What Does “Balance Your Hormones” Even Mean?

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Hormonal Health: Is It Really A Balancing Act?

Have you ever wondered what “balancing your hormones” actually means?

The popular view is that men’s hormones look like this:

Testosterone (less) ⟷ Testosterone (more)

…And that women’s hormones look more like this:

♀︎ Estrogen ↭ Progesterone ⤵︎

⇣⤷ FSH ⤦ ↴ ☾ ⤹⤷ Luteinizing Hormone ⤦

DHEA ↪︎ Gonadotrophin ⤾

↪︎ Testosterone? ⥅⛢

Clear as mud, right?

But, don’t worry, Supplements McHerbal Inc will sell you something guaranteed to balance your hormones!

How can a supplement (or dietary adjustment) “balance” all that hotly dynamic chaos, and make everything “balanced”?

The truth is, “balanced” in such a nebulous term, and this is why you will not hear endocrinologists using it. It’s used in advertising to mean “in good order”, and “not causing problems”, and “healthy”.

In reality, our hormone levels depend on everything from our diet to our age to our anatomy to our mood to the time of the day to the phase of the moon.

Not that the moon has an influence on our physiology at all—that’s a myth—but you know, 28 day cycle and all. And, yes, half the hormones affect the levels of the others, either directly or indirectly.

Trying to “balance” them would be quite a game of whack-a-mole, and not something that a “cure-all” single “hormone-balancing” supplement could do.

So why aren’t we running this piece on Friday, for our “mythbusting” section? Well, we could have, but the more useful information is yet to come and will take up more of today’s newsletter than the myth-busting!

What, then, can we do to untangle the confusion of these hormones?

Well first, let’s understand what they do, in the most simple terms possible:

  • Estrogen—the most general feminizing hormone from puberty onwards, busiest in the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and starts getting things ready for ovulation.
  • Progesteronesecondary feminizing hormone, fluffs the pillows for the oncoming fertilized egg to be implanted, increases sex drive, and adjusts metabolism accordingly. Busiest in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
  • Testosterone—is also present, contributes to sex drive, is often higher in individuals with PCOS. If menopause is untreated, testosterone will also rise, because there will be less estrogen
    • (testosterone and estrogen “antagonize” each other, which is the colorfully scientific way of saying they work against each other)
    • DHEA—Dehydroepiandrosterone, supports production of testosterone (and estrogen!). Sounds self-balancing, but in practice, too much DHEA can thus cause elevated testosterone levels, and thus hirsutism.
  • Gonadotrophin—or more specifically human chorionic gonadotrophin, HcG, is “the pregnancy hormone“, present only during pregnancy, and has specific duties relating to such. This is what’s detected in (most) pregnancy test kits.
  • FSH—follicle stimulating hormone, is critical to ovulation, and is thus essential to female fertility. On the other hand, when the ovaries stop working, FSH levels will rise in a vain attempt to encourage the ovulation that isn’t going to happen anymore.
  • Luteinizing hormone—says “go” to the new egg and sends it on its merry way to go get fertilized. This is what’s detected by ovulation prediction kits.


What, for most women, most often is meant by a “hormonal imbalance” is:

  • Low levels of E and/or P
  • High levels of DHEA and/or T
  • Low or High levels of FSH

In the case of low levels of E and/or P, the most reliable way to increase these is, drumroll please… To take E and/or P. That’s it, that’s the magic bullet.

Bonus Tip: take your E in the morning (this is when your body will normally make more and use more) take your P in the evening (it won’t make you sleepy, but it will improve your sleep quality when you do sleep)

In the case of high levels of DHEA and/or T, then that’s a bit more complex:

  • Taking E will antagonize (counteract) the unwanted T.
  • Taking T-blockers (such as spironolactone or bicalutamide) will do what it says on the tin, and block T from doing the jobs it’s trying to do, but the side-effects are considered sufficient to not prescribe them to most people.
  • Taking spearmint or saw palmetto will lower testosterone’s effects
    • Scientists aren’t sure how or why spearmint works for this
    • Saw palmetto blocks testosterone’s conversion into a more potent form, DHT, and so “detoothes” it a bit. It works similarly to drugs such as finasteride, often prescribed for androgenic alopecia, called “male pattern baldness”, but it affects plenty of women too.

In the case of low levels of FSH, eating leafy greens will help.

In the case of high levels of FSH, see a doctor. HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) may help. If you’re not of menopausal age, it could be a sign something else is amiss, so it could be worth getting that checked out too.

