit of giving pointers of where to find a lot more information, this book is a fine choice.

Dr. Malhotra, a consultant cardiologist and professor of evidence-based medicine, talks genes and lifestyle, drugs and blood. He takes us on a tour of the very many risk factors for heart disease, and how cholesterol levels may be at best an indicator, but less likely a cause, of heart disease, especially for women. Further and even better, he discusses various more reliable indicators and potential causes, too.

Rather than be all doom and gloom, he does offer guidance on how to reduce each of one’s personal risk factors and—which is important—keep on top of the various relevant measures of heart health (including some less commonly tested ones, like the coronary calcium score).

The style is light reading andyet with a lot of reference to hard science, so it’s really the best of both worlds in that regard.

Bottom line: if you’re considering statins, or are on statins and are reconsidering that choice, then this book will (notwithstanding its own bias in its conclusion) help you make a more-informed decision.

Click here to check out A Statin-Free Life, and make the best choice for you!

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