What can I eat to boost my estrogen levels naturally?

A common question. The simple answer is:

  • Flaxseeds and soy contain plant estrogens that the body can’t actually use as such (too incompatible). They’ve lots of high-quality nutrients though, and the polyphenols and isoflavones can help with some of the same jobs when it comes to sexual health.
  • Fruit, especially peaches, apricots, blueberries, and strawberries, contain a lot of lignans and also won’t increase your E levels as such, but will support the same functions and reduce your breast cancer risk.
  • Nuts, especially almonds (yay!), cashews, and pistachios, contain plant estrogens that again can’t be used as bioidentical estrogen (like you’d get from your ovaries or the pharmacy) but do support heart health.
  • Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables support a lot of bodily functions including good hormonal health generally, in ways that are beyond the scope of this article, but in short: do eat your greens!

Note: because none of these plant-estrogens or otherwise estrogenic nutrients can actually do the job of estradiol (the main form of estrogen in your body), this is why they’re still perfectly healthy for men to eat too, and—contrary to popular “soy boy” social myths—won’t have any feminizing effects whatsoever.

On the contrary, most of the same foods support good testosterone-related health in men.

The bottom line:

  • Our hormones are very special, and cannot be replaced with any amount of herbs or foods.
  • We can support our body’s natural hormonal functions with good diet, though.
  • Our hormones naturally fluctuate, and are broadly self-correcting.
  • If something gets seriously out of whack, you need an endocrinologist, not a homeopath or even a dietician.

In case you missed it…

We gave a more general overview of supporting hormonal health (including some hormones that aren’t sex hormones but are really important too), back in February.

Check it out here: Healthy Hormones And How To Hack Them

Want to read more?

Anthea Levi, RD, takes much the same view:

❝For some ‘hormone-balancing’ products, the greatest risk might simply be lost dollars. Others could come at a higher cost.❞

Read: Are Hormone-Balancing Products a Scam?

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  • STI rates are increasing among midlife and older adults. We need to talk about it
  • Escape Self-Sabotage
    Break the cycle of self-sabotage with these practical tips: track habits, set reminders, limit screen time, and know when to step back in arguments.

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  • The Cold Truth About Respiratory Infections

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The Pathogens That Came In From The Cold

    Yesterday, we asked you about your climate-themed policy for avoiding respiratory infections, and got the above-depicted, below-described, set of answers:

    • About 46% of respondents said “Temperature has no bearing on infection risk”
    • About 31% of respondents said “It’s important to get plenty of cold, fresh air, as this kills/inactivates pathogens”
    • About 22% of respondents said “It’s important to stay warm to avoid getting colds, flu, etc”

    Some gave rationales, including…

    For “stay warm”:

    ❝Childhood lessons❞

    For “get cold, fresh air”:

    ❝I just feel that it’s healthy to get fresh air daily. Whether it kills germs, I don’t know❞

    For “temperature has no bearing”:

    ❝If climate issue affected respiratory infections, would people in the tropics suffer more than those in colder climates? Pollutants may affect respiratory infections, but I doubt just temperature would do so.❞

    So, what does the science say?

    It’s important to stay warm to avoid getting colds, flu, etc: True or False?

    False, simply. Cold weather does increase the infection risk, but for reasons that a hat and scarf won’t protect you from. More on this later, but for now, let’s lay to rest the idea that bodily chilling will promote infection by cold, flu, etc.

    In a small-ish but statistically significant study (n=180), it was found that…

    ❝There was no evidence that chilling caused any acute change in symptom scores❞

    Read more: Acute cooling of the feet and the onset of common cold symptoms

    Note: they do mention in their conclusion that chilling the feet “causes the onset of cold symptoms in about 10% of subjects who are chilled”, but the data does not support that conclusion, and the only clear indicator is that people who are more prone to colds generally, were more prone to getting a cold after a cold water footbath.

    In other words, people who were more prone to colds remained more prone to colds, just the same.

    It’s important to get plenty of cold, fresh air, as this kills/inactivates pathogens: True or False?

    Broadly False, though most pathogens do have an optimal operating temperature that (for obvious reasons) is around normal human body temperature.

    However, given that they don’t generally have to survive outside of a host body for long to get passed on, the fact that the pathogens may be a little sluggish in the great outdoors will not change the fact that they will be delighted by the climate in your respiratory tract as soon as you get back into the warm.

    With regard to the cold air not being a reliable killer/inactivator of pathogens, we call to the witness stand…

    Polar Bear Dies From Bird Flu As H5N1 Spreads Across Globe

    (it was found near Utqiagvik, one of the northernmost communities in Alaska)

    Because pathogens like human body temperature, raising the body temperature is a way to kill/inactivate them: True or False?

    True! Unfortunately, it’s also a way to kill us. Because we, too, cannot survive for long above our normal body temperature.

    So, for example, bundling up warmly and cranking up the heating won’t necessarily help, because:

    • if the temperature is comfortable for you, it’s comfortable for the pathogen
    • if the temperature is dangerous to the pathogen, it’s dangerous to you too

    This is why the fever response evolved, and/but why many people with fevers die anyway. It’s the body’s way of playing chicken with the pathogen, challenging “guess which of us can survive this for longer!”

    Temperature has no bearing on infection risk: True or False?

    True and/or False, circumstantially. This one’s a little complex, but let’s break it down to the essentials.

    • Temperature has no direct effect, for the reasons we outlined above
    • Temperature is often related to humidity, which does have an effect
    • Temperature does tend to influence human behavior (more time spent in open spaces with good ventilation vs more time spent in closed quarters with poor ventilation and/or recycled air), which has an obvious effect on transmission rates

    The first one we covered, and the third one is self-evident, so let’s look at the second one:

    Temperature is often related to humidity, which does have an effect

    When the environmental temperature is warmer, water droplets in the air will tend to be bigger, and thus drop to the ground much more quickly.

    When the environmental temperature is colder, water droplets in the air will tend to be smaller, and thus stay in the air for longer (along with any pathogens those water droplets may be carrying).

    Some papers on the impact of this:

    So whatever temperature you like to keep your environment, humidity is a protective factor against respiratory infections, and dry air is a risk factor.

    So, for example:

    • If the weather doesn’t suit having good ventilation, a humidifier is a good option
    • Being in an airplane is one of the worst places to be for this, outside of a hospital

    Don’t have a humidifier? Here’s an example product on Amazon, but by all means shop around.

    A crock pot with hot water in and the lid off is also a very workable workaround too

    Take care!

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  • Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers – by Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The book does kick off with a section that didn’t age well—he talks of the stress induced globally by the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, and how that kind of thing just doesn’t happen any more. Today, we have much less existentially dangerous stressors!

    However, the fact we went and had another pandemic really only adds weight to the general arguments of the book, rather than detracting.

    We are consistently beset by “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” as Shakespeare would put it, and there’s a reason (or twenty) why many people go grocery-shopping with the cortisol levels of someone being hunted for sport.

    So, why don’t zebras get ulcers, as they actually are hunted for food?

    They don’t have rent to pay or a mortgage, they don’t have taxes, or traffic, or a broken washing machine, or a project due in the morning. Their problems come one at a time. They have a useful stress response to a stressful situation (say, being chased by lions), and when the danger is over, they go back to grazing. They have time to recover.

    For us, we are (usually) not being chased by lions. But we have everything else, constantly, around the clock. So, how to fix that?

    Dr. Sapolsky comprehensively describes our physiological responses to stress in quite different terms than many. By reframing stress responses as part of the homeostatic system—trying to get the body back into balance—we find a solution, or rather: ways to help our bodies recover.

    The style is “pop-science” and is very accessible for the lay reader while still clearly coming from a top-level academic who is neck-deep in neuroendocrinological research. Best of both worlds!

    Bottom line: if you try to take very day at a time, but sometimes several days gang up on you at once, and you’d like to learn more about what happens inside you as a result and how to fix that, this book is for you!

    Click here to check out “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers” and give yourself a break!

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  • Tiramisu Crunch Bites

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s coffee, it’s creamy, it’s nutty, it’s chocolatey, what’s not to love? It has all the well-loved flavors of tiramisu, but this recipe is a simple one, and it’s essentially stuffed dates in a way you’ve never had them before. They’re delectable, decadent, and decidedly good for your health. These things are little nutrient-bombs that’ll keep you reaching for more.

    You will need

    • Coffee (we will discuss this)
    • 150g (5.5oz) mascarpone (if vegan or lactose-intolerant, can be substituted with vegan varieties, or at a pinch, pressed silken tofu)
    • 500g (1lb) dates (Medjool are ideal)
    • Twice as many almonds as you have dates
    • 50g (2oz) dark chocolate (the darkest, bitterest, you can find)
    • Edible flower petals if you can source them (some shops sell dried rose petals for this purpose)


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Take the mascarpone and whisk (or blend) it with the coffee. What kind of coffee, you ask? Many will use instant coffee (1tbsp granules mixed with enough boiling water to dissolve it), and that is actually healthiest (counterintuitive but true) but if you care for flavor over health, and have the means to make espresso, make it ristretto (so, stop it halfway through filling up an espresso cup), let it cool, and use that. Absolute bonus for flavor (not for health): if you have the means to make Turkish coffee, use an equivalent amount of that (again, cooled).

    You will now have coffee-flavoured mascarpone. It’s great for your gut and full of antioxidant polyphenols. Set it aside for the moment.

    2) Take the dark chocolate and melt it. Please don’t microwave it or try to do it in a pan directly over the hob; instead, you will need to use a Bain-Marie. If you don’t have one made-for-purpose, you can place a metal or heatproof glass bowl in a saucepan, with something to stop it from touching the floor of the pan. Then boil water in the pan (without letting the water get into the bowl), and melt the chocolate in the bowl—this will allow you to melt it evenly without burning the chocolate.

    You will now have melted dark chocolate. It has its own set of polyphenols, and is great for everything from the brain to the gut microbiome.

    3) Cut the dates lengthways on one side and remove the stone. Stuff them carefully with the coffee-flavored mascarpone (you can use a teaspoon, or use a piping kit if you have one). Add a couple of almonds to each one. Place them all on a big plate, and drizzle the melted chocolate over them. Add the petals if you have them.

    The dates and almonds deliver extra vitamins and minerals in abundance (not to mention, lots of fiber), and also are an amazing combination even just by themselves. With the mascarpone and chocolate added, this winning on new levels. We’re not done yet, though…

    4) Chill them in the fridge for about 30 minutes.


    Learn more

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:


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  • Tinnitus: Quieting The Unwanted Orchestra In Your Ears

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Tinnitus—When a “minor” symptom becomes disruptive

    Tinnitus (typically: ringing in the ears) is often thought of less as a condition in and of itself, and more a symptom related to other hearing-related conditions. Paradoxically, it can be associated with hearing loss as well as with hyperacusis (hearing supersensitivity, which sounds like a superpower, but can be quite a problem too).

    More than just ringing

    Tinnitus can manifest not just as ringing, but also as whistling, hissing, pulsing, buzzing, hooting, and more.

    For those who don’t suffer from this, it can seem very trivial; for those who do… Sometimes it can seem trivial too!

    But sometimes it’s hard to carry on a conversation when at random moments it suddenly sounds like someone is playing a slide-whistle directly into your earhole, or like maybe a fly got stuck in there.

    It’s distracting, to say the least.

    What causes it?

    First let’s note, tinnitus can be acute or chronic. So, some of these things may just cause tinnitus for a while, whereas some may give you tinnitus for life. In some cases, it depends on how long the thing in question persisted for.

    A lot of things can cause it, but common causes include:

    • Noise exposure (e.g. concerts, some kinds of industrial work, war)
    • High blood pressure
    • Head/neck injuries
    • Ear infection
    • Autoimmune diseases (e.g. Type 1 Diabetes, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis)

    So what can be done about it?

    Different remedies will work (or not) for different people, depending on the cause and type of tinnitus.

    Be warned also: some things that will work for one person’s tinnitus will make another person’s worse, so you might need to try a degree of experimentation and some of it might not be fun!

    That in mind, here are some things you might want to try if you haven’t already:

    • Earplugs or noise-canceling headphones—while tinnitus is an internal sound, not external, it often has to do with some part(s) of your ears being unduly sensitive, so giving them less stimulus may ease the tinnitus that occurs in reaction to external noise.
    • White noise—if you also have hyperacusis, a lower frequency range will probably not hurt the way a higher range might. If you don’t also have hyperacusis, you have more options here and this is a popular remedy. Either way, white noise outperforms “relaxing” soundscapes.
    • Hearing aids—counterintuitively, for some people whose tinnitus has developed in response to hearing loss, hearing aids can help bring things “back to normal” and eliminate tinnitus in the process.
    • Customized sound machines—if you have the resources to get fancy, science currently finds this to be best of all. They work like white noise, but are tailored to your specific tinnitus.

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  • What Happens Every Day When You Quit Sugar For 30 Days

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We all know that sugar isn’t exactly a health food, but it can be hard to quit. How long can cravings be expected to last, and when can we expect to see benefits? Today’s video covers the timeline in a realistic yet inspiring fashion:

    What to expect on…

    Day 1: expect cravings and withdrawal symptoms including headaches, fatigue, mood swings, and irritability—as well as tiredness, without the crutch of sugar.

    Days 2 & 3: more of the same, plus likely objections from the gut, since your Candida albicans content will not be enjoying being starved of its main food source.

    Days 4–7: reduction of the above symptoms, better energy levels, improved sleep, and likely the gut will be adapting or have adapted.

    Days 8–14: beginning of weight loss, clearer skin, improved complexion; taste buds adapt too, making foods taste sweeter. Continued improvement in energy and focus, as well.

    Days 15–21: more of the same improvements, plus the immune system will start getting stronger around now. But watch out, because there may still be some cravings from time to time.

    Days 22–30: all of the above positive things, few or no cravings now, and enhanced metabolic health as a whole.

    For more specificity on each of these stages, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    The Not-So-Sweet Science Of Sugar Addiction

    Take care!

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  • Dioscorea Villosa: Hormones, Arthritis, & Skin

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    On A Wild Yam Chase?

    We recently came across a supplement blend that had wild yam extract as a minor ingredient. Our plucky (and usually very knowledgable) researcher had never heard of its use before, so she set about doing her thing. This is what she found…

    What health claims are made?

    Wild yam extract (Dioscorea villosa) is traditionally sold and used for:

    • Balancing hormones
    • Combating arthritis
    • Anti-aging effects for the skin

    Does it balance hormones?

    First, as a quick catch-up, we’ll drop a previous article of ours for your convenience:

    What Does “Balance Your Hormones” Even Mean?

    We couldn’t find almost any studies into wild yam extract’s hormone-balancing effects, but we did find one study, and:

    ❝Symptom scores showed a minor effect of both placebo and active treatment on diurnal flushing number and severity and total non-flushing symptom scores, and on nocturnal sweating after placebo, but no statistical difference between placebo and active creams.

    This study suggests that short-term treatment with topical wild yam extract in women suffering from menopausal symptoms is free of side-effects, but appears to have little effect on menopausal symptoms❞

    …which is a very thorough, polite, sciencey way of saying “wow, this does so many different kinds of nothing”

    Source: Effects of wild yam extract on menopausal symptoms, lipids and sex hormones in healthy menopausal women

    On the one hand, this was a small study (n=23). On the other hand, it was also literally the only study we could find.

    Does it combat arthritis?

    Maybe! We again didn’t find much research into this but we did find two in vitro studies that suggests that diosgenin (which can be derived from wild yam extract) helps:

    And we also found a rodent study that found that wild yam extract specifically helped against “acetic acid-induced writhing and formalin-induced pain“, and put that down to anti-inflammatory properties:

    Read: Bioassay-guided evaluation of Dioscorea villosa – an acute and subchronic toxicity, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory approach

    So, none of these studies tell us much about whether it would be helpful for humans—with or without arthritis, and hopefully without “acetic acid-induced writhing and formalin-induced pain”.

    However, they do suggest that it would be reasonable to test in humans next.

    You might prefer:

    Does it keep skin young?

    Again, research is thin on the ground, but we did find some! A study with wild-yam-derived diosgenin found that it didn’t make anything worse, and otherwise performed a similar role to vitamin A:

    Read: Novel effects of diosgenin on skin aging

    That was on rats with breast cancer though, so its applicability to healthy humans may be tenuous (while in contrast, simply getting vitamin A instead is a known deal).


    • Does it balance hormones? It probably does little to nothing in this regard
    • Does it combat arthritis? It probably has anti-inflammatory effects, but we know of no studies in humans. There are much more well-established anti-inflammatories out there.
    • Does it keep the skin young? We know that it performs a role similar to vitamin A for rats with breast cancer, and didn’t make anything worse for them. That’s the extent of what we know.

    Where can I get some?

    In the unlikely event that the above research review has inspired you with an urge to buy wild yam extract, here is an example product for your convenience.

    Some final words…

    If you are surprised that we’re really not making any effort to persuade you of its merits, please know that (outside of the clearly-marked sponsor section, which helps us keep the lights on, so please do visit those) we have no interest in selling you anything. We’re genuinely just here to inform 🙂

    If you are wondering why we ran this article at all if the supplement has negligible merits, it’s because science is science, knowledge is knowledge, and knowing that something has negligible merit can be good knowledge to have!

    Also, running articles like this from time to time helps you to know that when we do sing the praises of something, it’s with good reason

    Take care!

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